SB DX @ ALLBBS $OPDX.216 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 216 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 216 BID: $OPDX.216 August 7, 1995 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AD1C, N2MIP, WB3LUI, K8YSE, N8HTT, K9AJ, KG9N, K0EU, 4X6TT, DF4RD, F5JYD, G3NUG, G4BUE & DXNS, HP2CWB, HS1NIV/5, JF1MGI, JH2PDS/1, OK1ADM and DL9GOA & DX News Letter for the following DX information. 3E2, PANAMA (IOTA DXpeditions). The Radio Club Association Ondas Del Caribe (HP2ODC) will activate Isla Grande or Big Island with the IOTA Reference Number NA-202. The planned operation will take place August 26th and 27th. Operators will include: Ricardo/HP2CTM, Jose/HP2CWB, Emilio/HP2DFU and possibly others. They will use the special callsign 3E2G. Activity will be on 80-10 meters including the WARC bands. QSL vis HP2CTM, Ricardo Lee, P.O. Box 152, Colon, Republic of Panama or via the HP Bureau. 3W, VIETNAM. Nickolay, 3W5FM, continues to be active on CW/SSB/RTTY mainly on 20 meters between 1000 and 1400z, but JA sources report RTTY activities on 24923 kHz at 1044z and on 18103 kHz at 1050z. He will be there until September, or October if possible. He does not know how long his job will take in Vietnam. IMPORTANT NOTE: The QSL route as been changed. QSLs for 3W5FM and UA0FM/3W go to P.O. Box 66, Vladimir 600011, Russia. Nickolay and his family left Sakhalin Island and moved to Vladimir City. QSL will be handled by his daughter, Nataly, UA0FFL/3. There is no need to send your 2nd QSL request to the new POB if you have already sent the 1st one to his old POB. All QSLs they received in Sakhalin should be forwarded to the new address. 9M2, WEST MALAYSIA (Holiday IOTA DXpedition). Neville, G3NUG, informs OPDX that he plans to activate Pulau Babi Besar (AS-046), located in the Johor East/Pahang State Group, August 11-14th. He will also activate Pulau Perhentian Besar (AS-073), located in the Terengganu/Kelantan State Group, August 17-21st. Previous operations from these island groups were over 4 years ago. Activity will only be on SSB and the usual IOTA frequencies will be used, so check 14260, 18128, and 7055 kHz (+/- QRM, split 5/10 up). QSL to G3NUG or via bureau. C6A, BAHAMAS. Chuck, KG9N, will be operating as KG9N/C6A from Abaco Island, August 11-18th. He plans to be active on RS-12 and particiate in the WAE CW Contest. CENTRAL AMERICA DXPEDITION. Ulis, WB3LUI will be active from El Salvador and Costa Rica. He will be active mostly on the lower bands 40 and 80 meters, and possibly the higher bands if MUF permits. Activity will be mostly CW. From August 12-20th, Ulis will be in El Salvador signing YS4/TI5NW and from August 20-27th, in Costa Rica signing TI5NW. QSL via the CBA of WB3LUI. CE0Z, JUAN FERNANDEZ. Randy/K0EU, Bob/K4UEE and Bob/K0IYF will be active from here September 13-20th. Operations will be on all bands with emphasis on the lower bands, WARC, and RTTY. They will use full sized Delta loops on 160/80 meters off a commercial 150 foot tall tower. Also a 2 element Cushcraft on 40 meters, 3 element tribander for 20-10 meters and a Cushcraft A3WS with 30 meters add on for WARC bands. The equipment consists of two TS450S stations, EWE (or beverage) for RX on 160/80. Three amplifiers including a Titan, L4B, and Alpha 76PA. QSL is to K0IYF. CY3, CANADA. A special station will be active from September 22nd to October 1st signing CY3IARU during the IARU Region 2 Conference. CY9 DXPEDITION UPDATE. Bob, KW2P (aka KW2P/CY9), reports the DXpedition team had a great time making 11,600 QSOs, 940 JA QSOs and 154 QSOs on 160 meters. He stated low band conditions were great and the best bands were 14 and 18 MHz. Also many satellite QSOs were made. Bob would like to thank everybody for the contacts. FT8X, KERGUELEN. The DX News Sheets report that Jean Jacques, FB1LYF, (ex J28CW) will be on Kerguelen Island for a year starting November. IH9, PANTELLERIA ISLAND (ITALY). Francesco, IK0XBX, will be active from here August 20th to September 1st. Pantelleria Island counts for IOTA AF-018 and TP-001 for Italy Islands Award. He will use the callsign IH9/IK0XBX on CW/SSB on 80-10 meters (including the WARC bands). QSL via IK0XBX, Francesco Fucelli, Str. S.Lucia 38, 06125 PERUGIA, ITALY or (after November 1st) I0ZUT, BOX 82, 06100 PERUGIA, ITALY or also via bureau. JY, JORDAN. Admir, 4X6TT, will be traveling once again to Amman and will be active as JY8TT. His main reason for this visit is to help do the work on JY74 cards. Amdir states that 17000 QSOs (CW/SSB/RTTY and all bands) were made during the special joint 4X/JY operation that took place at the end of July to celebrate the first anniversary of the Washington Declaration. NEW QSL MANAGER IN THE WORKS FOR 5R8DS AND 5R8DY. Ben, 5R8DS, informs OPDX he is temporarily in Holland for leave and holiday. During his stay he will decide on what QSL Manager to adopt to solve the 5R8DS and 5R8DY (Marian) QSL problem. It will most probably be a PA-station. Stay tuned for updates. NODXA WORLD-WIDE WEB HOME PAGE. The Northern Ohio DX Association has a presence on the internet and can be accessed via the K8YSE home page: Information about NODXA including the NODXA Award, Honor Roll and DXCC Patches, membership application procedures, officers, meeting minutes, DXpedtions supported along with lots of graphics is now availble to those having Netscape or another suitable viewer. Our thanks to ExchangeNet Services for providing the internet resources to the club. THIRD CANADIAN IOTA TOUR. Bruno, F5JYD, announced that F5SSM and himself will be active for the third time in CANADA (VE7), August 11-26th. They will be active from different islands for IOTA & C.IS.A awards. Activity will be on all bands (including the WARC bands). QSL via F5JYD. Their previous operation was from Vancouver Island Group (NA-036 Texada Island, NA-091 Gabriola Island, NA-075 Prince Rupert, NA-061 Queen Charlotte) using the previous callsigns of VE7/TM7I and XJ7/TM7I. TI9, COCOS ISLAND. Jose, TI9JJP, will be active until August 15th. If you miss him on this trip, you have a second chance to work him between October 4th and 20th. Look for him on 7050 kHz between 0200 and 0530z. Also check 14195 kHz at various times throughout the day. He has also been heard on 24940 kHz around 2330z. QSL to Jose Pastora, P.O. Box 330, 1000 San Jose, Costa Rica. VK9C, COCOS ISLAND. Uwe, DJ9HX, who was active this past week as VK9XI from Christmas Island, has moved on to Cocos Island signing VK9CJ. His activity should last until August 16. XF4, REVILLAGIGEDO. Nellie, XE1CI, is planning another visit here during sometime in September. XU, KAMPUCHEA (CAMBODIA). Wolff, DJ5JH, reports having a QSO on July 27th with S21/PA3BTQ and was told that PA3BTQ would be active as XU6TQ in September for 2 weeks. Afterwards he will be going to YA-land with only a slim chance of operating. XY, MYANMAR (BURMA). Reports state that a group of Japnese operators and Ray, HS0/G0NOM were active as XY1HT for a few days last week to demonstrate SSTV and RTTY to government officials. There was very little activity on the other modes, but some 154 QSOs were made. YS, EL SALVADOR. Kent, N2MIP, will be traveling to San Salvador this fall and will be active as YS1ZKR November 5-11th. This will be the first ever Satellite DX opportunity from El Salvador. In addition, he will be helping a recently licensed resident of El Salvador set up some wire antennas for HF operation. Once these are in place, he will operate on HF during the times that there are no windows to the birds. Satellite operation will be primarily on Oscar 13, with Oscar 10 as backup and also to provide additional coverage. Mutual windows with Asia and Europe will be at a premium and exclusive times with these areas will be provided. ZC4, U.K. SOVEREIGN BASE AREAS ON CYPRUS. OK1RF and OK1RI plan to be active from here as ZC4C between August 6th and 18th. They will be an entry in the WAE CW Contest, but before and after the contest they will be active on CW/SSB on 160-10 meters (including the WARC bands). QSL via OK1RI. SILENT KEY. On July 26th, Miriam West Smith, KB4C, head of Production and Circulation and the wife of Editor Carl Smith, N4AA, of the "QRZ DX" Bulletin became a silent key. Individuals at OPDX/NODXA would like to extend our deepest sympathies to Carl for his great loss during these difficult times. NEW!!!! VOICE OR FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! A FAX/ANSWERING Machine is now available 24 hours day. The number is 216-237-8208 which shares the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access: 1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ("1111"). (NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single "BEEPS" every second will not have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the "BEEP" leave your voice message or FAX. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: or send BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to: DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA /EXIT