Name: Street: TOWN: Post Code: Country (if outside UK): Prices - If key collected from the support BBS œ5:00 If the key is to be posted œ6:00 (œ1:00 extra covers P&P + 3.5" disk) (orders from outside UK plus œ5:00) I wish to register copies of NEWSCASTER at œ5:00 per copy. plus œ P&P (œ1:00 UK - œ5:00 overseas) I enclose a cheque/postal order for œ made payable to C.Birch Please fill in the following EXACTLY as they appear in the NEWSCAST.CFG file. Reg User name : Reg user Post Code: The details MUST be EXACTLY as they appear in NEWSCAST.CFG If collecting key from the BBS please give the following details so that a record can be created for you :- Name for log-on : Password : If collecting your key via FREQ please give your Fidonet node number so that your key may be put on HOLD for you. Fidonet Node : Where did you get the software ? (if a BBS please give the name and number): Please send the completed form to: C.Birch (NCAST) 21 Berw Road PONTYPRIDD Mid Glamorgan S.Wales CF37 2AA The support BBS can be found on (01443) 400327 24hrs 2400 - 28800 Fidonet 2:442/618 If registering from outside the UK please note, all cheques must be in Pounds Sterling and drawn on a British bank and MUST include extra œ5:00 to cover mailing etc unless being collected from the support BBS.