Microkey Intelligent Web Servers

Using the latest Internet and World Wide Web protocols Microkey's Web Servers will provide solutions for business to business and home to business needs. Products such as SwB7 Business Server and SwB7 Corporate will feature intelligent Worldwide Web Servers, corporate LAN access, and voice telephony integration.

SwB7 Business Server fields many needs of a business's customers. An example under development is an electronic catalog ordering system. Using SwB7 technology, Business Server will not only take orders over the Web, but will allow customers to verify their order with a voice call. This is a very significant fact considering the problems with sending credit card numbers over the Internet.

SwB7 Business Server will route voice calls to pertinent agents based on the contents displayed on a browser. For instance if you are looking at car batteries, you will be connected to the automotive department.

Other applications will include remote network administration and telecommuter access to the corporate office.

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