RTDX0908 RTTY DX VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES FOR WEEKENDING 8 SEPT 95 (BID RTDX0908) Our information this week came from: DJ3IW and the Cent-Europe DXCluster Node DB0SPC, DL2RUM, I5FLN and the IK5PWJ Packet Cluster, W2JGR and the NJ0M node the Twin-Cities DX Packet Cluster and W5KSI. Thank you all for your assistance. Bandpass FRIDAY 011218-14084 9K2HN 1705-14084 YB5NOF/8 1814-14077 A71AB 2054-14088 4L1BR 2055-14088 EI5IF 2056-14091 EA8ADJ 2057-14084 EO50II 2057-14082 UT2IO 2058-14082 RU3AT 2059-14090 UR5EDU 2102-14086 XE3ARV 2109-14088 ER3KS 2225-14082 9A17A 2226-14085 4X6UO SATURDAY 2 0246-14083 UN5PR 0845-14082 EX/DK7UY 1205-14090 3Z0RY 1220-14081 UX2FXX 1224-14084 4L1BR 1228-14082 3Z0RY 1231-14083 EO50II 1249-14082 HC5EA 1307-14083 EO50II 1328-14086 UR5FVC 1417-14086 UX2FXX 1508-14086 NH2G 1522-14087 EO50II 1650-14085 YB5NOF/8 1425-14084 4X/OK1JR 1430-14087 SV8/DF9NW/P 1439-14085 EI5IF 1440-14083 UX2FXX 1913-14083 WP4ISP 1951-21083 EA8ADJ 2006-14080 PY0FF 2015-14085 HC6IM 2015-14086 4X6UO 2018-14082 UY4AO 2119-14086 UR0HQ 2323-14081 VP8CQS See note SUNDAY 3 0012-14086 WH6CVM Special Event QSL WH6MD 0039-14080 VP8CQS 1119-14087 UT7FP 1124-14084 UT2IO 1415-14089 SV8CS 1432-14088 SV8CS 1434-14082 J28JJ 1744-14084 A71BH 2018-21083 ZP5YW 2053-14086 UT2IZ 2056-14082 XE3ARV 2057-18082 AZ7FAF MONDAY 4 1241-14084 UX2FXX 1241-14087 UT2IZ 1654-14084 4L1BR 1655-14081 YB8NA 1814-14077 A71BH 1944-14090 UR5EDU 2140-14082 OM5XX 2228-14085 4X6UO 2230-14082 9A17A TUESDAY 5 0116-14082 VP8CQS QSL SP2GOW 2225-14089 OK2MW/MM near Abidjan 2322-14081 VP8CQS WEDNESDAY 6 0115-14081 VP8CQS 1739-14083 4L1BR 1743-14078 A71BH 1802-18100 XR0Y See note 1841-18105 XR0Y 1909-18100 XR0Y 22-24910 XR0Y 2344-24908 XR0Y THURSDAY 7 1414-14085 GM4EZW 1419-14084 ZA1AJ NOTES OF INTEREST: Easter Island, Salas y Gomez, XR0Y and XR0Z. A variety of computer based communications techniques have been implemented for this DXpedition and it is planned to operate around the clock using all bands and all communication modes legally allowed. XR0Y will be on 5-20 Sept.. XR0Z 7-11 Sept. They ask for real signal reports rather than the usual 59/599 as is needed to study propogation. Duping is invited but only on different bands and days. Logging with CT so they will know if you are a dupe. QSL WA3HUP. Barbados, 8P. Sigi, DL7UUO announces his next trip as 8P9II and will be active from here from 24 Sept. to 12 Oct. He works mostly CW, sometimes SSB and possible RTTY. Skeds welcome. South Shetlands, VP8. When VP8CQS was queried about Non-receipt of QSL cards from, DL1EHH, he said to be patient, logs are difficult to get to him. They will eventually be answered. Some stations have QSL'd a second time to operator's home call of SP2GOW and have received replies back withen a month. THE VK2SG RTTY DXNOTES are also available on Internet via Telnet or FTP at ab6z.ampr.org at reflectors dx@ve7tcp.ampr.org and digital-dx@st.rim.or.jp See also the OH2BUA WebCluster at URL http://www.clinet.fi/~jukka/webcluster.html For next week's bulletin send your bandpass to Jules, W2JGR at W5KSI.NOLA.LA.USA.NOAM REMEMBER, DX DON'T SLEEP. GL DE Bob WB2CJL at W5KSI.#NOLA.LA.NOAM /ex