Master-Net Network Policy I. Purpose A. The Master-Net Network, hereby referred to as Master-Net, is a loosely connected group of systems to exchange electronic mail, files and ideas associated with the everyday lifesyle. We support the idea of free speech and work toward the growth of the concept. The Founder Is Master Bear and the Users Of The Changing Times BBS. II. Positions A. Master-Net consists of several key positions. These are the Zone Coordinator (ZC), Zone Echomail Coordinator (ZEC), Region Coordinators (RC), Region Echomail Coordinators (REC), Net Coordinators (NC), Net Echomail Coordinators (NEC) and moderators. III. Duties A. Zone Coordinator 1. The ZC shall be classified as the primary owner of Master-Net and shall remain as Zone Coordinator until such time as (s)he relenquishes such to another person. 2. The ZC is responsible for the keeping of the nodelist. This responsibility may be delegated to a nodelist keeper. 3. The ZC shall be in charge of arbitrating disputes that have not been solved at lower levels. The ZC is the final appeal for all disputes and the decision of the ZC is FINAL. 4. The ZC shall appoint/remove the ZEC. 5. The ZC shall appoint/remove any and all RCs. 6. The ZC shall be the first and only line of defense for problems regarding RCs or the ZEC. 7. The ZC shall conduct a separate investigation of his or her own into the events surrounding any disputes. B. Zone Echomail Coordinator 1. The ZEC shall see that all mail is being delivered in a timely and unhindered manner. 2. The ZEC shall arbitrate disputes surrounding echomail, including, but not limited to, mail flow and mail content that have not been solved at lower levels. 3. The ZEC shall add/remove echoes from the mail flow. This decision shall be determined by flow amount, demand and any other fact deemed worthwhile. 4. The ZEC shall appoint/remove moderators to/from the echoes. C. Regional Coordinator 1. The RC shall be appointed and removed by the ZC. Any proposals for the removal of the RC shall be presented in a courteous and polite manner to the ZC. Such requests shall contain a listing of grievances and reasons for the proposal. 2. The RC shall be in charge of arbitrating disputes that have not been solved at lower levels. Any appeals regarding the decisions of the RC shall be presented to the ZC in a prompt and courteous manner and shall document the history leading to the appeal. 3. The RC shall appoint/remove the REC. 4. The RC shall appoint/remove any and all NCs. 5. The RC shall be the first and only line of defense for problems regarding NCs or the REC. 6. The RC shall conduct a separate investigation of his or her own into the events surrounding any disputes. 7. The RC is responsible for creating new nets in his/her region when necessary and to assign node numbers for new applicants that do not have an NC to apply to. 8. The RC is responsible for submitting any changes in the nodelist for his/her region to the ZC or delegated Nodelist Keeper. Such submissions shall be received no later than 10 pm every Thursday of the time zone the ZC is located in. No submission is required if no changes have occured. B. Regional Echomail Coordinator 1. The REC shall be appointed and removed by the RC. Any proposals for the removal of the REC shall be presented in a courteous and polite manner to the RC. Such requests shall contain a listing of grievances and reasons for the proposal. 2. The REC shall see that all mail is being delivered in a timely and unhindered manner. 3. The REC shall arbitrate disputes surrounding echomail, including, but not limited to, mail flow and mail content that have not been solved at lower levels. C. Net Coordinator 1. The NC shall be appointed and removed by the RC. Any proposals for the removal of the NC shall be presented in a courteous and polite manner to the RC. Such requests shall contain a listing of grievances and reasons for the proposal. 2. The NC shall be in charge of arbitrating disputes within his/her net. Any appeals regarding the decisions of the NC shall be presented to the RC in a prompt and courteous manner and shall document the history leading to the appeal. 3. The NC shall appoint/remove the NEC. 4. The NC shall be the first and only line of defense for problems between nodes within his/her net. 6. The NC shall conduct a separate investigation of his or her own into the events surrounding any disputes. 7. The NC is responsible for assigning node numbers for new applicants that are located within his/her net. 8. The NC is responsible for submitting any changes in the nodelist for his/her region to the RC. Such submissions shall be received no later than a deadline set by the RC. No submission is required if no changes have occured. D. Net Echomail Coordinator 1. The NEC shall be appointed and removed by the NC. Any proposals for the removal of the NEC shall be presented in a courteous and polite manner to the NC. Such requests shall contain a listing of grievances and reasons for the proposal. 2. The NEC shall see that all mail is being delivered in a timely and unhindered manner. 3. The NEC shall arbitrate disputes surrounding echomail, within his/her net. E. Moderators 1. Moderators are appointed/removed by the ZEC. 2. Moderators shall monitor all messages going through their assigned echo for content and topic. 3. If a user is deemed to be writing off-topic, using abusive or inappropriate language except where appropriate, or does not follow the rules of the echo, the moderator shall issue warnings to both the user and the sysop of the originating board. In the event the behavior is not corrected, the moderator is authorized to coordinate with the sysop of the originating board to have the individual removed from the echo. All other sysops shall adhere to the moderators decisions. 4. Moderators shall also resolve any conflicts that arise within his/her designated echo. 5. Appeals to the moderators decision shall be made to the ZEC. IV. Conflict Resolution A. If a conflict cannot be solved in private, a coordinator may be requested to intervene by one or both parties, according to the following stipulations. 1. Two nodes in a net should direct their complaints to their NC. 2. Two nodes in different nets in the same region should direct their complaints to their RC. 3. Two nodes in different regions in the same zone should direct their complaints to their ZC. 4. Decisions by a coordinator may be appealed to the level above. 5. Decisions by the ZC are unappealable V. Costs A. There is no fee to carry Master-Net. No provision is provided for cost recovery. No fee shall be charged to the users for the use of Master-Net. VI. Age Restriction A. Age of consent shall be defined in the governing area of the BBS. 1. Age of consent is defined as the age at which an individual is considered an adult (age of majority). 2. Governing area shall be the State, Principality or Country where the node or user resides. B. No User or SysOp under the age of consent shall be permitted in the network. C. The SysOp of the individual nodes shall be responsible in verifying the proper age of users. John Peaire - Zone Coordinator 756:1/1 @ 519-421-1532, 756:1/1 @ 756:1/1 VOICE: 519-539-0943