REBUILDED LARGE.BNK FILE FOR MEGAEM 3.06b ========================================= Because MegaEm 3.06b doesn't come with "buildpat" program any more new MegaEm users cannot rebuild the "Large.bnk" file with PRO PATCHES LITE. However, the "1024.bnk" file rebuilded with MegaEm 3.04b and PRO PATCHES LITE v1.20 seems to work fine also with MegaEm 3.06b. Just rename the file to "large.bnk" and move it to same directory with MegaEm. PPLT_BNK.ZIP contains the rebuilded version of "large.bnk" file for those who don't have an earlier version of MegaEm 3.xx and thus cannot rebuild the sound bank file. The rebuilded "large.bnk" file provides noticeably better sound quality for MegaEm 3.xx and it does not need PRO PATCHES LITE package to work. But if you like the sound of the "large.bnk" file, you'd like the whole PRO PATCHES LITE v1.20 package as well ! Eero R{s{nen [ Email ]