Microkey Communication Systems

381 Park Avenue South
New York, New York 10016

Microkey Communication Systems is currently developing SwitchBoard7 (SwB7) , an advanced software product line for all Microsoft Windows platforms. The first product line of its kind, SwB7 will implement capabilities envisioned by the original designers of ISDN. Combining high speed Internet access with powerful business telephony features on your PC, SwB7 provides an advanced communication solution in one convenient product. SwB7 addresses the communication management needs of both the professional and recreational user.

SwitchBoard7 features Webstir, a World Wide Web browser. Slated to be the fastest browser on the market, Webstir will boast of speeds of 230 kbits/sec with compression over a single ISDN connection. Since it is built on top of SwB7 technology, Webstir will feature some of the telephone and fax capabilities of SwB7. Imagine faxing an order to a manufacturer instead of sending your credit card number over the insecure Internet or speaking to a salesman directly.

Microkey is also building intelligent Web Servers to be used in many applications.

Microkey is working closely with 3Com Corporation's Remote Access Division manufactures of ISDN Impact products, such as the 3Com Impact Digital Modem. Due to the long standing relationship with the 3Com Access Product Group, Microkey receives very favorable discounts on the Impact product line. Microkey works closely with 3Com engineers in strategic association, to provide software products which will enhance the Impact product line. Currently, there are serious discussions regarding a co-marketting effort between 3Com Access Products and Microkey.

Microkey plans to bundle its revolutionary communications manager, SwitchBoard7 Professional, with 3Com Impact products in April 1996. SwB7 Professional will run on MS Windows 3.1, 3.11, Win95, and Windows NT. It will shatter the current price/performance barrier.

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Microkey is a publicly held company traded on the Vancouver (BC) Stock Exchange.

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All inquiries to steve@microkey.com