Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT (Also contained in the disk file "W1INTRO.TXT".) CONTENTS OF CHAPTER 1 1. WHAT IS WINDOWS? 1 2. HOW ARE WINDOWS ARRANGED ON THE PC DESKTOP? 2 3. ARE THERE DIFFERENT TYPES OF WINDOWS? 5 3.1 DOS Windows 6 3.2 Parent Windows 6 3.3 Child Windows 7 4. ARE THERE DIFFERENT WINDOW SIZES? 8 5. WHAT IS A DIALOG BOX? 10 6. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SELECTING AND CHOOSING?11 8. SUMMARY 12 1. WHAT IS WINDOWS? Windows is a collection of specialized software programs that fit together to create what is called the Windows Environment. The Windows environment helps to simplify and organize computer work. The Windows environment is a Graphic Environment, which means that pictures, drawings, and text can be all displayed at the same time. Additionally, Windows is a User Interface. It serves as a connecting point for many different computer software programs. If you are new to the Windows environment, then it will be helpful to learn about Windows and to acquire certain new PC skills in order to become an efficient Windows user. It will be necessary to learn to use some of the built-in Windows software programs, to learn about navigating within a screen display that combines text and graphics, and to learn the techniques that are used to link together application software programs. JAWS for Windows provides the information that is needed by visually impaired PC users to easily navigate in the Windows environment. JAWS is a powerful set of screen reading tools that opens the world of Windows and provides access to the latest software applications. It should be understood, however, that there is a lot to learn when a person begins to work in the Windows environment. JAWS accurately reads the Windows screen display, but JAWS cannot replace the need to learn about the Windows environment. Successful JAWS users must understand the fundamentals of using Windows before they can expect to productively use Windows. As a practical matter, visually impaired Windows users may find that they actually need to learn more about Windows than sighted Windows users. This is because many things that are obvious to people who can see the Windows screen display, must be understood in a conceptual manner by sight impaired persons. This chapter will help those who are new to the Windows environment to learn about basic Windows concepts. If you are familiar with the Windows environment, then you may not need to read this chapter. However, this chapter does provide the key concepts that a visually impaired Windows user should understand when working in the Windows environment, and therefore will be of interest to those who will plan to develop training programs for JAWS users. The Windows manuals provided by Microsoft and other Windows reference books, should be consulted for additional information. Information about installing JAWS is presented in the accompanying Installation Guide, and information about using JAWS is presented in JAWS Basics. 2. HOW ARE WINDOWS ARRANGED ON THE PC DESKTOP? The word "desktop" refers to your PC monitor. The Desktop is the background on which information is displayed. If a document in a word processing program is shown on the screen, then the document is "on the desktop". If a document and a set of menu items are both on the screen, then they both share the desktop. The terms desktop and screen are often used interchangeably. The Windows environment contains a standard set of software programs that, for example, can be used to manage files on a hard disk, start application programs, share information between programs, and control printers and other hardware devices. A built-in word processor, text editor, card file, calendar, calculator, and a variety of utility programs help to create the look and feel of the Windows environment. The unified appearance of the Windows environment is further enhanced by the similar physical appearance of the various Windows programs. Secondly, there is a standard set of commands that can be used with almost all Windows programs. For example, the command that is used to exit a software application is the same for all programs that run under Windows. Lastly, almost all lists of commands, instructions, prompts, and data is displayed within rectangular blocks on the screen. These rectangles are the actual "windows" through which PC users look as they interact with their computers. The arrangement of windows on the PC monitor is constantly changing as different windows of information are displayed in response to various situations. The desktop can contain one large window or it can contain many separate windows. The windows of information can overlap one another or they can be displayed side-by-side. The size of a window can be increased to fill most of the desktop or it can be reduced to a symbol that represents the window. A concrete example can help show how a set of four windows could be arranged. Step A. Take four sheets of paper and label each sheet at the top with one of these titles: "Program Manager", "Write", "Calendar", and "File Manager". Each sheet of paper will represent a separate window within the Windows environment. The labels represent the Title Line which Windows places at the top of each open window to clearly identify the window. Step B. Place the four sheets of paper in a stack with the sheet labeled "Program Manager" on the top of the Pile. In this arrangement, you would be able to read the contents of the Program Manager window. The window that is on top of the pile is the "active window". An Active Window is a window where you can move the selection cursor and in some situations you are also able to type text. The other sheets of paper are windows that have not been opened. They are windows that cannot be used until you open them and make them active. Step C. Let us assume that you want to use the built-in Windows word processor which is called "Write". Take the sheet labeled "Write" and place it on the top of the pile. It is now the active window. The Program Manager window is still "open", but it is temporarily out of sight. An Open Window is a window that was active in the past, but is now in an inactive state. An open window can be reactivated with a single keystroke. It is ready for use even though it may not be visible. Step D. Next find the sheet of paper label "Calendar" and place it next to the sheet labeled "Write". In this arrangement you have two windows visible at the same time. Even though two or more windows can be open and visible at the same time, only one window will be the active window. The active window is the window where you can move your cursor and type text. Visually, the active window is highlighted in a different color to indicate that it is active. Step E. Next, find the sheet of paper labeled "File Manager". Leave the two sheets of paper that were used in the preceding step in their side-by-side arrangement. Now place the File Manager sheet on top of the other two sheets, so that it covers a portion of both the other two sheets. This screen arrangement might occur if you had opened the Write program, then opened the Calendar program, and then opened the File Manager. It is common for different windows to be laid over the top of one another. It also is not unusual for an open window to disappear from view when a new window is activated. Step F. Now take the four sheets of paper and arrange them so that all four sheets are fully visible. This means all four windows are open. Even though all four windows are open, only one window can be active. The active window is the one which JAWS reads and where you can type text or make menu selections. You could have the four sheets arranged in a single row so that the sheets are all side-by-side. You could also arrange the sheets so that you had two rows, each of which contained two sheets. This type of arrangement is called a Tile arrangement. The windows are arranged in a systematic pattern like the tiles on a floor. Step G. Last, stack the sheets in a single pile with the sheet labeled "File Manager" on the top. Now, arrange the sheets so that the title of each hidden sheet is visible. In this arrangement, the File Manager is active and you can see the entire File Manager window. The title of the other sheets would then stick up from behind one another so that you can read the names of all four windows. This arrangement is called a Cascade arrangement. The window that was activated most recently (File Manager) is visible in front of the cascade, and the window that was the first to be activated (Program Manager) is at the back of the pile. The title of the oldest window (Program Manager) should be behind all of the other sheets and its title should be at the top of the cascade. From the preceding examples, it should be clear that the screen display in the Windows environment can become very complex. Those who have found pop-up menu boxes to be confusing when working with DOS programs, may be wondering how it will be possible to figure out which window is to be read. JAWS solves this potential problem by automatically identifying the active window and by focusing its attention on that window. Even though several windows might be visible to sighted users, JAWS restricts its screen reading to the active window. This means that JAWS users can keep their attention focused on their work, while JAWS continuously figures out which information should be read. Actually, JAWS does much more than just read text; it also provides descriptive information that is needed to prevent users from getting lost in the variety of windows, menus, and dialog boxes that can be displayed in the Windows environment. 3. ARE THERE DIFFERENT TYPES OF WINDOWS? There are actually three general types of windows: parent windows, child windows, and DOS windows. It is very important to clearly understand the differences between these types of windows, because it will be necessary to use separate sets of keystrokes when working in different types of windows. Sighted Windows users do not need to worry about different sets of Windows commands, since they commonly use a mouse to navigate within the Windows environment. Microsoft Windows provides a collection of keyboard commands that can be used as substitutes for mouse movements. However, these keystroke commands will be different for various types of windows. 3.1 DOS Windows A DOS Window is a special type of window that is used to run software programs that can only run in the DOS environment. Information about using DOS windows is presented in a later part of this manual. 3.2 Parent Windows A Parent Window is a specific type of window, which is used for running a software application. It is common terminology to speak of a software program as "running" in a window. The phrase, Running in a Window, simply means that software application programs are always used in a parent window. In other words, a parent window contains an application program that is running and ready for use. It is very common for a parent window to also be called either an Application Window or a Program Window. The purpose of a parent window may be easier to understand when we describe the applications that use them. Applications are computer programs that are used for doing a certain type of work, such as word processing, database management, or accounting. An "application" may also be called a "program". As a result, it is common to use the words "program" and "application" to refer to the software that runs in a parent window. This manual, as well as other Windows manuals and reference books, will use the terms parent window, application window, and program window, interchangeably. A Windows Application always refers to a program that is designed to run within the Windows environment. For example, JAWS for Windows is a Windows application that reads the screen display of the Windows environment. To read text in a DOS window or read information for a program that is running in the DOS environment, you need to use a program designed for that purpose. The first time you start a newly installed copy of Windows, the Program Manager will appear on your screen. Regardless of what you are doing in Windows, the Program Manager is ready for use. The Program Manager is one of your applications and it is displayed in a parent window. The Program Manager is the connecting point between your various applications. Program Manager is a powerful software program that works like a menu system. It organizes and starts other software applications. This means that Program Manager is an application that is used to start other applications. 3.3 Child Windows The third type of window is given the general label of "child window". A Child Window can only exist within a parent window. For example, when you start to use the Windows word processing program called Write, you simultaneously open an application window and then begin to run the Write software program. The parent window for the Write program usually fills the screen display and automatically creates one child window. In this case, the child window is a "document window". The parent window contains the Write program and the child window contains space for creating a document. With some applications, it is possible to simultaneously work with more than one document, which means that it is possible to have more than one child window within an application. Even though you can have more than one child window within an application, only one window can be active. JAWS figures out which child window is active and focuses its screen reading within that window. A child window can only exist within a specific application. The parent application encloses and protects the child window from other application programs. Thus, the document window in Windows Write cannot be used by other applications. Child windows can also have other names. In a word processor the child window is called a Document Window. In the Windows Program Manager, the child window is called a Group Window. In the case of the Program Manager, the child window is not used to work with documents, instead, it is designed to activate software applications. A group window contains the names of software applications; thus it is like a menu. Each group window can be thought of as a category, which contains the names of related software applications. A group window in some cases may simply be called a "group". These Groups are used to organize a large number of applications into more manageable sets of general choices. For example, Program Manager has a group window which is called "accessories". It lists the names of application programs that are part of the Windows package of programs. Examples of programs that are listed in this group window are: Write, Calendar, Card File, Note Pad, Calculator, Sound Recorder, etc. Another group window in the Program Manager is called "main". It contains the names of Windows applications that can be used to set up the Windows environment. 4. ARE THERE DIFFERENT WINDOW SIZES? Thus far we have discussed parent windows and child windows, but have not discussed the relative sizes of these windows. One could assume that a child window must always be smaller than its parent window since the child window is contained within the parent window, and this is true, but the size of a window can be changed by the PC user. For the purposes of this introduction, three window sizes will be discussed. A window can be "maximized" to the largest size possible, "minimized" to the smallest size possible, or "restored" to its predetermined or default size. When a parent window is first opened and the application starts running, it usually occupies a predetermined or "default window size". Similarly, when a child window is opened, it will automatically occupy a predetermined portion of the parent window. The Default Window Size is simply the amount of space that is automatically assigned to the window when it is first opened. For example, if you are creating a document in Windows Write and need to use the Windows File Manager, then you could minimize the Write application to the size of an icon before starting File Manager. A window that has been Minimized to an Icon consists of a graphic symbol and an icon name. An Icon can be thought of as a tiny picture that represents an open window. Applications that have been reduced to icons continue to run, but they no longer occupy work space on your desktop. It is usually possible to use one application and to also have several other applications running in the form of icons at the same time. Application Icons are usually displayed along the bottom edge of the screen, just below an active application window. The application icons cannot exist within the physical space occupied by another application, thus they appear outside of the active window. Even though applications have been reduced to icons, it is very easy to switch between them. A single keystroke can be used to switch between icons that contain a word processing program, the Windows Program Manager, and the Windows File Manager. It is also possible to reduce a document window or a group window to an icon. When this is done, these child window icons appear within the parent window. As was discussed earlier, a child window can only exist within its parent window, and in the same way, an icon for a child window is always displayed within the parent window. When you use a word processing program, for example, then this would enable you to have several documents available for immediate use. With documents reduced to an icon, you can switch between them with a quick keystroke. When you minimize a parent window or a child window to an icon, it is still available for use. It remains just a key stroke away. It is also possible to close a window. When you Close a Window, you are terminating the use of the application or the document. Once you terminate your use of an application or a document, you cannot use them again unless you go through the process of starting the application or opening the document file. All child windows, however, cannot be closed. For example, a group window in the Program Manager can be reduced to an icon, but it cannot be closed. When you close a window, this means that the window or its icon no longer appear on the screen, and they are no longer available for use. 5. WHAT IS A DIALOG BOX? You use a Dialog Box to supply information about a task that is to be performed or to set up program features. A dialog box usually presents questions to which the PC user is to respond. The use of the word "dialog" suggests that communication needs to occur between the PC user and a Windows application in order for an action to be completed. This is exactly the purpose of a dialog box -- it facilitates communication. A dialog box is a rectangular shaped section of the screen that may pop-up when you choose an item from a menu or press a command button. For example, if you are using the Windows Write program, and you choose the menu item labeled "open" from the File menu, then the "open dialog box" will appear. In this dialog box, you choose the file you want to open. This means that you type the name of the file or select it from a list, and then it is displayed in the document window. Most dialog boxes contain Options that you can set through the use of various specialized lists and boxes. After you specify the options you desire, then you can choose a Command Button to carry out a command. A command button, for example, can be pushed (chosen) to indicate that you have finished making selections or that you wish to cancel the selections that you have made. Some dialog boxes may display additional information about the task you are trying to complete. Other dialog boxes display warning messages or explanations regarding why a task cannot be accomplished. 6. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SELECTING AND CHOOSING ITEMS? The terms "select" and "choose" have very specific meanings when used to describe activities in the Windows environment. It is very important to understand how these terms are used, because "selecting" an item is quite different than "choosing" an item. To Select an Item, you must point to the item with the selection cursor. The Selection Cursor can be thought of as a pointer which identifies the item you wish to use. Actually, Windows uses highlighting and/or a dotted rectangle to indicate the selected item. JAWS speaks the highlighted words or the words surrounded by the dotted rectangle to confirm the fact that the item has been selected. When you Choose an Item, you are implementing or starting an activity. Normally, you first select an item and then you choose it. This two step process is a common Windows convention. In most cases, simply selecting and item will not produce a result; you must also choose it. For example, choosing an icon might start an application, open a window, or carry out a command. Choosing a menu item might cause additional lists of menu options to be displayed or cause a dialog box to be activated. If you had a list of menu names such as: "Files", "Options", "Windows", and "Help", then you might use your LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW to move the selection cursor to one of these items. This simply means that the arrow keys will move the selection cursor between the menu names. When JAWS speaks the name of an item, this indicates that the selection cursor is pointing to the item. To choose the item, you might need to use the DOWN ARROW or ENTER. This is actually how the Windows Menu Bar is used. As soon as the DOWN ARROW is pressed, then a dropdown menu box appears which contains a new list of items and requires you to again use the selection cursor to point to an item before choosing it. The Windows keys that are used to move the selection cursor are not the same in all situations. The arrow keys, TAB, ALT+TAB, and CONTROL+TAB are some of the keys that are used to move the selection cursor. Similarly, the keys that are used to choose an item are not always the same. The ENTER, alphabet keys, and SPACEBAR are some of the keys that are used to choose items. It is possible, in some situations, to select and choose an item at the same time. This is done through the use of a "selection character". A Selection Character is an underlined letter that appears in the name of a menu item. If a menu item has an underlined character, then you can press that letter on your keyboard to choose the item. The selection character is usually the first letter in the name of the menu item. If more than one menu name has the same underlined letter, then the first item listed with that letter is selected when that letter key is pressed. The use of selection characters will be most useful once you have become familiar with the various Windows menus. 7. SUMMARY The terms in the following list were introduced in this chapter. It is important that you understand the meaning of each term, because these terms are frequently used in all of our manuals. Windows environment Windows desktop title line of a window open window active window DOS window parent window, application window, and program window a Windows application running in a window child window, document window, and group window Program Manager dialog box window sizes maximize a window minimize a window to an icon icon close a parent window or a child window select an item choose an item selection cursor selection character