news!! harigaya Smiley in USA

|-) happy Oriental 8-> just happy :-#) happy with a mustache >:-> happy with a crew cut :^) happy profile :^)# happy with a beard :^)## happy with a long beard 8^#)# happy with a beard and mustache 8^| grim 8^( sad
:-) Smiling, happy face; don't take me too seriously B-) Above, but poster wears glasses or sunglasses 8-) Same as previous; also used to denote wide-eyed look #:-) :-) done by someone with sort of matted hair :-( Sad or angry face @= Flame about nuclear war, power or weapons follows (mushroom cloud) ;-) Winking happy face (something said tongue-in-cheek) :-P Tongue stuck out :-b Same as previous :-D Wider happy face (or mouth open too much) :-o "Oh, nooooooo!" (a la Mr. Bill) #:-o Same as previous (:-) Messages dealing with bicycle helmets <:-) Dumb questions oo "Somebody's head-lights are on" messages O>-<|= Messages of interest to women ;-) Wink ( take this message with a grain of salt) |-( Late night messages :^) Messages teasing people about their noses :-{#} Messages teasing people about their braces (:-# Message concerning something that shouldn't have been said... (:-$ Message indicating person is ill... (:-& Message indicating person is angry... (:-* Kiss... (:-( Message indicating person is VERY sad... (:^( Message concerning people with broken noses (:<) Message concerning blabber mouths :-(=) Message about people with big teeth. &:-) Message from a person with curly hair @:-) Message from a person with wavy hair ?-( Message about people with a black eye. *:* Message about fuzzy things *:** Message about fuzzy people with a fuzzy mustache %-) Message about people with broken glasses +<:-| Message from a monk/nun... {0-) Message from cyclops... (:-D Message concerning another blabber mouth... (:-|K- Formal message. B-) Message from Batman !!! ...---... S.O.S. @%&$%& You know what that means... ||*( Handshake offered ||*) Handshake accepted <&&> Message concerning rubber chickens >< >< Message about/to someone wearing argyle socks 2B|^2B Message about Shakespeare (-_-) Secret smile <{:-)} Message in a bottle... <:-)<<| Message from a space rocket... (:-... Heart-breaking message... <<<<(:-) Message from a hat sales-man... (O--< A fishy message... (8-) Message from a four-eye... (:>-< Message from a thief: hands up! <I==I) A message on four wheels :^{ User wears a mustache. { User is Alfred Hitchcock. @>--->---- A rose.
:-) the normal smiling face, appended to a sentence or an article means 'this is a joke' or 'this is supposed to make you laugh' :-> normal smiling face with deformed lips, same as above except person who submitted it has problems with their lips :-{) normal smiling face with a moustache, same as #1 except submitter has moustache :-} normal smiling face with pretty lips, same as #1 except person that submitted it is wearing lipstick or some other lip appearance improving device :-| no expression face, 'that comment doesn't phase me' :-( sad face, 'that comment makes me sad [mad]' ;-) smiling face gets his lights punched out (could be pirate smiling face??), submitter is a practical joker who played one too many and got beat up ;-| no expression face gets his lights punched out, says nothing but still gets beat up ;-( sad face gets his lights punched out, sad or mad and got beat up, or 'that makes me so mad that if I ever see you I'll punch your lights out' :-\ popeye smiling face, for people who look like popeye ;-\ popeye gets his lights punched out :-] biting sarcasm smiling face, used when sarcasm is intended, since we cannot inflect our voice over the net :-[ biting criticism smiling face, ditto for criticism :*) drunk smiling face, for those of us who like get intoxicated before or while reading netnews :~) smiling face needs a nosejob, no explanation necessary
:-) yer standard smiley face :-> same :^) alternate nose... :-( yer standard frowning face :-< same :-(*) submitter is sick of recent netnews and is about to vomit :-o submitter is shocked / submitter is Mr. Bill ~ :-( submitter is particularly angry 8-) submitter wears glasses B-) submitter wears sunglasses [:|] submitter is a robot (or other appropriate AI project) :>) submitter has a big nose :<| submitter attends an Ivy League school :%)% submitter has acne =:-) submitter is a hosehead :-)8 submitter is well dressed 8:-) submitter is a little girl :-)-}8 submitter is a big girl %-) submitter is cross-eyed #-) submitter partied all night :-* submitter just ate a sour pickle -:-) submitter sports a mohawk and admires Mr. T :-'| submitter has a cold :-R submitter has the flu :-)' submitter tends to drool ':-) submitter accidentally shaved off one of his eyebrows this morning 0-) submitter wearing scuba mask P-) submitter is getting fresh |-) submitter is falling asleep (or is chinese) .-) submitter has one eye :=) submitter has two noses :-D submitter talks too much O:-) smiley face with halo- submitter is acting very innocent :-{) submitter has moustache :-)} submitter has goatee/beard :-d~ submitter smokes heavily Q:-) submitter is a new grad (-: submitter is Australian M:-) submitter is saluting (symbol of respect) :-P submitter is sticking out tongue (symbol of disrespect) 8:] submitter is a gorilla 8) submitter is a frog B) submitter is a frog who is wearing sunglasses 8P submitter is a bullfrog and it's mating season 8b ditto |) submitter is a salamander :8) submitter is a pig 3:-o submitter is a cow :3-< submitter is a dog pp# submitter is a cow pq`#' submitter is a bull }. submitter is an elephant `\ +O:-) submitter is the pope. C=:-) submitter is the Galloping Gourmet =):-) submitter is Uncle Sam =|:-) submitter is Abe Lincoln 4:-) submitter is George Washington 5:-) submitter is Elvis Presley 7:-) submitter is Fred Flintstone - submitter is Helen Keller :/7) submitter is Cyrano de Bergerac >:*) submitter is Bozo the Clown #:o+= submitter is Betty Boop _:^) submitter is an Indian >>-O-> submitter is Gen. Custer 8(:-) submitter is Walt Disney >:^( submitter is a headhunter (Amazon style) -=#:-) submitter has wizard status (: (=| submitter is going to be a ghost for Halloween... =:-H submitter plays for NFL (V)=| submitter is a pacman champion M-),:X),:-M sumbitter sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil C):-O C):-O C):-O C):-O submitter is a barbershop quartet