Nexus (tm) - Next Epoch matrix User System (tm) History File All material contained herein is (c) Copyright 1995 Intuitive Vision Software. All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -* Version 0.001 (circa 01/15/93) - Version 0.301 (circa 12/20/93) Major groundbreaking. Coded all the foundation of the software, came up with original concept for data files, and overall concept of the software. Changed those and many other things numerous times, sometimes at a whim. Somewhere in the middle (about July or August of 93) we got Echomail support finally added in. Then decided that I didn't like the seperate EMAIL system that I had originally come up with. So I decided to integrate it, to allow for more than one private mail base (while always keeping the hard coded one, base #0 in there). Lots and lots of stuff was done, but not much was written down, because I actually never planned on releasing it. Once I kinda decided (kinda got nudged :) to plan on releasing it, I had lost alot of history as to what I had done. However, most of the stuff was just foundation stuff, and you wouldn't have wanted to see it anyway (it was HORENDOUS looking! :) Well that's about all. -* Version 0.302 - Original Compile : 12/30/93 Build .01 Fixed The whole tagline thing. Made it so that the input (12/30/95) routines all display the right stuff. If anyone sees something still wrong, please let me know. -* Version 0.304 - Original Compile : 01/06/94 Build .01 Fixed Shelling Problems. All ULing/DLing, Games, etc. SHOULD (01/06/94) work now! :) Fixed Displaying the Base Number on Waiting Mail Scan... (Finally) New Bugs: Uploading is not going to work right for a little while due to some experimentation on my part. I'll get that fixed for the next version. -* Version 0.31 - Original Compile : 01/11/94 Build .01 Yes, that's right. No 3 digit numbers anymore. From now on (01/11/94) you will see 0.31, 0.32, and so forth. I got sick of the 3 digit numbers and figured since the actual release will be 1.00, I may as well get everything set right with the two digit minor version... Changed the format of the MATRIX.DAT file. Removed some unnecessary items from it, added some necessary ones. Fixed some bugs in the sysop setup portion of Nexus, including message base setup. Am halfway through with Private mail support. Coded the support for private mail when doing a regular post, replying to a message, etc. Also coded support for Public/Private message bases, allowing users to post either publicly or privately in the same base. The portion that I HAVE coded is not totally bug free, but the bugs aren't major, mostly visual. -* Version 0.32 - Original Compile : 01/13/94 Build .01 Changed some things visually... When posting a message, it (01/13/94) now displays the base and your name just to look nicer... Worked some more on Private mail. Pretty much everything works now, except I haven't integrated the stuff like sending mail when chatting and sysop not available, and feedback, etc... but you can post privately now... Changed it so that a deleted message will show up in a message list as: D xxx Deleted Message instead of just skipping the number... same goes for private messages. If they aren't to you, you will see: P xxx Private Message and it will just skip the message when reading it... I fixed the sysop local upload all for Kevin... so that it looks nicer. Added quote headers and footers that are sysop defineable. @F - From User Name @T - To User Name @D - Date Time Posted @S - Subject @M - Line Feed -* Version 0.33 - Original Compile : 01/17/94 Build .01 Added the internal menu commands for NexusWave QWK/WAVE (01/17/94) support: MD - Download Mail MU - Upload Mail I have not added the user setup for Offline Mail Support yet, but will add this soon. Still working on the File Listing headers... Put the code back in for users being alerted when they are paged for the upcoming NexusChat. Made the display nicer for the above paging... Fixed the problem with listing who's on what node. Build .02 Still working on the file headers... (01/18/94) Fixed a couple of bugs in the paging display stuff... Realized that when the sysop has the swap on shell setting to false, NexusWave will not be able to shell to run Archivers or Protocols, thus exiting with an error. Build .04 Changed the look of the file listing headers to the Nexus (01/18/94) Window type. Build .05 Added Nexus Window to Flag File, Goto File Number, and Download (01/19/94) File prompts from the File Listing. Added support for Flag File entry as such: 1,2,3, (like it was) 1 (single file - like it was) or 1-10,13,16 (mixed or combinations - above will flag files 1 through 10, 13 and 16) Build .06 Changed the format of the PROTOCOL.DAT file to accomodate new (01/20/94) way of handling protocols and ULs/DLs, and also to a more suitable format. Old format: Seperate record for Single/Batch/Resume protocols, i.e. One record each for Zmodem Single, Zmodem Batch, Zmodem Resume... bad! New format: One record for Zmodem, containing info on all three types (Single,Batch,Resume) Changed the way all the ULing and DLing works. Probably still not done, but it will work now (I think). Changed the format for protocol MCI codes (format |MCICODE|) -* Version 0.34 - Original Compile : 01/20/94 Build .01 Fixed local color problems. (01/20/94) Fixed time problems when downloading so that you can actually download your flagged files now! Build .02 Fixed some visual stuff with downloading. (01/20/94) Build .03 Added suppressing of output for local shells to dos. (01/20/94) Added support for non-absolute paths. (almost done... got one more thing that I forgot, but will not have an immediate effect). Build .04 Changed the MCI codes for all the string handling to match (01/20/94) the MCIs for the protocols. (format |MCICODE| ) See NEXUS.DOC for details.) -* Version 0.35 - Original Compile : 01/21/94 Build .01 Changed the MCI codes for Archivers also. (01/21/94) Fixed a bug that private echomail was not getting a tearline and origin line. Fixed a bug (I think) in uploading when searching for duplicate files it would not stay in the appropriate base, thus causing uploads to be credited to the wrong area. Fixed the fact that when Nexus displayed an ansi file (for a menu or otherwise), it would screw up the status line. Added seperate color configurations for taglines and the old tear lines (___ or ~~~). Build .02 Changed the way message packing looks, including a nice status (01/27/94) window, with a percentage bar. Still working on getting uploading to work. -* Version 0.36 - Original Compile : 01/31/94 Build .01 Removed the setup functions from Nexus. Placed them in (01/31/94) another executable for easier maintenance and smaller .EXE size. Added additional MCI codes. See updated NEXUS.DOC for new codes. Changed the display upon startup of Nexus. Added the windowed Message Packing with percentage indicator. Added menu command MF for Feedback to the SysOp (will be posted in private mail base #0). -* Version 0.37 - Original Compile : 02/05/94 Build .01 Added CD-ROM support... Full implementation. (02/05/94) Build .02 Updated and corrected the information written to DOOR.SYS, (02/06/94) SFDOORS.DAT, and CHAIN.TXT dropfiles. SFDOORS is now compatible with Spitfire v3.4 DOOR.SYS is now compatible with the 52 line version Corrected the Log File Name in CHAIN.TXT. Build .03 Fixed Problems with Matrix.Dat getting corrupted. (02/10/94) Fixed problems with message reading. Fixed CD-ROM drive letter checking and path changing. Build .04 Changed CD-ROM checking display to display nicer colors, and (02/12/94) to pause after checking (except on local fast logons) so that users can read which CD-ROMs are available. Fixed a problem with CD-ROM checking that it would check the drive more times than necessary and report that all CDs were available when only one was. Build .05 Fixed problems with pathnames not being able to be used that (02/14/94) aren't absolute (i.e., not being able to use \MESSAGE\ as a path). This is for use when networking Nexus over a LAN, so that you are able to use all of the features, such as the messages and files. Now, you can specify the path to a message area for instance, as \MESSAGE\NEXUS\, and Nexus will automatically put the E:\NEXUS in front of it, or whatever path you use. It gets this information from the NEXUS environment variable. So if one machine Nexus is on E:, and the other it is on D:, you only have to change your environ variable on each machine to suit. I think I got everything as far as the paths go, but I may have missed one or two, and I think it should all work fine, so if anyone finds something wrong, please let me know right away. Removed all voting functions from Nexus, as it is not something integral to running a BBS. Although nice, it is not something that is needed in a BBS package. There are many 3rd party voting doors that far surpass the abilities of most BBS software's voting system. Build .06 Changed Nexus so that it will now have the use of seperate (02/14/94) message base and file base configurations based on node number. This is an optional feature, and if the required data file for the node is not found, it will use the default file (MBASES.DAT or FBASES.DAT). The file names are MBxxxx.DAT and FBxxxx.DAT, with xxxx being the node number right justified with zeros as space fillers. Fixed a slight bug in the directory processing. Fixed a bug when Nexus wrote its temporary batch file to process archives, it was writing it to the Node Temporary directory, and thus it was compressing the batch file into the archive it was processing. Changed it so that the temporary batch files are written in the Root Temporary directory, under the name NXxxxx.BAT, where xxxx is the node number, right justified, with zeros as space fillers. Build .07 I think I'm almost done with uploading. (02/16/94) Added FILE_ID.DIZ description file checking upon uploading. Fixed some problems with the way archives were getting processed. Various visual changes regarding uploading. Build .08 Added More Color Scheme configurations. (file listing and (02/17/94) generic windows) Fixed problem with local logons not logging you off when you should be logged off. Fixed problem with shelling to DOS for door files and reinitializing the modem. -* Version 0.38 - Original Compile : 02/18/94 Build .01 Added FILE_ID.DIZ support to local upload all. (02/18/94) Changed file scanning (for file mask, keyword, and date) so that they use the same format as the regular file listing and new scanning, with the prompt included. Build .02 Fixed problems (hopefully!) with downloading and locked baud (02/23/94) rates so that they can only use the correct amount of time for downloading. Build .03 Fixed problems with Waiting for mail scanning, so no more (02/24/94) run-time errors #105. Implemented pointers for keeping track of message in memory so that Nexus would not run out of stack space. Added COMPORT and NOABORT MCI codes so that Dan will be happy. Added 34 and 35 commands to OP menu command for 34) Turning User input to QuickKey and 35) Turning User Input to Full Line. Fixed baud rate reporting to Door drop files (hopefully!). Changed log of callers screen to report actual baud rate, and not locked baud rate. Implemented a windowed interface for global waiting mail scans. Really nice looking, if I do say so myself. Build .04 Fixed shelling problems (again.) (02/27/94) Changed MATRIX.DAT format (a little). Working on new color codes. Build .05 Fixed problems with messages getting corrupted. (02/28/94) Build .06 Changed the way that quoting headers/footers are done, now (03/06/94) it asks you if you want the headers/footers before you quote. Fixed a bug in offline mail setup that wouldn't save your correct settings. Reduced the memory requirements from 485k to 357.1k, thus allowing Dan to be able to run it in a Desqview window with no problem. (hehe) Build .07 Changed the opening screen in the setup program to reflect the (03/08/94) new interface of Nexus. This will be a universal interface used by NxSetup, ExpressMail Lite, NxChat and NxFBMgr. Changed setup program name from NSETUP.EXE to NXSETUP.EXE. Fixed a bug in the Ansi GotoXY procedure that I was using. Build .08 Added downloading of individual messages (in text format), for (03/11/94) those who want a capture of an individual message. Fixed Exporting of messages to put in the header information. Fixed bug in Offline Mail setup, which would cause first time users to have improper values for their mail type, archiver type, and protocol type. Fixed bug in Offline Mail setup, which would cause a runtime error, because of a change in the structures of the data files for NexusWave, and my stupidity in compiling Nexus with the new data files, but not accounting for that in the source. Build .09 Fixed a small bug with local upload all menu command that (03/13/94) would exit after only uploading one file. Fixed logon procedure so that when you type in an invalid access key, it now says 'Invalid Access Key.' instead of 'Illegal Logon!' Various visual enhancements to the Archive Processing portion of Nexus to keep with the interface. Added support to display list of updated bulletins. Added support for downloading bulletins. -* Version 0.40 - Original Compile : 03/15/94 Build .01 Added TIMEBANK and TBADDED MCI codes. (03/15/94) Nexus will now recreate a NAMES.LST if it is missing or it is corrupted. Changed look of Nightly Maintenance that happens when the first user logs on after Midnight to be more congruent with the look of Nexus. Made it windowed.... (except for users that don't have ansi) Fixed a small bug in the log viewer that would try to find the wrong filename (I changed the log file names...) oops. Added support for downloading ALL bulletins. Build .02 Fixed bug in NxSetup that would cause a runtime error 105 when (03/16/94) editing menus that contained -L commands with MCI codes. The value was not in memory for the MCI code, and this would cause the error. Fixed bug in New User process that would make users send a message no matter if it was set to off or not. -* Version 0.41 - Original Compile : 03/17/94 Build .01 Jumped version numbers quickly because added support for (03/17/94) RIPscrip "Remote Imaging Protocol" emulation. Full support not implemented yet (and won't be in version 1.00), but this support allows you to display RIP files to users who are using RIP. Nexus now automatically detects RIP upon logon, and properly disables it for the entire time a user is on, except when displaying RIP files. It will disable RIP on logon, enable it before sending the file, and disable it again. Changed the emulation entering upon newuser logon process to be cleaner looking. Implemented in NexusWave setup the functions for Archiver, Twit Filters, Macros, and Access Key. Build .02 I think I fixed a bug in the RIP support. Don't know. Will (03/18/94) find out. :) Fixed a problem with downloading Flagged Files. Added a 'F' in between the file number and file name when listing files if the user has flagged that file. Implemented the file listing color schemes fully. NxSetup also has setup for this function. Fixed a problem with Log Of Callers. It was getting updated when they first logged on, and this was causing problems. Moved it to when they log off. Build .03 Fixed problems with file listing (I hope), that was causing (03/23/94) jumbled up display lines. Redid the file information screen from the File Listings. Added the display of approximate download times at specific bauds. Fixed bug in NxSetup Menu editor. Fixed problems in file listing with the display of the 'F' for flag files. Build .04 Fixed problems with reading messages when only 1 message in (03/24/94) the base. Changed the help screen for message reading so that it is more descriptive and it looks a lot nicer than it did before. Implemented Carbon Copy command from the message reading prompt, so that users can make a copy of a message in a different area. The Move Message command is still there, but is only available to those with Message Base SysOp access or higher. Implemented Forward (Reply To In Another Base) Message command from message reading prompt. This will insert a header in the quote text that tells about the original message such as what base it was in, etc. You can then add text if you wish. You can also change who it is posted to and the subject just like a normal reply. Implemented Clear Entry for the USERS.DAT userrecord. This function in the user editor of NxSetup will allow sysops to flag 10 different fields so that the next time that user logs on it will prompt that user to re-enter that information. The following are the 10 items allowed to be flagged: Phone Number Data Phone Number Street Address City, State Zip Code Birthday Computer Type Occupation Calling From (Userlist,log of callers,node list) BBS Reference Added one more of the windowed routines for NxSetup... CD-ROM Disk Configuration is now done with the windowed look. Build .05 Changed the structures of many more of the files, including (04/15/94) MBASES.DAT, NETWORK.DAT, the *.IDX and *.HDR files for messages, and the MATRIX.DAT. This is to accomodate the following new features: Netmail support will be integrated into Nexus via Xmail. It is not fully implemented yet, but is partially in place. Support for up to 30 AKAs in the Network Setup allows for complete configurability. Support for Groups, (like GEcho), so that global editing can be done more efficiently, and you can pair up your message bases, so that statistics can be done based on group. Support for up to 20 configurable Origin Lines. -* Version 0.50 - Original Compile : 05/09/94 Build .01 Moved the .DIR and .FSN files to the FILE directory, so as to (05/09/94) unclutter the DATA directory a little bit. Netmail is now fully implemented into Nexus except for Version 7 nodelist support. As soon as Xmail is fully finished, we will be all set to go. Added support for external CHAT and EDITORS... Chat works... have the support in data files for the editors, but have not implemented it yet. Changed the swapping routines that I use so as to fix some problems I was having with the old one, and to expand its abilities. Can now choose which type of swapping you would like to do. Implemented setup for all the features of NexusWave currently available. Maybe more... don't know... did a lot and wasn't really good about writing it down... sorry... we'll figure it out as we go along... :) Build .03 Fixed a bug in NxSetup that referenced a variable as a word (05/09/94) when it is actually an integer. Could've cause problems... Fixed a bug that used the wrong commandline for the NexusWave menu commands. Kevin changed the commandline and I forgot to change Nexus to go with it. Added a Fast Download feature for NexusWave that Kevin has recently implemented. Now the menu command MD if you put a F on the command string will run a fast session. Changed the way doors are done. There is now a file called DOORS.DAT that contains all the information on a specific door, including specific time limitations for that door, whether that door uses RIP or not, what type of door drop file, where to put the door drop file, etc. Build .04 Fixed a bug in display routines that was causing garbled (05/15/94) string displays. Quite annoying. Glad I nailed that one. Added User Setup for all the functions of NexusWave. Decided to change the way I did External Chat programs. I made the 0 record of the DOORS.DAT the External Chat Program definition. This allows for Chat programs the use Door Drop files, and for more versatility (i.e. allowing RIPscrip,etc.) -* Version 0.51 - Original Compile : 05/19/94 Build .01 Added the full implementation of the external editor for (05/19/94) Nexus. The path/filename is defined in NxSetup, and if it is defined, Nexus will try to run it. If it can't run it, it will run its own internal editor instead. The MCI code (new, btw) is |MSGFILE| for the path/filename... (example: E:\NEXUS\UTIL\QUICKED.EXE |MSGFILE| this will run Quicked, passing it the appropriate filename that Nexus needs. This allows you to pass any commandline parameters that you might need/want to pass to the editor. If Nexus does not find the file, or all the lines in the file are blank, Nexus will automatically abort the message. Added the Door setup portion to NxSetup. This is eventually how the whole NxSetup program will function. Have not implemented the List feature (Alt-L) for Doors yet, as it is quite extensive. This list feature will be available from most of the editors (menu, message base, file base, user, doors, events, protocols, archivers (I think I got 'em all)). This is a small list of features that the List feature will have (will vary slightly by editor): Allow you to tag multiple entries for deletion Allow you to move entries with a simple tagging function Allow you to perform global functions on tagged entries effortlessly Allow you to select which entry to edit by hitting ENTER while that entry is highlighted And more... Added seperate selections for Suppression of Output for Protocols and Archivers. Added a flag to NxSetup to set whether External Chat Program should be used. This is to go along with the record 0 of the DOORS.DAT file for External Chat programs. If you set this to 'ON', it will ask you if you want to configure your Chat Options. Enter 'yes' and you will be brought into the External Chat Configuration section of the Door Editor. Added a new color scheme for the status line of Nexus. There is not a current setup for it, so it is still hardcoded, but the setup will eventually be put in. Flip-flopped the D and * commands from the Message Reading prompt. Found it to be annoying and confusing to have D being Download and * being Delete. They are now used like the following: [D] Delete Current Message (owner only) [*] Download Current Message in Text File Build .02 Changed NxSetup so that the Network Setup portion is now in (05/28/94) the windowed interface. All that's left in the Network setup is the Address Setup and Origin Line Setup that need to be changed. Added support for default netmail flags (which really does us no good cause Xmail doesn't use the flags, it just puts what it wants in there. I think it's pvt and killsent that it puts in there, but for when Xmail is rewritten :-) )... Added support for people with access to be able to change the netmail flags on messages that they write. Changed a couple of visual things with the doors... Got rid of the WFC menu. It's gone, kaput... finished. I am in the process of developing ExpressMail Lite, a front end for use with Nexus... this is for people who do not use a front end mailer, ExMail Lite will answer the phone and pass it to Nexus, etc... it's basically an external WFC Screen... -* Version 0.60 - Original Compile : 06/09/94 Build .01 Wow! Here goes... Added Squish, JAM(mbp), and *.MSG support, while removing the native Nexus message base format. All of the support is not here yet (like all of the nice little things I added like Carbon Copy, Forward, Move, etc... some of those have not been converted to use the new formats yet. Basically just a matter of switching a few references... should be done in next version.) Full support of Reading Messages, Writing Messages, Newscans, Waiting Mail scans.... This will need to be tested extensively. I have tested the Squish support here, and have had no problems. I tried the JAM support and .MSG support, and didn't seem to have any either... Changed the way external editors are done (again). There is now a file called EDITORS.DAT in the DATA directory that is the same format as the DOORS.DAT file. This is where you set up your external editors (yes, you can have more than one). This will allow you to use editors that required drop files, and those that support RIP. To go along with this, there is a new OP menu command 37: Change default editor. Planned boolean variable for whether an editor is a local only editor so that you can use programs such as DOS EDIT to edit messages locally, but not give users that editor choice. Added windowed interface of Address and Origin Line setup in Network Setup to complete that section. Fixed a slight bug in the Event processing. That's about it. Keep your eyes open for those bugs (as I'm sure they'll start popping out with all these changes!) Added MCI codes for Editor Setup for Paths... |MSGFILE| - pathname of blank temporary file for message |QUOTEFILE| - pathname of temporary file with quote text in it |MSGWITHQUOTE| - pathname of temporary file with quote text in it used for editing message These would be used as follows: if you have an editor that accepts a commandline parameter for the message file and another parameter for the quoted text so it can handle it specially: ex. {YourEDITOR} |MSGFILE| -q|QUOTEFILE| if you have an editor that does not handle quoted text specially: ex. {YourEDITOR} |MSGWITHQUOTE| -* Version 0.60.02 through 0.90.01 - (somewhere between 06/10/94 and 02/09/95) Well, I spent 4 1/2 months away in the military, and didn't work a WHOLE lot on Nexus, and there were a lot of things going on that we won't get into. In fact, I almost scrapped the project once. BUT, I decided to stick with it, and continue the project. Hopefully Nexus can live up to what everyone wants it to be! :) -* Version 0.90 - Original Compile : 02/09/95 Build .01 Added External Upload Line for a line that runs an external (02/09/95) program immediately before an upload. This will be good for a number of uses. Fixed little things here and there, but nothing of consequence. Added more of the new interface to NxSetup. Finished the Installation Program. Added the Help Screen to NxExp, so that you can hit F1 from the NxExpress Main Screen and get help. Added the Last Few Callers screen to NxExpress. (Alt-C) Well, we're getting down to the final stages of alpha testing. I'm going to be writing NexusWave soon, so that we can have Blue Wave offline mail support. I will also be finishing up the new interface on NxSetup, a couple of other things in Nexus, and that'll be all. Soon! Here's a timetable: Beta Testing Starts Aug 1, 1995 Beta Testing Ends Feb 31, 1996 Final Release (1.00) Mar 31, 1996 Build .02 - Fixed a bug in Nexus that would not set messages to be (03/03/95) scanned, and echoed out. Fixed a bug that would not let messages posted locally be displayed. Fixed a bug that would cause Nexus to exit with a runtime error when parsing a string for color codes. Changed the color code sequence to %xxy% instead of |xxy|... This fixed the problem because it was getting confused with MCI codes and color codes. Fixed a bug that made the display look wacky when entering a message locally. Fixed a bug that would delete your MENUS.DAT when editing a menu. (Whoops.) Fixed a couple of bugs in the input routines. Started working on the new conference system. Added NxSetup look to Directory/Filename Configuration. Added multinode configuration support to NxSetup to allow for multiple MATRIX.DAT files and multiple MBASES.DAT, FBASES.DAT, and COMxxxx.DAT files. Fixed a bug in NxSetup when directories don't exist, it will pop up the Directory Window automatically at startup. Fixed a bug that would cause Nexus to exit with a runtime error if trying to post to a base that was using an AKA and not your main address. Fixed a bug in NxSetup that would not allow you to edit your origin lines. -* Version 0.91 - Original Compile : 03/17/95 Build .01 - Removed many of old color codes which were not displaying (03/17/95) properly. Put in support for not displaying loading prompt when loading external programs. Worked on waiting for mail scan, however, have not quite fixed it yet. At least it doesn't lock up the system anymore or cause any runtime errors. :) Fixed support for Forwarding Messages to work with new JAM/ Squish/MSG types. Changed the way Listing Messages works. Now only displays To, From, and Subject fields, and does not display Date/Time. Fixed a couple of bugs regarding using wrong message numbers after replying to messages which would cause you to be left at the wrong message to read next. Started coding support for arrow keys in File Base Change and Tag. Dan wants me to say that this was his idea, (but don't believe him, he's a compulsive liar :). The arrow support is not in yet, but it now asks if you want to continue after the screen is full and the arrow support will be coded soon. I think I fixed the problem with Nexus displaying too many file lines in a file list based on the number of lines on the screen. Build .02 Fixed bug in Nexus that would exit the program after running a (03/23/95) door in local mode. Fixed bug in Nexus that would not allow you to run any node other than node 1 if using MATRIX.DAT for all nodes. Changed Message and File Base Change commands to only list one base per line instead of two. Changed format of FBASES.DAT and MBASES.DAT to allow for future expansion and to allow for File and Message Base names up to 70 characters long. This is for internet support and for the new display routines so that you can have a more lengthy description. Fixed bug that would cause a runtime error upon loadup. This had to do with where I had certain routines that were in the overlay and when they were called. I was calling them before the overlay manager was installed. (whoops.) Put the [Node x] back into the tear line of messages. Don't everremember taking it out, but I guess I did. :) Fixed a couple of bugs with memory management that would cause Nexus to exit with a runtime error at various points. Fixed a bug in the display on the status line that was displaying garbled characters. Build .03 Fixed a bug that passed a byte variable when should be passing (03/25/95) an integer. This would cause runtime errors when trying to access file bases higher than 255. Fixed a bug that would exit with a runtime error when trying to run a door that the dropfile path didn't exist. Build .04 Fixed a bug in the File Listing routines that would skip files (03/27/95) on a whim. It was kinda nasty to figure out, and I've been putting it off for a while, but I finally nailed it. Fixed a few display problems in the File System. Just cleaned things up a bit. Added the Alt-J key support for shell to dos from ExpressMail. Fixed a bug in NxSetup File Base Configuration that would move the files to the wrong directory when setting the flag for directory in Base Path back to normal. Fixed a bug that would exit with a runtime error when coming back from running some external things like protocols and archivers. This was causing uploading not to work. Uploading is working now. I BELIEVE I fixed a bug in the uploading routine that would cause a user not to be able to upload a single filename. We'll test it and be sure. Cleaned up some of the interface in uploading and downloading. Removed some old code and variables that were no longer needed. I think I fixed a bug that when there was an error and the node index files were inadvertantly left active, and Nexus defaulted to a local only node, it would lock up the system. -* Version 0.92 - Original Compile : 04/04/95 Build .01 Fixed many, many bugs with CD-ROM support. (04/04/95) Fixed bug when trying to local upload all that would not find any files because I was opening them with the wrong filemode and was causing errors. Fixed a few bugs where functions that should not be performed on CD-ROM bases were able to be performed such as converting archives, renameing files, etc. Fixed bug that would not allow you to flag a file on a CD-ROM base because of the filemode thing again. Fixed bug that would give you an error on opening base because the upload path was not being set properly. Fixed bug in color code processing that would cause runtime errors when processing what Nexus thought were color codes because of the %xxx% if any of the characters in xxx were not numeric. Build .02 Changed the way that downloading is done. Single file (04/20/95) downloads are no longer done. All downloads are done as batch downloads for the simple reason that it makes it much easier to control. Instead of having to determine how many files are flagged for download and determine whether to do a single file transfer or a batch transfer, I now will process all transfers as batch. No real change for the user, just in the way I process it. Fixed a bug that would cause a runtime error when downloading files. Changed some of the menu interface in NxSetup to be a little nicer, and also clearer. Changed some of the display in the New User process. Cleaned it up a little, and made it nicer to the user. Added a spinning cursor to the display when Nexus is scanning for new messages. -* Version 0.93 - Original Compile : 04/22/95 Build .01 On my way to fixing a bug that causes runtime error 209 upon (04/22/95) exit. I fixed it so that it doesn't exit when a caller hangs up in the middle of the new user process. Changed some display things and a little of the thought process behind the downloading process. Finally decided how to implement single file transfers. When only one file is tagged, the available protocols listed are the single file protocols. When more than one file is flagged, the available protocols listed are the batch protocols. Look for the addition of a default protocol in the near future. Build .02 Changed a major portion of the Message Base Editor in NxSetup. (04/26/95) Implemented a majority of the Intuitive Vision Windowed look and implemented the list box function. Added the ability to send a message to the sysop if you forget your password. Changed the format of the file base files. Changed the extension on the files from .DIR to .NFB ... Fixed bug with Waiting For Mail/Scan Messages. Will no longer exit with a runtime error. Fixed bug that would cause runtime error upon logging off of Nexus. Added TTY headers for some of the functions. Changed the header for the Node Listing display to be of the Intuitive Vision Software window type. Nexus now displays the status line earlier in execution. Removed all of the 'Written by' references. Now simply says Copyright 1995 Intuitive Vision Software. All Rights Reserved. Additional Consultation provided by Pyramid Software. Build .03 Fixed many display problems during the downloading and (05/02/95) uploading sequences. Optimized a large portion of code in the uploading and downloading sequences. Removed old code from the uploading/downloading sequences that was no longer being used. Removed old variables that were no longer being used. Fixed a bug that would cause a runtime error when downloading files from the File Listing prompt. -* Version 0.93.04 - 05/10/95 Added Arrow Key support to Change Message Base. Will soon implement support for the Change File Base, Tag Message Bases, Tag File Bases functions. OK, Finished arrow key support for all 4 functions! :) After taking a look at the arrow key support, I've decided that a couple of things need to be changed, but no major things. Will see these changes in a future version. Made the CD-ROM searching at logon look nicer. It now displays all CD-ROMs set up on the system and tells whether they are available or not. Changed the message newscanning function to allow for Newscanning of the current conference, all conferences, or the current base. Let me know how it looks. Fixed a bug in the Delete files function that would cause a runtime error when deleting the actual file. Added a previous command to the Delete files function for Dan! :) Build .05 I think I fixed a bug that would cause a runtime error in the (05/15/95) error handling routine. This would cause Nexus to report the wrong error code. It would also cause the ONLINE.IDX file to be left in the online state, causing that node to be disabled. I added the door tracking code to Nexus. It now correctly stores the tracking information. Now we can write an external utility to make display files that show door tracking. Still working on getting my routine that strips color codes to work properly. It previously would cause nexus to exit with a runtime error at times. At least now it doesn't do that. It doesn't strip them correctly yet... for the most part it does, but not all the way... :) Put in the midnight event processing for the door tracking. It now will place the tracking information for that day into the trackyesterday record. Don't know what anyone would want this for... but.... it's there... :) Changed Nexus to write Errors to ERRxxxx.LOG in the LOGS directory instead of putting them all into the same file. It now writes the file based on Node Number. I think I might have fixed a bug that would cause Nexus to not to hang up the phone when exiting with an error. Fixed a bug that when a node is left active inadvertantly Nexus will not allow the node to start. Before it would default to the next available node, which, if there was no communication file setup for that node, would cause the system to hang. Changed the way bulletins are done. They are now called NEWS files. The file that is displayed as the menu is NEWSMENU.* (.ANS, .TXT, .RIP)... The news files themselves can be numbered 1 through 100... Files are named NEWS1 through NEWS100 and the same extensions are supported as for the menu file. I think I fixed a bug that would cause Nexus to change to the wrong file/message base when using conferences. Build .06 Changed the way the log files are opened. Were opened (05/18/95) previously as a text file. This did not allow for sharing the log files properly. Now they are opened as an untyped file so that they may be shared. Changed the format of the STRING.DAT (also renamed to STRINGS.DAT). Now are kept in an array for easier access. This also allows for easier updating and adding of other configurable strings. Nexus currently supports 100 configurable strings (not all have been implemented yet.) Changed the pause prompt to prompt you if you wish to continue or not when displaying a file. Fixed runtime error 100 with single file downloading. Little bug that I didn't account for. Keep on the lookout for me for little ones like this! :) Added a few more configurable strings. -* Version 0.94 - Original Compile : 05/19/95 Build .01 Added a few more configurable strings. You're probably going (05/19/95) to see this one in just about every version until the final release. I'm having fun with this... :) Added the ability to display a file from a configurable string. Place in the string: !!filename This can be the full path/filename or just the filename. No extension is required. If no path is specified, Nexus will look in your graphics directory and then your data directory and if it doesn't find the file it will not display it. This must be the first and only thing in the string. It will not work coinciding with color codes, display characters, etc. It's either display a file or display a string. :) Added the ability to specify in the Upload menu command which base the uploads will go to. This is nice if you want to have all the uploads on your system go to one base. Or if you want to have multiple upload commands throughout your system for different uses, to specify that the files will go to a particular base (i.e. If you wanted to have a special menu for Star Trek TNG, and wanted to allow people to upload STTNG .GIF files from the menu. You could specify that it go to base #47 Star Trek Graphics Files... ) I think this will be a useful addition. Changed the STRINGS.DAT file again (because I didn't think that I could find 100 strings to make configurable, but I guess I was wrong... ), so that it now can hold up to 200 configurable strings. I'll find more to fill that 200 up soon, I'm sure! :) Changed the name of a few files... I'll get all the filenames set eventually. The STRINGS.DAT file is now xxxxxxxx.NXL where the x's are the name set up in LANGUAGE.DAT. Yes, that's right. I started coding in multiple language support. It's almost done. The MENUS.DAT has been renamed to xxxxxxxx.NXM to support multiple languages. -* Version 0.94.02 - 05/28/95 Language support will work as follows: You will set up a language in the Language Editor. ENGLISH will be provided (obviously). If there is only one language available, when a user logs on as new, they will automatically be set to use the one language. If there are more than one available, the the user will be prompted to select which language they prefer. The only limitation of this is that until a user actually logs on, all the strings, display files, menus, etc. will be based on the default language (language #1). There is nothing I can do about this except to make it so that nothing can happen before logon and I don't want to do that. So, the SysOp should set the default language to the most commonly spoken language of the area. The user will be able to change his default language from a menu command (if the SysOp has it configured in a menu). The benefit of this is that the multiple languages do not necessarily have to be actual languages. They can be items such as: 1: Techno-Babble 2: Geek-Speak etc... However a sysop wants to do it. They can all be written in English. It doesn't matter. This allows them to configure their systems multiple ways, and let the user choose which he prefers. There are still some things to be worked out, such as if a user is in menu #7 (Settings Menu) in the English language, and changes to French and there is no menu #7, where do I put them? For each language, there is a startout menu. I think that when a language change is made, I will automatically place the user in the startout menu for that language. This will alleviate problems. Fixed a bug that would cause the user's ANSI, COLOR, RIP and Quickey, etc. flags to be cleared before saving to the user record in a new user logon. This had the effect of placing everyone in full line input TTY mode. BAD! :) Working on converting the .NFBs to store filenames as FILE.ZIP instead of FILE .ZIP... This looks ugly... Some file functions don't work properly however, due to the change. I'll fix them as soon as I can. Fixed a number of bugs in the input routines for NxSetup. Still not perfect, but so close you can rarely tell there's problems. :) Added the support for multiple languages to the Menu and String Editors. Started coding NxFBMgr, the Nexus File Base Manager. This program will allow you to Edit, Move, Remove, and Add files in the Nexus File Base System. It will work as a standalone program and will also be integrated into NxSetup and certain places in the File Base Editor. I can't wait till it's done. It'll be sweet. :) Build .03 Fixed an annoying little bug that would cause a runtime error (05/30/95) within my error handling routine, thus cause Nexus to report an incorrect error level and to cause it to actual display the default Turbo Pascal runtime error message instead of the one that Nexus displays. Hopefully people won't see either one, but... :) Fixed a bug in the DOORFILE.SR routine that would pass an improper path for the dropfile. This would cause ALL sorts of problems. Fixed a bug in the file listing routine that would sometimes cause more lines to be displayed than should have been. This was caused by using the number of lines in a descript from the previous file. Fixed a bug in the search routines that would exit the search after only going halfway through the base. This was due to an error in the loop that I have it in. Should work flawlessly now. Added the ability to download a FILES.BBS containing the file descriptions when downloading files. -* Version 0.95 - Original Compile : 06/03/95 Build .01 Fixed a number of bugs in the input routines in NxSetup. They (06/03/95) should be working correctly now. Major changes! I changed the way security levels are done. There used to be 255 security levels. Now there are only 100. I felt that 255 was just too many, and made management of them unbearable. They used to be stored in the MATRIX.DAT, which was all stored in memory. Now they are stored as individual records in the SECURITY.DAT, thus reducing overhead because only one security level has to be in memory at one time. Added the ability to expand in the future by using Post/Call Ratio, # Files/# KB able to be DLed per call based on baud rate, and more. Moved the Archiver setup out of the MATRIX.DAT to the ARCHIVER.DAT file in the DATA directory. This also reduced the overhead because only one archiver has to be in memory at one time, and can be stored as a local variable versus the MATRIX.DAT record, which is a global variable. Changed the list box function in the Message Base editor to display the message format all the way to the right. This is for reference purposes. I thought that this might be nice for those sysops who decide to mix and match formats. I think I fixed the problem with the stripcolor routine, but I'm NOT SURE! We'll see. Added the file SYSTEM.DAT to the DATA directory, which took some of the data out of the MATRIX.DAT. This was to eliminate the possibility of duplicating information stored there if the sysop was using multiple MATRIX.DAT files. Build .02 Fixed some major bugs in the reading messages function. Most (06/03/95) of them didn't show up very often because we pack the message bases often, but when there were deleted messages, etc. Nexus was having trouble handling that. Fixed it! Added true QuickKey menu support. Now, as the display for the menu is displaying, if you hit a key that is a valid menu item it will automatically execute that command before finishing the display. (I like this one ) Fixed a BUG in the true QuickKey support... :) Fixed a bug in that would not allow you to change to message bases higher than the number of file bases available... (That's what I get for cutting and pasting code... ) Fixed a bug that would not correctly read in the last message and file conference that a user was in when they last logged off. Significantly**** increased Message New Scanning speed. So much so that I don't need the spinning cursor any more! :) Check it out. You'll love it. Build .03 Changed the way menu command types are referenced in (06/08/95) preparation for the completion of the menu editor in NxSetup. Prior to this version, they were referenced with a two letter sequence. I found this to be cryptic because one would be led to believe that the letters would give away some clue as to the function, however this was not always the case as sometimes I ran out of letters... :) So I went to a numbering system. The menu command types now have a two digit number assigned to them (all except the disconnect commands which are Dx with x being a number). SIGNIFICANTLY increased the speed in Waiting Message Scans also! :) Fixed a slight bug that would not display the Newscan Finished! string for File New Scanning when there were no files in a base. Fixed a slight bug that would not allow you to use the File and Message Base QuickChange(tm) features. Added a new MCI code |PAUSEYN|... will cause the Continue? Yes prompt (which the string is configurable.) Old MCI code |PAUSE| will use the regular pause screen prompt which will not ask yes or no... Fixed a bug that would cause the arrow key support in the File Base Change and File Base Tagging functions not to work properly. Again the result of cutting and pasting code... :) (I'll never learn, will I? ) -* Version 0.96 - Original Compile : 06/14/95 Build .01 Added more of the windowed routines to NxSetup, including some (06/14/95) of the scheme editors, and the menu editor. Decided that I am going to recode the arrow key support for the file/message base change/tagging. Will see this in an upcoming release. I have the preliminary stuff done, I just need to put it in and test it... :) Continued my work on NxFBMgr... Have the edit files function almost complete. Just a few more things. Then I will begin to work on the Delete Files, Add Files, and whatever else I can think of... :) Build .02 Changed the way the status line looks quite a bit. It's much (06/18/95) cleaner now, and easier to read. Added the support for the Access String by File to Nexus. NxFBMgr had the support already, but Nexus just ignored the Access String for the files. Now it will stop the file from being able to be listed, viewed, flagged, downloaded, etc. Updated the Tagline Editor quite a bit. There are still more modifications I want to make, but probably won't get to 'em till after the beta hits. Currently it allows you to edit all existing taglines. Future modifications: Manually entering New Taglines. Importing a text file as Taglines. Exporting all taglines to a text file. Exporting a region of taglines to text file (ie 1-100) When exporting, TagEdit will check to see if the text file exists, and if it does it will ask you if you want to overwrite the file or append the taglines to the file. Any suggestions on features for the tagline editor will be MORE than welcome. :) Future enhancements to tagline support will be the ability to have an individual tagline file for each language defined. That way callers using another lang won't have to put taglines in that language into the tagline file with the English, etc. To make it easier all around! Fixed a bug in the stripcolor routine that would not display a string if it was shorter than 4 characters long. Also fixed a bug in this routine that would display the last few characters of a string if a color code was entered at the end of a string. Build .03 Added improved communications handling if a fossil driver is (06/21/95) not available, so that Nexus won't lock up. Improved the way Nexus handles locking com ports. Instead of having two baud rates to enter (max and locked), Nexus now uses the max baud rate as the locked baud rate if you have lock port set to Yes... Improved the fossil routines so as to handle baud rates above 38400, including 57600, etc. up to 115200 (valid FOSSIL rates only!) Nexus now recognizes and logs the Fossil Identification. This is purely for reference only, but I thought it may be useful for something. :) Added a semaphore file where xxx = node number padded. For node 1000, xxx = 000. This will cause Nexus to reread the user record into memory. Fixed a bug that would cause a runtime error if a message base didn't exist and was accessed. Changed the Carbon Copy message function. I didn't like how it was working. Before it basically made an exact copy of the original in a new base. I didn't feel this would be useful, since the original To: and From: fields would be the same (and those users may not even read the new base!). Now it works similarly to the forward message function, except that it does not let you edit the text. It will allow you to change the To: field and the From: field is now set to your name. The To: field defaults to All. It also let's you append a tagline to the message. Fixed a bug that was causing all sorts of problems in the message reading. It would cause MAJOR slowdowns when listing messages, etc. It was basically a conflict between two objects I had in memory at the same time. Ooops. Build .04 Fixed a bug that would cause Nexus to lock up when trying to (06/23/95) read a message that was deleted. This was due to my not realizing that the way I had code the message stuff was not conducive to displaying messages that were deleted with JAM and Squish formats like the old Nexus Format was. Got it fixed now. Now if you enter in a message number that was deleted, it will skip to the next available message that is active. Fixed a bug that would not properly set the lastread pointers when using the I option from message reading to ignore remaining messages. Fixed a bug related to above bug regarding reading deleted message bases. This would cause Nexus to lock up when doing a new scan of a message base where the first new message was deleted. Fixed a bug in the status line that would show an invalid time. The correct time left online is now shown. Build .05 Fixed a bug that would not correctly clear out some fields in (06/27/95) the .NFB record when uploading. This would cause lots of garbled characters when editing the file in NxFBMgr. YUCK! -* Version 0.96 - Original Compile : 06/14/95 Build .06 - Started coding the new changes in how the log file deleting (06/28/95) is processed. Changed a few interface things with the graphics detection upon connection. Build .07 - Changed a little in the way the Copy/Forward/Move Message (07/02/95) functions interface with the changing of the Message Base to the new one. Fixed a bug that would report a user had no time left in a door when they actually did. Fixed a number of bugs that were causing scanning for messages to/from a user to not work properly. Build .08 - Major changes in the USERS.DAT file. Finally got everything (07/02/95) changed to how I want it. Plus left myself LOTS of room for expansion. Working on getting the old color system completely out of Nexus. Build .09 - Still getting rid of the color system. There are lots of (07/03/95) little places in the code that the old color codes were hidden and since I never took the processing of them out of the display routines, I never realized it! :) Now that I took the processing out, I see all those nasty color codes popping up all over the place. It may take me another day or so, but I should get 'em all nailed soon! Started coding the support for the additions and changes in the USERS.DAT file. Build .10 - Still removing old color codes from the source code. This (07/04/95) process will take me some time, so I am not going to report it in the next few builds. I will simply let you all know when I am done... :) Build .11 - Fixed a bug that was fairly small, but... It had to do with (07/05/95) NxSetup creating a zero byte .MNU file and that would cause Nexus to exit with a runtime error. Build .12 - OK. I lied. All I did on these builds was get rid of the and .13 damn color codes... :) (07/06/95) I'll let you know when I'm done. Build .14 - Fixed a bug that was causing the Get Street Address function (07/07/95) to display the wrong string... simply referenced the wrong string number... whoops. -* Version 0.97 - Original Compile : 07/08/95 Build .01 - Changed some more of the Change User Settings functions to (07/08/95) use the strings out of the string editor. Finished all then Change User Settings color codes! Build .02 - Fixed a slight bug that would cause some odd effects when (07/11/95) pressing the 'N' key while reading a message as it displayed. In the process of adding seperate swap settings for the different types of activity causing a shell to the OS. Build .03 - Removed more old color codes from the file functions. (07/12/95) Build .04 - Fixed a bug that would cause the |PAUSEYN| mci code to be (07/15/95) displayed after the pause yes/no question string was displayed. Finished the seperate swapping. Build .05 - Figured out that I did not put in seperate swapping for (07/18/95) viewing archives. Fixed dat. Changed the tearline for Alpha/Beta copies to list the build number... i.e. --- Nexus 0.97 Alpha 05 [Node 4] Fixed a bug that was incorrectly reading in the wrong Archiver record from the ARCHIVER.DAT file when viewing archives. Build .06 - Removed some more of the old color codes from the new (07/19/95) user logon process. I'm HOPEFULLY getting close to having them all gone! :) Build .07 - Added some code to account for posted messages and tossed (07/21/95) messages when a user is online and reading mail in a base to update the high message number. Build .08 - Looks like I overcompensated a little and put in a few (07/22/95) more checks than I needed to for the high message number. Started slowing message reading/listing/etc. down a little. I took out some unnecessary calls. We'll see how this works. Build .09 - Added internal viewing of .RAR archive format files. Took (07/23/95) me a little bit, but... :) Now Nexus has internal viewing of RAR, ZIP, LZH, ARC, PAK... I think that's it, but I might have missed one. No, I haven't gotten around to adding ARJ yet. :) Build .10 - Somehow or another the modifications that I had made on (07/23/95) the fossil routines got lost in the shuffle and I had to redo them from the start. Started coding the V7 Nodelist lookup, but I'm having some major problems with it. I'll keep you posted. Build .11 - Fixed a MAJOR bug in my revisions of the FOSSIL routines. (07/23/95) This was causing everything to be screwed up when a user logged on. Ooops. :) Changed the display of the Graphics Detection routines when Nexus starts up to make things a little cleaner. Build .12 - Fixed a bug that would not swap correctly when running doors. (07/23/95) Nexus was just shelling out and not swapping. Fixed a bug that would not accept Base #0 as a valid Message Base number when doing a forced Waiting Mail Scan. Added an Auto-Notification system for notifying the Sysop via Private Local Mail that a New User Has logged on. Nexus will place default information in the message text, or the sysop can create NOTIFY.NEW in the Graphics directory, which may contain any MCI codes that are valid for Text files and this will be placed in the message text. Build .13 - Added the User Setting Change commands for all 4 phone (07/24/95) numbers. 38,39,40,41 ... :) Changed the way the Auto-Notification System works. The Text File that Nexus reads now is structured as follows: Line 1 YES/NO {Whether Message is Private} Line 2 [From] {String entered as From in MSG} Line 3 [To] {String entered as To in MSG} Line 4 [Subject] {String entered as Subject in MSG} Line 5+ Message Text MCI codes are valid on all lines except line 1. The filename for the New User Notification is now NEWUSER.NOT... There will be a menu command that will allow you to auto-notify a Text file that you specify. No defaults are used anymore. If the text file does not exist, the notification is skipped. Fixed another bug in the True QuickKey menu support. Nexus was pulling a random character out of memory sometimes, causing a menu to continuously throw you into a command, and not let you out.... :) Build .14 - I believe that I fixed a bug in the UL/DL ratio processing. (07/25/95) This was causing Nexus to report incorrect UL/DL ratios, thus effectively stopping users from DLing when they should have been able to. Fixed a bug that would cause the waiting mail scan when passed the C or base # on the Command String to scan ALL messages to you, not just the new ones... :) Finished coding the Delete File and Move File routines in NxFBMgr. I think they are bug free, but Dan'll let me know! Started coding the Sort Files routines in NxFBMgr. Right now it is hard-coded to use Ascending Order sorting by Filename, but I will soon allow the other sorting options. Put in the Insert New File to NxFBMgr. All that is left now in this function is the checking for FILE_ID.DIZ. I am going to put in code for checking for archive header types. Dan requested this due to *.SDN files, etc. coming in that are actually ZIPs or ARJs but would not be identified as such by their extension. Build .15 - Removed some more color codes. (07/26/95) Changed the way the Your File Info screen works. Before it would display a hard-coded display of information. I decided to make it more flexible: It now displays the file FILEINFO (.TXT,.ANS,.RIP - depending on User's Emulation). Got rid of the BBS List function. Decided that it could be better done by an external door and was not a necessary function of the BBS. (07/27/95) Added support for phone numbers and zip codes that are from outside the USA. Working on adding Upload of All Files in NxFBMgr. Got it about half-way coded. Removed the Remove Files and Edit Files functions from Nexus. (07/28/95) Fixed a bug that was causing Nexus to exit with a run-time error when flagging/downloading files. Cleaned up some of the downloading display, including the downloading from a file listing. Before it would ask you: [1] Filename or Number: and when you typed in the filename, it would do this: [1] Filename or Number: PCSOURCE.ZIP Flagged: PCSOURCE.ZIP and go back to the position 1 on the screen and ask for a filename again. Now it does this: [1] Filename or Number: and when you type in the filename it does this: Flagged: PCSOURCE.ZIP [2] Filename or Number: Hope that helped... :) (07/29/95) Added Split-screen chat feature for callers with ANSI. Some more slight modifications are in order for it to make it more color configurable, but it is fully functional as is. on we go to version 0.98.... wish me luck... :) -* Version 0.98 - Original Compile : 08/01/95 Build .01 - Fixed a bug that would cause Downloading from the File (08/01/95) Listing to exit back to the list before it downloaded the file. :) Whoops. Put in much of the remaining code for the Upload All function in NxFBMgr. Everything is working properly, and after testing it for a little while, I'm sure Dan will find something else he wants me to add/change. :) (08/02/95) Fixed most of the bugs in the new Split-Screen Chat. Let me know what you think... I'm open to suggestions on this one. :) (08/03/95) Tighted up the event processing in Nexus. It will now check for time remaining more frequently, so that a user cannot sit in a menu command after their time has expired. Fixed a bug that would not display the event warning message when it was supposed to. Fixed it so that a user could not take out time out of the time bank when an event was pending. (08/04/95) Added some more to the color configuration, and moved things around in the menus of NxSetup to accomodate the Language Editor. Fixed a bug in NxSetup that was incorrectly updating the list box in the CD-ROM Drive Configuration. This was an annoying little bug that caused me MANY headaches! :) (08/06/95) Finished the Protocol Editor in NxSetup. Finished the Archiver Editor in NxSetup. Build .02 Finished the File Variables Setup in NxSetup. (08/08/95) Fixed a bug in NxFBMgr that would cause it to exit with a runtime error when there were no files in a file base and the .NFB did not exist. Fixed, and now it recreates the .NFB file. Fixed a few bugs in INSTALL.EXE. (08/09/95) Changed the way that file listing is done quite a bit. The header is now only displayed one time. This is displayed at the top of the first page. The file listing will now display descriptions that have blank lines in the middle of them, as so many authors have now decided to go against FILE_ID.DIZ standard and include blank lines. Ah, well. The prompt is now displayed on the same line on every page, no matter how many lines are displayed. This was changed so that users don't have to jump around looking to find where the prompt is every time. (08/11/95) Started coding the pop-up Menu Command Type selection. I'm about 66% of the way thru, with the hardest part of the coding done. However, I am so tired that I can hardly think right now, so I'm going to get some sleep and finish the rest in the morning (what am I talking about... it IS morning ). Changed the format of the SECURITY.DAT file to include a description of each security level. A new MCI will be added, probably |USLDESC| or something to that effect, which will display the User's Security Level Description. The User Editor is about halfway finished. I wanted to have all of this done sooner, so that I could go to beta when I said on Monday or Tuesday, but it has taken a little more work than I thought. I SHOULD have it finished by tomorrow. This is really the only thing that is holding me back from beta right now, so we should see them go out... (08/12/95) Well, I finished up the User Editor. We're all set to go. The betas will be going out tonight. Wish me luck. :) Build .03 Fixed a couple of bugs in the installation program and the (08/13/95) user editor, along with a few in the USERS.IDX recreation upon startup of both NEXUS and NXSETUP. Added support to NxFBMgr to check to see which CD-ROMs are online when it starts up, so that it can put the right path information into the UL/DL paths of those file bases on CD-ROM. (08/15/95) Fixed a bug that would cause private messages to be able to be read by anyone, no matter who it was addressed to. Whoops. Fixed a bug that would NOT allow a user to read private mail that THEY posted. Cleaned up and sped up some of the coding for Listing Messages. It was listing them TOO slowly... Fixed dat. (08/16/95) Recompiled all EXEs with Turbo Pascal 7.0 instead of version 6.0. Has decreased EXE size while increasing speed. Added the Conference Editors for Messages/Files. They are the second items under their respective menus in NxSetup. Added more of the display to the Menu Editor, including the ability to edit the fallback menu. :) AND it now shows you that F5 will let you edit the Menu Commands... :) Put in the automatic checking of Archive Type in NxFBMgr. When you do a Alt-U to do an Upload, if NxFBMgr does not find an Archiver defined that matches the extension, it will check the archive to see if it matches one of the following formats: ZIP, ZOO, ARC, LZH, RAR, ARJ This is nice in the case of let's say the SDN where they rename all the extensions to SDN, and most programs cannot recognize what type of archive format they are in. They will be uploaded correctly by NxFBMgr. Fixed a bug in Nexus that would not correctly allow users to take time out of their TimeBank account if they called with no time left. Changed the way uploading works a little. When starting an upload, Nexus will ask the user if they are uploading multiple files. If they say "no" then they will be prompted for a filename of the file that they are uploading. This is due to the fact that some protocols (such as Xmodem) must have the filename before starting the transfer, as they do not send this information. I don't think this is how it will be done finally, but this is a quick fix for the time being. I'm open to suggestions on the whole ULing procedure/process... Changed the Product Information Screen a little to reflect what it was compiled with, and what time/date it was compiled. Changed the way users are referenced when logging on as new. Previously, when a user would type in their name at the logon prompt and it was not found, it would place that name in the Alias field. It now asks them if that is their real name, and if so, it places it in the real name field. If they answer 'no', then Nexus prompts them for their real name. Then, if the system is set to allow aliases, it will prompt them for an alias. Fixed a bug that would possibly lock up the system in an endless loop, and not report a find correctly in Nexus when doing a Version 7 nodelist search. My routine for searching for a name does not work correctly, so I am going to have to rewrite it. It will correctly search for a node number to make sure that it exists, however. (08/20/95) Fixed a bug that would not properly store the current color in memory so that colors were being changed when they should not have been (i.e. when displaying ANSI files...) Changed the format of a few files... :) I probably should have done this before, but I was putting it off.... here goes: MATRIX.DAT: Stayed the same size, so no conversion on this file is necessary. The no longer used variables have become RESERVED space. COMxxxx.DAT: Renamed to NODExxxx.DAT. Many variables have been moved from the MATRIX.DAT to this file. NODExxxx.DAT: Renamed to USERxxxx.DAT... This still stores all of the user's information that is online on node xxxx, just changed the name. FBxxxx.DAT/MBxxxx.DAT/MXxxxx.DAT: These were alternate node files for the FBASES.DAT/MBASES.DAT/MATRIX.DAT... Due to the way that Nexus handles paths now, the multiple MATRIX.DAT files are no longer necessary. The node specific information has been moved to the NODExxxx.DAT file. Due to the fact that it would be difficult for 3rd party developers (and myself and Dan) to develop external utilities for Nexus that have to read the Message Base/File Base information, these files have been removed. If you need to make a base node- specific, you can use an Access String setting for it. The Access String N[node] will work like this. (i.e. N1 will restrict something to node 1). There is a conversion program for the above. (08/22/95) Added a menu command 87 that will display which News Files have been updated. It will NOT allow them to read them, just display the updated list. Added a menu command 88 Post Auto-Notification. The command data is ;. This uses the same format as the NEWUSER.NOT file as stated above. Re-coded part of the communications routines to prepare for the addition of Interrupt Driven routines. Fixed a bug in the Color Code stripping routine that would cause color codes to be displayed in TTY mode. Build .04 Changed the format of the Scan Records data files. They (08/25/95) were previously stored by Msg/File Base. This was not efficient, and caused speed problems. Now they are stored per user in an individual file for each user. Though this takes up more disk space, the performance difference is worth it. Added Conference indexing. This is so that Nexus can effectively do New Scans when using Conferences. Previously there were no conference indexes, and Nexus had to load the whole message base to check the Access String to see if that Base was associated with a conference. This slowed things down. Another Index file for each conference will be added at a later point, that being an index for the Change/Tag Bases functions. This index will greatly speed the display of the Base listings when doing a Change/Tag. I'm toying with the idea of adding a CD-ROM index also, for each disk, to speed the display of File Bases when a CD is offline. Haven't decided on this one yet, however. (08/27/95) Fixed problems with the Menu Editor and editing commands. There were a couple of them, most of them stemming from not saving commands when it should, and saving commands or writing 0 byte files when it shouldn't... :) Fixed. Started coding NxChat, the multi-node chat program that will be included with Nexus. Got some of the groundwork laid. Not much accomplished, except for deciding how I was going to TRY to get it to work... ;) (08/28/95) Changed the way that a user changes his/her terminal emulation a little. It will get one more change in the near future, where they can set whether they want ANSI/RIP auto- detected in the future, for those terminal programs that do not support the auto-detection correctly. Now Nexus will, if a user changes their emulation online, will display what it has detected, and will override that detection for that call if they change to ANSI or RIP. Fixed a problem I was having with the status line going away during the new user login process and when displaying ANSI display files. Got the displays for NxChat working on the local copy. Can't guarantee what it's going to look like on the other end, but hey! Added a NXSETUP.DAT file, that contains some information about NxSetup itself (not Nexus), such as the path/filename to your File Base Manager and Offline Mail System setup program. This is to facilitate the ease of use in setup. If someone chooses at a later point to supplement their setup with a 3rd party File Base Manager or Offline Mail System, they can access them directly from NxSetup by configuring these path/filenames. (08/30/95) Reduced the overhead in Nexus, NxSetup, and NxFBMgr. Reduced TREMENDOUSLY the EXE/OVR size for NxSetup and NxFBMgr. This was due to many hours of some serious code optimizing. Finally made the local screen security and local security work how they should. This is how it works: If you have Local Screen Security set to 'Yes', all Access Key characters that are entered will echo to the local screen the Echo Character from the current Language file. If it is set to 'No', the local screen will display the actual character typed. NOTE: The Echo Character will STILL BE SENT via the modem. If you have Local Security set to 'Yes', then local logons will prompt for Access Keys at logon (barring the -KF commandline parameter for a fast local logon). If it is set to 'No', users will still be required to enter their name, but they will not have to enter their Access Key or Phone Number (if that is toggled on). Fixed LOTS of major problems I was having with the remote screen in NxChat. Got the major chat functions coded, and are working properly. Multi-node chat works very well. Now I just have to add all the bells and whistles. There are no facilities yet for making additional rooms, joining rooms, (there is only one right now ), paging other nodes, doing various action words (there are a couple... but), and I think that's about it... anyone got any suggestions? I'm not TOO familiar with the other multi-node chats out there. (08/31/95) New Flag in the setup is for Security for NxSetup. If this flag is set to 'Yes', NxSetup will prompt for an Access Key when it first starts. This is the SYSOP Access Key (the same one you will have to enter when you log on remotely). If it is entered incorrectly, or left blank, NxSetup will exit. If it is set to 'No', things will operate as normal, with NxSetup allowing anyone to enter. Fixed a problem with the remote screen color not being set properly for the logon Access Key. Coded the groundwork for the setup for ivOMS. Got about half of the options able to be changed/set. Coming along very nicely. ;) (09/01/95) Started coding in Global Function Keys for NxSetup. These keys are Alt-F1 through Alt-F10... These keys can be used to run external programs from within NxSetup. Alt-J can also be used to do a shell to the OS... Currently only the first two levels of menus support this. I will add more places as time goes on. Added a Copyright/Program Information notice upon Connect. I didn't like the fact that if the Sysop chose not to put a Product Information menu command anywhere on his/her system, that there was no Copyright notice displayed to the user. (09/02/95) Finished coding the ivHelp Help System. This is a nice little help system that can be used in any of our programs because it is all based on text file configs and a compiler. It has Hotspot Jumps, etc. I'm sure that as time goes on that I will expand it to do stuff like indexes, etc. but right now it suits the purpose. Now I just have to write all the darn help files.. ;) Changed the node setup in NxSetup to be able to toggle the communications type of the node (Local,Fossil,Digiboard, Interrupt)... Interrupt is not selectable yet, as I have not finished putting in the interrupt driven com-routines. (09/03/95) I THINK I fixed a bug in NxFBMgr that would cause it to pop up a displaybox saying 'Error reading source file.'... let me know if this shows up anymore. Added two new MCI codes |SLDESC| and |SUBDESC|, which are the user's current Security Level description and their Subscription Level description, respectively. Put the repacking of Conference Indexes into the Message Base and File Base Editors. Put the ability to define Time Bank values by Security Level. This is done in the Security Level Configuration section. You can define Maximum Time in TimeBank, Max Withdraws per Day and Call, and Maximum amount added per Day and Call. The menu commands remain the same. No command data is needed for either. (09/04/95) Got rid of the need for the nightly maintenance routine. It still does a little bit, but not enough to display anything to the users. It takes under 3 seconds now... Fixed it so that users can actually enter one word Aliases, (oops), and so that you can have a non-Alias BBS, but still allow aliases for Message Bases, etc. There are two toggles in the System Flags: Allow Aliases, and Alias is Primary... Type of System Allow Aliases Alias is Primary Real Names ONLY No No Real Names/Alias in Msg Bases Yes No Aliases everywhere Yes Yes (09/05/95) Searching for users in the User Editor now shows whether the match was made based on the Alias or the Real Name of a user in the far right hand side of the list box line. I think I have all of the places in NxSetup allowing the use of the Global Function and Alt-J keys. If anyone finds someplace that's not, please let me know. The only place that does not, to my knowledge, is a couple of places in the color scheme configuration, and when editing and input field. (09/11/95) Fixed a bug that would cause a file search that located a match at the end of a line of the description to use the search color to pad out the next line of description. (09/12/95) Fixed a bug in the logging that would place the alias in the log file when a user logged off, whether the system was set to use Aliases as the Primary name or not. Cleaned up some of the logging so that it is easier to read. New menu command 94 - Set User Page Availability will ask the user if they wish to be available for Paging or not. (09/13/95) Finished up work on the Conference Tagging in the Message Base Editor. Finished automatic repacking of the MBASES.IDX and the Message Conference Index files in the Message Base Editor. (09/14/95) Finished up work on the Conference Tagging in the File Base Editor. Finished automatic repacking of the FBASES.IDX and the Message Conference Index files in the File Base Editor. Build .05 Fixed a small display bug that would display the user's (09/15/95) Alias, no matter if Alias Primary was set to 'Yes' or not when they logged off on the local screen. No big deal, but I thought that it should get fixed... ;) (09/16/95) Fixed a problem that would not correctly update the FBASES.IDX file when editing File Bases in NxSetup. Nexus used to store the last message base and file base a user was in when they logged off of their last call and would restore this upon their next logon. This caused WAY too many problems, with deleting bases, etc. so it has been removed, and they will be placed in the first available base when they log on. (09/17/95) Cleaned up some of the entry for New Users with their Real Names and Aliases (if allowed). It is now cleaner and more user friendly. Changed when a new user logs on a little bit. Before it would display their User Name and Access Key and then display a configurable string... This was to inform the user of their name and access key and that they should write it down. Have removed this hardcoded display of information. You may use the |FILE| in that configurable string (#121) to specify a file that contains MCI codes with their information. Or you can have it display whatever you want... ;) (09/18/95) Have NexusChat using different rooms now. It's still kinda rough, but it's getting there! ivOMS (I think) now should be working pretty close to flawlessly. It still does not have all of the features implemented, but you should be able to upload/download mail packets as well as configure your setup. (09/19/95) Nexus now uses MSCDEX if available to detect CD-ROM drives. You still need to set up the available drives in NxSetup, but if Nexus detects MSCDEX, it will use the available CD-ROM drive letters that it reports versus the list that you gave. Keep in mind that CD-ROM drives shared over a network do NOT report that they are CD-ROM drives, and most likely you will NOT have MSCDEX installed, so you that is why you need to configure them in NxSetup. Plus, in the case when you might not need to load MSCDEX, this also works. CD-ROM drives are now detected as Nexus loads up, and the detection is MUCH faster, so now when a user logs on, they will not have to wait for it to detect the CD-ROMs. Using a unique filename is NO LONGER VALID. Volume IDs are used strictly. Let me know if any of you have problems with this. We have tested it here on our systems, and it works fine both on the server where the CD-ROM drives reside (MSCDEX detected) and on the workstations where the BBS is run from (no MSCDEX because it is over the network). (09/20/95) Fixed a MAJOR bug that would cause Nexus to crash when trying to access File Bases on a CD-ROM that was not present. Thanks to Dave Stanley for his help and patience on this one! Added the support for CD-ROM drives to be able to be accessed by a unique filename. This file can be anywhere on the CD-ROM, so long as the full path and filename can fit in 40 characters. A drive letter should NOT be in this path. You must set the Use Unique Filename flag to 'Yes' in order for Nexus to check this way. Fixed a bug that would allow users to access message and file bases even if they were in a conference other than the one that was joined. This bug happened due to the changes in the conference system implemented in the previous version. Various minor visual enhancements. Build .06 Fixed a bug that would cause Nexus to not find files when (09/23/95) doing a file search without a Keyword. Added the ability to search all file bases when doing a download or flag if the filespec is not found in the current file base. Fixed a bug that would cause using the Gosub Menu (02) and Return from Gosub (03) to not work correctly. (09/25/95) Fixed a problem with color codes inadvertantly being interpretted in the internal Message Editor when redisplaying the screen. Fixed a problem with the message text color in the internal Message Editor not being set to the proper color when first entering the editor. Fixed a problem that would allow a node to be started up a second time if no one had logged in on the first occurance yet. Fixed a bug that would not pass the filename correctly when doing a single file download. (09/26/95) Enhanced the view archive interior command. Instead of simply pausing between each file, it now gives you a prompt. You may quit viewing, view the file again, and convert the archive format. Converting is only available to File Sysops, Co-Sysops, and Sysops. Along with the above enhancements, there were many bugs fixed with the view interior, including improper pausing, and some irregular screen activity... ;) Fixed some bugs in the look and feel of the Converting Archives function. ;) (09/27/95) Fixed a bug in NxFBMgr that would cause it to exit with a runtime error 103 when trying to upload files to a file base that did not have any files in it for the first time. Fixed a bug that would cause NxFBMgr not to be able to upload files to CD-ROM bases. Changed the filenames of a couple of log files: Was Now TRAP.TXT GLOBxxxx.TRP (xxxx is node) ^Global activity file USERx.TXT Ux.TRP (x is user number) ^Individual Trapping File USERx.CHT Ux.CHT (x is user number) ^Individual Chat Log (10/02/95) Nexus will now exit with the errorlevel of 10 if a message has been posted in an echomail or netmail message base. This does not account for offline mail processors, but accounts for any messages posted directly on the BBS. Put in support for the semaphore file, so that external programs (such as ivOMS) that create new messages can create this semaphore, and Nexus will set the errorlevel upon exit accordingly. This semaphore file should ONLY be created if messages have been posted in a NETMAIL or ECHOMAIL type base. (10/03/95) Started coding initial support for the scripting system. Current implemented keywords are: PRINT displays a line of text with LF PROMPT displays a line of text without LF FILEOPEN opens a textfile FILEPUT writes a line to textfile FILECLOSE closes textfile INTEGER creates a variable of type INTEGER STRING creates a variable of type STRING BOOLEAN creates a variable of type BOOLEAN More additions to come... ;) Added the FILECREATE command to NexusScript, to create a text file from scratch. The FILEOPEN command will check whether the file exists, and if so, append to the end of it, and if not, will create it. The FILECREATE command will recreate the file, whether it exists or not. Took out extraneous code in the user information entry routines and cleaned them up quite a bit. Added support to ivOMS for the semaphore files, to allow for Nexus to exit with the errorlevel of 10 when new echo/netmail has been written. Fixed a bug that would cause the user's terminal emulation not to be updated in the USERxxxx.DAT if the user changed it during this session, thus causing doors (such as ivOMS) that used the information in USERxxxx.DAT and not a drop file to incorrectly set the terminal emulation. Added support for the MSGINF dropfile for external editors. This was done through trial and error, so right now it only writes the following lines: From Name To Name Subject If there are more lines that are supported in this file, they will be added at a later time, as this knowledge becomes available to me. The MSGINF file allows Nexus to pass the above information to the external editor for display purposes. (10/04/95) Fixed a major bug that would cause the New User Subscription (Subscription #1) not to work properly with respect to the user's AC Flags... it simply was not setting them. ;) Works correctly now... This bug was only seen in the case of when a new user logs on, not when changing subscriptions later on. Added more to the NxSetup help files. Yippee... ;) Changed the Alt-C command in the User Editor for Clear for Re-Entry Flags so that it now works ONLY in the View User mode, instead of only working in the Edit User mode like it did previously. Fixed the bug in ivOMS that would cause it not to be able to swap out properly. This was due to an error in the compiler directives for setting the Stack/Heap memory. (10/05/95) Cleaned up the File Listing majorly. It is laid out much better now. It still looks really similar to what it did before, but the spacing is better, and the display tells more. In addition to that, implemented in the file listing for showing the file size differently than it was before. Before it was shown in the number of Kb, no matter how big it was. Now it is shown in Kb unless the file is above 1 MB, and then it is displayed as follows: 1.1M So the old way just displayed a number, now it shows one of two things: 803k or 1.2M Nicer and cleaner. Instead of having one big field for Bytes when the Filepoint system was not in use, it now shows the 'Free' status if that file or the whole base is a Free download. Changed the whole way invalid downloads/flags were handled. Previously, it would compile a list of all the files that were unable to be flagged/downloaded, and then display the whole list with the reasons. It now will tell you the reason as it goes along, thus reducing a LOT of confusion. Fixed a problem in the color code processing of strings that would not display blinking colors properly. If you had %280% for example, this should produce Blinking Bright Red on Black Background... it didn't. :) It produced Bright Red on Blue Background. FIXED. Implemented the |SCRIPT| MCI code for use in strings. It works the same way |FILE| MCI code does: |SCRIPT| example: |SCRIPT|TESTSCR Implemented the |DOOR| MCI code for use in strings. It works the same way |FILE| MCI code does: |DOOR| example: |DOOR|35 Fixed a problem with the procedure that writes the DOORFILE.SR not following what the Use Realname flag was in the door, and was writing the Alias no matter what. (10/10/95) Cleaned up the display of flagged files during the download process. Added the 'F' tag to the file listing for when a file is flagged, so that the user can see that it is flagged. Added two new MCI codes, PL and PR... these take a little explaining. :) These MCI codes allow you to pad out text to a specified length. This is nice for designing screens with MCI codes in it, so that you can make sure everything lines up. PL will place the text on the Left side and PR will place the text on the Right Side. The format is as follows: |PL()xx| Now, on to the tricky part... When placing MCI codes in the text above, you must replace the normally used Pipe (|) character with the tilde (~) character. This is due to the way Nexus processes MCI codes, and would not allow Nexus to find the end of the PL MCI code if pipe characters were used inside. Here is an example: User Name : |PL(~UREAL~)30| This will provide the following text: User Name : George Roberts {padded to 30} Example of PR MCI code: User Name : |PR(~UREAL~)30| This will provide the following text: User Name : George Roberts You can mix text, color codes, and MCI codes in the field, as such: |PL(%030%Your user name is %150%~UREAL~%030%.)60| It's a little new, so it may be confusing for a little while, but it will be a really handy feature for display files and strings. One nice aspect of it is that if you are editing strings, let's say the message entry prompts, and you want them all lined up, you don't have to eyeball it anymore. You just come up with a number for the width you want it to be, and use the PL MCI to make sure they all line up. Example: String 37 (Message Base) |PL(%030%Message Base)20|: %150% String 38 (From Name) |PL(%030%From)20|: %150% etc., etc. See what I mean? ;) (10/11/95) Changed some behind the scenes things with how Users are handled. User Numbers are not used any longer. Each user will receive a permanent UserID when they log on as new. This is permanent and will never be duplicated by another user. When a user is deleted, you still have the option of Undeleting them, and new users will be placed at the end of the user file, with a new UserID assigned to them. When undeleting a user, they will be assigned their original UserID again. Expect that the User Editor in the near future will recognize that you have deleted users and will prompt whether you wish to pack the User Base when exiting. Not yet, but on the way. ;) Modified ivOMS to work with the new UserID scheme. (10/18/95) Fixed the bug (finally!) that would cause users who had used up all of their time the previous day who are calling for the first time today to be told that they had no time left. ;) Added the new keyfile routines to Nexus and related programs. Changed how the tearline gets added in ivOMS... before it would place the reader that made the message in an underscore tear line like this: ___ Blue Wave v2.20 It no longer does so, since some readers to not supply the information needed. It used to put the ivOMS tearline in after that as such: --- ivOMS/Nexus 0.99 Alpha-06 Here is how the new tearline stuff looks: ~~~ ivOMS 0.99 Alpha-06 --- Nexus 0.98sw Alpha-06 It reads the necessary information from Nexus to obtain the version and build numbers so that it can create the tearline exactly like Nexus would. ;) Added new MCI codes : |SYSOPNAME| and |SYSOPAVAIL| |SYSOPNAME| displays the Sysop's name as defined in the Main System Configuration portion of NxSetup. |SYSOPAVAIL| displays 'Available' if the Sysop is available for chat, and 'Not Available' if he/she is not. Sysop availability is determined by the state of the scroll lock and the defined paging hours for that node. (Scroll lock off - available, scroll lock on - unavailable) (10/19/95) Implemented the daily time schedules for chatting, below minimum baud hours, below minimum baud download hours, and download hours. Fixed the Change Conference routine so that it would change the current message/file base, if necessary, to the first available base. Changed the Change Conference menu command to accept a Command Data of the conference letter. This will automatically change to that conference without displaying the list and the prompt. If the Command Data is blank, it will work as it does now. (10/20/95) Fixed a bug that would cause the writing and displaying of netmail messages not to have the correct information for the addresses. This was due to using an old format for the .MSG files that I was unaware was outdated. FIXED. (10/22/95) Fixed the display of the Emulation detection at login so that it isn't messed up anymore, and added colors to the copyright/program info that comes up when a user logs on. (10/23/95) Added something that SHOULD have been in a long time ago, and I just didn't realize that it wasn't. Nexus, ivOMS, and a new program I'm working on, ivED, now all put the ^AMSGID:
lines in the messages. Fixed a number of bugs in the scroll bar routine for the list boxes. Also fixed a number of bugs that would cause the list box to have some weird display effects when the top entry on the screen left less than enough entries to fill up the list box. Fixed a bug in the Menu Editor that would cause it to occasionally save the menu commands of one menu to that of another menu. Cleaned up the display quite a bit in the Line Message Editor, including adding an additional string to the Languages: #43 Message Entry Menu Prompt We have ours set to %030%Message Entry Menu [%150%S%030%=Save,%150%?%030%=More Commands] : %150% Fixed a bug in the message newscans that only came up occasionally. Optimized some of the message reading code so that it will be a little faster. Put in better handling of word-wrap characters (ASCII #141). Nexus now uses this in its own internal message editor, so that when a line is word-wrapped, it is saved into the message file correctly, so when quoted, will quote correctly. Along with this, I put in the support for quoting word wrapped lines. This will work so that it will avoid the jig-jag effect of quoting. Keep in mind that this will only work on messages that have been saved using word-wrapping, and that any mail processors have not stripped out the word wrap codes. -* Version 0.99 - Original Compile : 10/25/95 Build .01 Fixed a bug that would cause the use of LOCKOUT.TXT file (10/25/95) to lock out certain words in real names and aliases to report invalid names if there were blank lines in the text file. Started coding the new file system. Coming along pretty nicely. The actual engine itself is nearly complete (barring any necessary changes realized during the integration of the engine to Nexus). In preparation for this, and the ability to configure all of the strings, the file listing has been changed. It is not as jerky like it used to be, and it does not clear the screen for each redraw or stop at the end of a file when there was not enough room for the next one to fit fully. This was causing too many display problems, and was not very efficient. It took MUCH longer to look through a file base that way, and with the changes in the file base to allow more than 10 lines of description, there would be problems when the description of the file was longer than the screen. Would probably cause an infinite loop... those are nasty. Have not fully tested the new file listing routine. Will do so tomorrow. (10/27/95) Tested and fixed a few bugs in the new file listing routine. Should be pretty close to working flawlessly now. There might be a few display glitches here and there, so if any are noticed, please inform me. Removed some old code from the old file listing routines. Increased the number of configurable strings from 200 to 2000. The same strings are still configurable as of this entry, but more will be added as time goes on. (10/28/95) Fixed a small bug in the file listing routine that would cause files that their descriptions carried over to the next page on a newscan or search when it was the last file shown to not have the File List prompt displayed. Fixed a bug in the PL and PR MCI code processing that would allow it to only display one MCI code within it. (11/10/95) Fixed a bug that would cause the DORINFO1.DEF file to always contain 999 minutes available. Added more configurable strings to the file listing. Total rewrite of the file listing system. This new system allows for the new file system to be implemented. The old way of clearing the screen and padding the lines out is now gone, and it follows a similar format to most BBS software where it will display as many lines as it can on the screen and then pause for the prompt, whether the file description is finished or not. (11/11/95) Changed the way Nexus keeps track of node status. ONLINE.IDX is no longer used, and Semaphore files are used instead. (11/15/95) Added 3 additional lines to the MSGINF drop file for external editors. These contain the message #, the Message Base name, and whether it is private or not. As far as I can tell, I have all of the necessary lines included. This is the format that I have as of right now. If anyone obtains other info, please inform me: 1: From Name 2: To Name 3: Subject 4: Message # 5: Message Base Name 6: Private (YES or NO) (c) Copyright 1995 Intuitive Vision Software. All Rights Reserved. Nexus, Next Epoch matriX User System, ivOMS, and ExpressMail are Trademarks of Intuitive Vision Software. Intuitive Vision Software is a Division of Intuitive Vision Computer Services. /* End of file HISTORY.TXT */