Sabacc FAQ Version 1.0 - 7/14/95 by David Sanborn _--= CONTENTS =--_ PART 1: General Sabacc Questions Q1.) What is Sabacc? Q2.) Where can I get... Q2A.) Rules for Sabacc? Q2B.) An actual deck of Sabacc cards? Q2C.) A Sabacc computer game? PART 2: Sabacc Home Page Questions Q3.) What is the Sabacc Home Page? Q4.) What is the URL of the Sabacc Home Page? Q5.) Why wasn't put into the Sabacc Home Page? Q6.) Can I get copies of the graphics used in the Sabacc Home Page? PART 3: Sabacc for Windows Questions Q7.) What is Sabacc for Windows? Q8.) Where can I get Sabacc for Windows? Q9.) Why isn't there a betting system in Sabacc for Windows, like there is in the Star Wars books? Q10.) Why wasn't "Random Sabacc" included as a game variant in Sabacc for Windows? Q11.) Can I get copies of the graphics used in Sabacc for Windows? PART 4: Internet Sabacc Questions Q12.) What is Internet Sabacc? Q13.) What platforms will Internet Sabacc be available for? Q14.) When will Internet Sabacc be available? Q15.) What if you don't have a SLIP/PPP connection, or a direct connection? Can you still play Internet Sabacc? Q16.) Will Internet Sabacc include ? _--= Q&A PART 1: GENERAL SABACC QUESTIONS =--_ Q1.) What is Sabacc? A1.) Sabacc is a fictional card game played in the casinos and cantinas of the Star Wars Universe. It was in a game of Sabacc that Han Solo originally won the Millenium Falcon from Lando Calrissian (and if you go by the Anderson trilogy of Star Wars novels, lost again to him, won back, etc. etc. ad nauseum). In the game, each player gets four cards. Electronic pulses generated by the Sabacc table randomize the values shown on each card's face (aka shuffling). When the hands are finished being "dealt" players take turns choosing which cards to discard, and which to keep, with the object of the game to have a hand worth 23 points. Q2.) Where can I get... Q2A.) Rules for Sabacc? A2A.) It all depends on which rules you want. West End Games has published the "official" rules for Sabacc in both the "Heir to the Empire Sourcebook", and the adventure module "Crisis at Cloud City". An entirely seperate set of rules (different in some aspects) has been written by As of a month ago, however, the author of this FAQ was not able to reach Dagobah at that address. Dagobah's rules can always be found on The Sabacc Home Page ( Q2B.) An actual deck of Sabacc cards? A2B.) West End Game's "Crisis at Cloud City" adventure module includes a deck of Sabacc cards. As of this writing, WEG is the only producer of such a deck. Q2C.) A Sabacc computer game? A2C.) The Sabacc Home Page (, a little invention of mine, has a playable Web version of Sabacc online. The game uses the Dagobah rule system. Sabacc for Windows is another program I cooked up, for playing Sabacc on your home PC. You can download it from either The Star Wars Archive at WPI (, or The Sabacc Home Page. As far as I know, these are the only computerized versions of Sabacc currently available. If someone finds out otherwise, let me know for inclusion into the next version of the FAQ. _--= Q&A PART 2: SABACC HOME PAGE QUESTIONS =--_ Q3.) What is the Sabacc Home Page? A3.) As I mentioned earlier, The Sabacc Home Page is a page on the World Wide Web written by myself. It contains Dagobah's Sabacc rules, links to other Star Wars web sites, and best of all, a playable online version of the game itself. All you need to access it is a Web browser (Netscape 1.1 is preferred) and either a direct connection to the Internet, or a SLIP/PPP connection. Q4.) What is the URL of the Sabacc Home Page? A4.) The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the Sabacc Home Page is: http:// Q5.) Why wasn't put into the Sabacc Home Page? A5.) The Sabacc Home Page was my first attempt at programming both CGI scripts in C, and HTML code. Between a hectic class and work schedule, I managed to get the thing programmed and working, and even managed to throw in a few upgrades to it. If a feature wasn't included it was because of one or more of the following: 1.) Given the constraints of CGI/HTML is would have been next to impossible. (re: Random Sabacc) 2.) Given the constraints of CGI/HTML it would have been a lot more work for me. (re: creating a betting system, as opposed to a point system, and having to store amounts of money and names in a database) 3.) I just didn't have the time and/or think of it. Q6.) Can I get copies of the graphics used in the Sabacc Home Page? A6.) No, sorry. I make it a habit not to just give out the graphics to anyone. _--= Q&A PART 3: SABACC FOR WINDOWS QUESTIONS =--_ Q7.) What is Sabacc for Windows? A7.) Sabacc for Windows is another program written by myself, for playing Sabacc on your home PC. It's very similar to the online version available at the Sabacc Home Page, except that it's more streamlined for Windows. In addition, two rule variants are included with Sabacc for Windows that cannot be found at the Home Page: Old Republic rules and Mos Eisley rules. Q8.) Where can I get Sabacc for Windows? A8.) As stated before, Sabacc for Windows can be downloaded directly from the Sabacc Home Page (, and The Star Wars Archive at WPI ( starwars/Computer_Games/misc). It is also posted to the newsgroup in uuencoded form whenever a new version comes out. The filename in all cases will be "WINSABxx.ZIP", where xx is the version number. Q9.) Why isn't there a betting system in Sabacc for Windows, like there is in the Star Wars books? A9.) Although a betting system would have been much easier to implement in Sabacc for Windows than it would have for the Sabacc Home Page, I did not include one. Don't ask me why I didn't, but rest assured, a future version of Sabacc for Windows will include an optional betting system. Q10.) Why wasn't "Random Sabacc" included as a game variant in Sabacc for Windows? A10.) See the answer to Q8. Basically, I didn't think to add it, wanting to focus my attention on major pieces of the game itself. This _was_ my first time programming under Windows after all. Q11.) Can I get copies of the graphics used in Sabacc for Windows? A11.) No. See Q6. _--= Q&A PART 4: INTERNET SABACC QUESTIONS =--_ Q12.) What is Internet Sabacc? A12.) Internet Sabacc will be the next incarnation of the Sabacc games I have written; a a client/server game, available for most major platforms, which would allow people from all over the world to connect with a remote I-Sabacc server, and play multi- player Sabacc over the Internet. Q13.) What platforms will Internet Sabacc be available for? A13.) Initially, a compilable UNIX server will be released, as well as a Windows client program. After that, I have yet to decide whether I will release the Windows client code to other programmers so that they too may write clients for other systems, or whether I will write them myself. Either way, expect X-Window and Macintosh clients to follow soon after. Q14.) When will Internet Sabacc be available? A14.) Between getting out of my Junior year with my scholarships still intact, and holding down a full-time job, I'm estimating Summer, 96'. The Sabacc Home Page's news section will keep you updated on my progress. Q15.) What if you don't have a SLIP/PPP connection, or a direct connection? Can you still play Internet Sabacc? A15.) Probably not. However, future versions of Sabacc for Windows may include a modem option to allow two players the chance to compete head to head. Q16.) Will Internet Sabacc include ? A16.) Internet Sabacc will include every feature short of the ability to use the Falcon as a gambling chip. (Although that sounds like an awfully good idea... :-) _--= MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION =--_ To contact me, (the author of this FAQ) send e-mail to Sabacc is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm LTD, all rights reserved.