MORTAL KOMBAT 3 INFO This file you are reading serves one purpose alone: To let you know what should be included in the file MK3PC-CD.ZIP and what they are there for... You should have the following files: 1 - MK3INFO.TXT .... the file you are reading now 2 - MK3T43.WAV ..... a 30 second stereo wav file of one of the music tracks that you fight to 3 - MK3T47.WAV ..... this file is the last music track on the disk. I have yet to encounter it while playing the game. There is a hidden message of sorts if you play the track backwards - so I did If you decide to pass this information along to a friend, a bbs, or where ever you wish to let it be known - please give them the file MK3PC-CD.ZIP and not any single file from the file MK3PC-CD.ZIP. You may freely distribute the file MK3PC-CD.ZIP as long as you do not alter it in any way (this includes the name of the file itself). Other than that, enjoy ........ @ JW95