374 ************************ * WARZONE 1.1 * * Fer Doom ][ * ************************ By /^^\icroFuxx All New Level for mission 1 of Doom][! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Terry O'Brien This WAD is for all those people out there who just like to sit on level 30 with god mode and kill everything over and over again! You start off in the areana with on Icon of sin launching meanies at you....as well as 2 cyber- deamons and about one hundred troops! For all you all out Hard-asses who swore an oath never to use a code for Doom][... well then this level is unbeatable for is had neither an exit or any way to hurt The IOS! If thats not hard enough then you can walk throung the walls and activate two MORE Icon's of Sin !!! Yes thats right, 3 Icon's Of Sin! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPEACIAL THANKS First of all I must thank Software Creations BBS (508)-368-7036 who, without them I wouldn't even have the software for editting Doom wads. Also they have many files on wad making and many helpful users.Thanks guys! ******************************************* I also owe alot to George Fiffy, author of the famous REOLtough series of wads. Although we never met it was his helpful txt files and his refference many times to Software Creations BBS that got me interested. ******************************************* Files included: --------------- @warzone.wad readme! .txt warzone .bat I hope you enjoy my wad. I you have any questions I can be reached at Software Creations BBS (508)-368-7036 and UFOria BBS (703)-803-6420 Keep an eye out for more MicroFuxx wads soon to come out! /^^\icroFuxx