Changes in version 2.4: Internal changes for increased efficiency Changes in version 3.0: Added option to capitalize first letter of field Added "special words" option Changes in version 3.1: Added command line parameters for automated operation ESC key now acts as expected Changes in version 3.2: Additional parsing Changes in version 3.3: Expanded error-trapping system Changes in version 4.0: Added Browse function Added acronym feature Improved parsing of special words Changes in version 4.1: Corrected capitalization of "the" and other small words when appearing as first word in field when first letter of each word is capitalized Changes in version 4.2 Added DOS 6.x compatibility Changes in version 5.0 Program is now freeware Added ability to force monochrome or color Corrected loop in automated file processing Added support for dates beyond 1999 Added complete documentation to F1 help Changesom 5.1 Corrected submenu appearance and small anomalies ~~~END OF UPDATE.TXT