LITTERATURA MAGAZINE (the monthly, online, limited version) J. Dolsen, editor & publisher September 1995 README Litteratura Magazine is a BI-MONTHLY magazine, published in hard copy or printed version. The printed or complete version is published six (6) times a year. "Free Sample Copies" are mailed to libraries and other "literary spots". Outside of free complimentary copies, the printed version is available only through subscriptions. (sample copies are available. See subscription information at the end of the magazine). This ASCII Standard (text only) online "limited" version appears MONTHLY on AOL, SeniorNet on AOL, and other BBSs. The online version contains some of the many pieces of literature and poetry contained in the complete printed version. Art work or cartoons are not available on the online version. The online version can be downloaded at your convenience and naturally, is free. You may upload the online version to your local BBS or any online service to which you may have access (Please do so). Should run on any computer. Enjoy this online version - the literary output of new or previously unpublished authors and poets. Litteratura Magazine is a copyrighted publication and the contents may not be changed or altered in any way. You can not charge for the online version. THANK YOU for your assistance. NOW, get onboard - help us realize our goals - more exposure for our authors, poets, and artists etc. --------------------------------------------------------- LITTERATURA MAGAZINE is dedicated to showcasing the literary and artistic creations of the authors, poets, cartoonists, and artists, to the largest number of possible readers and viewers. ---------------------------------------------------------- Any correspondence directed at the creator of any piece of literature or poetry (etc) may be mailed to: J.Dolsen, Litteratura PO Box 18092 Chicago IL 60618 We will forward your comments to the person you direct your correspondence to. EMAIL ----- You may send comments, ideas or just your thoughts to us via EMail. No files and no submissions via EMail. You can request the FREE Newsletter no. 1, mentioned above. EMail to ::: We are proud of the authors, poets, cartoonists and artists whose work appears in either (or both) of the printed and the online versions of Litteratura Magazine. We join with them in wishing you "Happy Reading" and ENJOY !!!!! This program LITTAUG.ZIP, when unzipped contains the following files 1. LITTAUG.TXT done in ASCII Standard. 2. FILE_ID.DIZ description of prgm. 3. SUBSCR.BAT which lets you print the 4. SUBSCR.TXT subscription form. 5. This README file. All of the material in the above files is copyrighted (c) 1995 by the authors and by J. Dolsen. All rights remain with the authors or poets etc. THIS IS A SHAREWARE ITEM. FEEL FREE TO UPLOAD THIS PROGRAM TO ANY BBS OR TO ANY OTHER ONLINE SERVICE TO WHICH YOU HAVE ACCESS. YOU CAN GIVE A COPY TO A FRIEND. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE THE CONTENTS OF THIS PROGRAM - NOR CAN YOU CHARGE FOR THIS ONLINE VERSION OF LITTERATURA MAGAZINE. If you do enjoy this program, please consider subscribing to the bi-monthly complete printed version of LITTERATURA MAGAZINE. Subscribe and have the US Mail deliver the complete Magazine direct to your door every other month. You can print out the subscription form (or request for sample copy): type at the DOS command: SUBSCR.BAT and the form will print out. ENJOY THE PROGRAM - the online version of LITTERATURA MAGAZINE and Subscribe to the complete Printed version (Both the online and printed version of Litteratura Magazine published by J. Dolsen, Litteratura PO Box 18092 Chicago IL 60618 U.S.A.