Sabacc for Windows Installation Notes ------------------------------------- Sabacc for Windows version 1.2 requires Windows 3.1 to run. INSTALLATION: To install Sabacc for Windows, simply copy the files 'sabacc.exe' and 'sabacc.hlp' to any directory, so long as 'sabacc.hlp' remains accessable by 'sabacc.exe' (either in the same directory, or in a directory with a designated search-path). From Windows, open the Program Manager, pull down the 'File' menu, and choose 'New'. Then create a new menu item for 'sabacc.exe'. REVISION HISTORY: -- Version 1.0 Beta (6/15/95) - Original release. -- Version 1.1 (7/9/95) - Error fixed in help file description of Imperial Rules, which incorrectly stated that you may only discard three cards. It has been changed to say that you may only discard two cards. Reported by Matt Hilliard. - Main graphic window has been fixed so that if you are playing Sabacc for Windows on a monitor larger than the one it was originally programmed on, the screen will not appear to be cut off short. -- Version 1.2 (7/17/95) - The areas on the screen which generated the names of the cards in the upper right hand corner were shifted upward far too much. This has been fixed. - Final hand scores were added to each hand's resulting message box. - Some memory problems were addressed that caused several computers to crash while running Sabacc for Windows. The problems centered around the use of a function which was supposed to take null-terminated string pointers as input, but in all actuality, only took arrays of characters as input. Last I checked, these were one and the same... maybe I was wrong?