The latest edition of this file lives on the World Wide Web at: Send updates and corrections to: -------------------------------------------------------------------- GAIA HOUSE Woodland Road Denbury, Nr. Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 6DY England Telephone: Ipplepen (01803) 813188 -------------------------------------------------------------------- RETREATS 1995 Oct 20-22 Living Lightly -- Martine Batchelor Oct 24-29 Experiences Beyond Ego -- Christopher Titmuss Nov 1-30 Solitary Retreat Month -- Christina Feldman, Martine & Stephen Batchelor Dec 8-13 Entering into clarity -- Rob Preece Dec 15-17 Learning to Decondition the Mind -- Vimalo Kulbarz Dec 27-Jan 2 New Year's Retreat -- Christina Feldman & Christopher Titmuss * * * Gaia House ~~~~~~~~~~ Gaia House was founded in 1984 to provide an environment for the practice of insight meditation. The retreat center is set in the quiet countryside of South Devon and provides a full program of group retreats together with facilities for individual practice throughout the year. Regular group sittings are scheduled every day and silence is maintained. The peace and beauty of Gaia House offers a sanctuary of calm stillness which welcomes all people who wish to explore the heart of understanding and freedom. Meditation Retreats ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Retreats at Gaia House draw upon the traditions of Buddhist meditation. Each day will include a full schedule of sitting and walking meditation, group or individual interviews, a talk and meditation instructions. A regular day will begin between 5:30 and 6:30am and end between 9:30 and 10:30pm. SILENCE is maintained in the house, apart from discussion groups and meetings with the teachers. These meditation retreats aim to free the mind from confusion, distortion and self-centeredness through developing mindfulness, calm, wisdom and compassion. Awareness, the foundation of meditation, is discovered through a depth of connection with the here and now. Unless otherwise stated, all retreats at Gaia House are suitable for beginning and experienced meditators. Solitary Retreats ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a long-standing tradition of conscious and concerned people finding time in their lives for silence, stillness and meditative awareness without the constant presence of a teacher. The opportunity for women and men to spend time alone in a supportive environment is a rare and precious experience....Guiding teachers are available during personal self-retreats and retreatants are encouraged to meet with them for an interview at least once a week. Potential personal retreatants need to have the agreement of one of the guiding teachers before undertaking an extended retreat. Previous meditation experience is also required. * * * In the tradition of the Buddha, the teachings at Gaia House are offered freely. In this spirit Gaia House has a commitment to keeping the daily rate that covers the cost maintaining the house as low as possible. Normal daily charges are 15 Pounds/day; this rate decreases for longer retreats, except for weekend retreats, which cost 40 Pounds. For more information contact Gaia House at the address shown above. * * * Updated: 16 Oct 95 Expires: 2 Jan 96 Sources used: Gaia House flyer [end]