GENERAL JAWS COMMANDS If a command has a different function when the JAWS cursor is active, then functions are described separately. Commands for use on laptop computers are preceded with the word "laptop". Activate PC Cursor = SPEECH PAD PLUS, laptop = ALT+SEMI COLON Activate JAWS Cursor = SPEECH PAD MINUS, laptop = ALT+P Stop Speech in Progress = CONTROL or SHIFT Speak the Title of the Current Window = INSERT+T, laptop = ALT+T Read Highlighted Text in Window = SHIFT+INSERT+DOWN ARROW It reads the highlighted text that has been selected by text selection keys, or reads the highlighted item in Program Manager. Read the Application Window From the position of the Cursor = INSERT+DOWN ARROW, laptop = ALT+W Read the Active Child Window = CONTROL+DOWN ARROW Read All Options in Dialog Box = INSERT+B, laptop = ALT+B Desktop Help = INSERT+F1, laptop = ALT+RIGHT BRACKET This command explains how to use a dialog option or window. Read Current Line = INSERT+UP ARROW, laptop = ALT+H Read Prior Line = UP ARROW or laptop = ALT+Y Read Next Line = DOWN ARROW or laptop = ALT+N Read Current Word = INSERT+SPEECH PAD 5, laptop = ALT+K Read Prior Word = INSERT+LEFT ARROW, laptop = ALT+J Read Next Word = INSERT+RIGHT ARROW, laptop = ALT+L Spell Current Word = INSERT+SPEECH PAD 5, laptop = ALT+K Read Current Character = SPEECH PAD 5, laptop = ALT+COMMA When using a menu, it identifies the selection character within the highlighted menu item. Read Prior Character = LEFT ARROW, laptop = ALT+M JAWS cursor = Speak prior character or graphics. PC cursor = Select prior icon/menu item, or move insertion point. Read Next Character = RIGHT ARROW, laptop = ALT+PERIOD JAWS cursor = Speak next character or graphics. PC cursor = Select next icon/menu item, or move insertion point. Move Up One Screen or to Top of Window = PAGE UP JAWS cursor = JAWS cursor restriction determines where cursor moves. PC cursor =Move insertion point up one screen. Move Down One Screen or to Bottom of Window = PAGE DOWN JAWS cursor = JAWS cursor restriction determines where cursor moves. PC cursor = Move insertion point down one screen. Move to the End = END JAWS cursor = Move to last text character or graphics on the line. PC cursor = Perform the End function for the application or dialog. Move to the Beginning = HOME JAWS cursor = Move to the first text character or graphics on the line. PC cursor = Perform the Home function for the application or dialog. Speak From the Left Edge of the Window to the Cursor = INSERT+HOME, laptop = ALT+SHIFT+J Speak From the Cursor to the Right Edge of the Window = INSERT+PAGE UP, laptop = ALT+SHIFT+L Speak Top Line of Window = INSERT+END, laptop = ALT+SHIFT+Y Speak Bottom Line of Window = INSERT+PAGE DOWN laptop = ALT+SHIFT+N Turn JAWS Cursor Restriction On or Off = INSERT+R, laptop = ALT+R When you turn restriction on, the JAWS cursor is restricted to the section of the desktop where it is currently located. Route the JAWS Cursor to the Location of the PC Cursor =INSERT+MINUS, laptop = ALT+LEFT BRACKET Route the PC Cursor to the Location of the JAWS Cursor =INSERT+PLUS, laptop = ALT+APOSTROPHE Move the Mouse Pointer = Activate JAWS cursor and use speech pad keys. Left Mouse Click = SLASH on speech pad, laptop = ALT+8 Single click of left button = select, and double click = choose. Lock Left Mouse Button to Drag = INSERT+SLASH, laptop = CONTROL+8 Move pointer to object with JAWS cursor, lock left mouse button, drag with arrow keys, then press the lock key again to release. Right Mouse Click = ASTERISK on speech pad, laptop = ALT+9 Press this key twice within a second for a double mouse click. Speak Coordinates of the Active Cursor = DELETE, laptop = ALT+SLASH Identify Font Name, Font Size, and Attribute = INSERT+F Provides this information for the text character at the active cursor. Delete Key = ALT+DELETE, laptop = DELETE Original Keyboard Insert Function = ALT+INSERT Change Verbosity Level = INSERT+V, laptop = ALT+V Change Screen Echo = INSERT+S, laptop = ALT+S Use Graphics Wizard = INSERT+G, laptop = ALT+G Activate JAWS cursor, move it to the graphics you want to label, then press the Graphics Wizard key. -- End of Page -- Back = B Browse Up = COMMA Browse Down = PERIOD