9-9-94 Test File This is a test file to demonstrate {01141} NEWSCAST.EXE {0} (in the registered version the words NEWSCAST.EXE above would be flashing yellow on a blue background) @@@ 10-09-94 Welcome! Welcome to the newest BBS in Wales @@@ 16-09-94 RA - Registered! As you can see from the logon screen I've registered my copy of RA. This means certain extra functions will be available to you. @@@ 17-09-94 Beta testers wanted I'm looking for beta testers for a new CD-ROM ~front end~. If you are willing to help please send me a message listing what CD-ROMs and CD-ROM drive you have. Thanks @@@ 18-09-94 Timebank available I'm trying out a timebank. To access the bank press ~T~ from the exit screen @@@ 20-09-94 D/Load limits increased! I've increased the download limits to everybody except new-users. If you are a new user just fill out the new-user questionaire ( press ~Q~ from the main menu ) and you will be automatically up-graded. @@@