Timer for OS/2 V1.0 and Alarm for OS/2. by Stu Mark. 9/8/95 You can get in touch with me at nyti: 914-368-2819. Description: ------------ Timer: ------ Timer and Alarm are two simple OS/2 programs that serve as simple defer the execution programs. I wrote them out of need, because I forget to take the chicken out of the oven after two hours. The idea is, you start a timer, set it to go off in some amount of time and it'll beep you when it's done, or you can have it run a program. The syntax for timer is: Timer [hh:][mm:]ss [programname [params]] Ex: Timer 2:30 Result: The computer will beep after 2 minutes, 30 seconds. (see known bugs) Ex: Timer 1:2:30 Result: The computer will beep after 1 hour, 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Ex: Timer 70 Result: The computer will beep after 1 minutes and 10 seconds. Ex: Timer 10 pmseek.exe Result: The computer will run pmseek after 10 seconds. (must have .exe.) Ex: Timer 10 cmd.exe /C play file=wav.wav Result: The computer will play a wav file after 10 seconds. (must have /C to run something in a cmd shell.) I think you get the idea. Screw around with it to see what works. Alarm: ------ Same idea as timer, but it trips at a certain time, as opposed to after a duration. The syntax for alarm is: Alarm hh:mm[a|p] [programname [params]] Ex: Alarm 12:00a Result: The computer will beep at midnight. Ex: Alarm 12:00p Result: The computer will beep at noon. Known Bugs: ----------- Timer has a bug where it actually waits one second too long. You can test this by doing Timer 1 and watching that it waits a second on 1 and then waits a second on 0. I have no intention of fixing this, because if you're looking for an accurate timepiece, buy an atomic clock. I hear they go for only $1000 now. Alarm has a problem, but I can't remember what it is. It's something real stupid though, so don't worry about it. Unknown Bugs: ------------- I don't know of any. GNU: ---- I don't like the GNU people because one of them took my friend's program, changed all the copyright info, and put it up under GNU licensing under his own name. This is a poor example of the GNU concept, morals of some excuses for people, and people who should not call themselves programmers. For this reason, I do not ship source. But I leave the debugging info in. Endnote: -------- If you have any ideas of stuff to change, add, or whatever. Give nyti a ring or email me at Stu Mark@nyti.uncnsrd.org [Spindoctor] /-\| Hi From Stu: ------------ Coalition to change the "Hello World" program to the "Hi From Stu" program, '95. As a side note, the first time I ever played with the production release of Windows 95, I crashed it in 38 seconds, and I hadn't started trying yet. Oh Stu. OS/2. Hmmm. OS/2 for a long time. (every time they say 'forever', it goes away real quick. Anybody remember the Apple //c forever?)