Sailor Moon FAQ Original written by Ken Arromdee ROT-13 decoded by Ming S. Chan Reason Behind This Release -------------------------- Ken Arromdee's Sailor Moon FAQ is a very informative guide to the show and other miscellaneous information about the show. However, he did one thing to the FAQ - in order to protect spoilers (information that came from episodes not yet shown on North American airwave,) he encrypted these spoilers using ROT-13. Despite of the public complaint shown in Usenet, he continues to ROT-13 part of the FAQ, and causes difficulty for people who have trouble decoding it. That is the reason behind this release. I have taken the original FAQ written by Ken, and replaced all the ROT-13 text with decoded normal text. The result is the same FAQ, but free of any encryption. Common Questions, Answers and Misconceptions -------------------------------------------- 1. ROT-13 decryption is available on virtually all newsreaders. This perhaps is true under Unix environment, but since the Internet explosion two years back, many PC-based BBSes are carrying Usenet Newsgroups (CRS Online, the system which I am a member for over 5 years, is one example,) and many users go this route to participate in Usenet at a lower cost compared to a full-blown Internet account from an Internet provider. Under those systems, ROT-13 decryption is virtually non-existant. Also, most people I know do not fire up their newsreaders everytime to read a commonly-used article. They usually save it to the file, download it to their home PC and read it at their leisure. Once you leave the newsreader, you also depart with the ROT-13 feature of the reader. 2. Is there anything changed in the FAQ? Besides the replacement of the ROT-13 text, not a word is changed or modified from the original FAQ. 3. Why don't you post it to the newsgroup? I could have done so very easily, but I decided not to do so. This is because while I do not agree with Ken's decision to encrypt part of the text, I respect his decision to do so. Posting the decoded text, in my opinion, is disrespectful to the original author. 4. Should I post the decoded part in public newsgroup? Although I don't recommend it for the reason above, I won't stop you from doing so. 5. Questions about the show and other information about the show. I am a Sailor Moon newbie, and I have never watched Sailor Moon before. In fact, I missed many episodes at the beginning (the FOX special and most of the Jadeite episodes.) If you have questions about SM not answered in the FAQ, please post you question on the newsgroup and others should be able to help you out. If you have questions about the act of decoding the FAQ, or distribution of the decoded FAQ, then by all means please drop me a line. Send all flames to /dev/null. :-) Happy Sailor Moon watching! Ming S. Chan