Program Name/version/release: 8012IPF/v1.1/16 Feb 1995 ----------------------------- Target: Os/2 2.x ------- (program has been created under os/2 2.1 italian release, tested under Warp too) Author: Michele Vignali ------- -fidonet Miki Vignali 2:332/801.2 -internet IMPORTANT NOTES: ---**** WARNING ****---- ---------------- You ''must'' have IPFC.EXE ver 2.20.000 June 27 1994 to run the program, otherwise anything can happen. You must also have a bbs list in FLM format. FLM is the program by which many BBS make their list. Read PROBLEMS section (below) if you don't have IPFC 2.20 I've tested my program only with FLM 1.24 ( (c) by A. Pasquale) FLM 1.24 produce a list like this: ฉ---------Sector number V - | ษออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป | บ บ 1 บ Banana's BBS - Parma บ | บ บ | ศออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ | < Comment > | ... | ... | - | Generated by FLM 1.24, Sun Dec 04 04:28:30 1994 2 | Complete List of files: | - | ึฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤาฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤท 3 บ Area FAMGA000 บ AMGA _ Antivirus บ | ำฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤะฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฤฝ - | VCHK620.LHA 49443 07-05-94 [ 3] Virus Checker 6.20 | VSCAN504.LZH 46330 06-20-91 [ 5] VirusScan 5.04 | | 2 files in this area (94 KBytes) 4 | ... | ... | ... - LICENSE: There is no license, so don't cry if the program -------- does not make coffee or creates problems on your systems. The program is under free distribution. OPTIONS: -------- Input file list -> The BBs file list in TEXT mode and FLM format. (Required) Output file list -> Temp file name , can be anything (i.e: john.ipf ) (required) Title -> Usually your favourite BBs name. Remember Must be a word; you can use _ to connect words (i.e: my_favourite_bbs) (required) Logo.bmp -> It's a Windows BITMAP logo of your BBs, if you have one logo ,otherwise you can put anything you want, also nothing. (optional) COMMENTS: ---*** IMPORTANT ***--- --------- If list is too big, program will split it in blocks. This is due to the fact that VIEW.EXE (or IPFC.EXE) have some trouble handling big list; if you compile a big file (over than 1.5 Mb, but problem could arise from the number of words in your document) view.exe will load it but searching function will not work. If you want to see only a big list you have 2 choices: 1st) Create a Program Icon in your desktop by mask ^^^ folder, then fill the option of this program in this way: PROGRAM NAME : VIEW.EXE WORKING DIRECTORY: The directory where the splitted .inf will be moved. PARAMETERS : 0.INF+1.INF+2.INF+...+N.INF where N is the last .INF file created by 8012IPF. From version 1.1 the 1st step will automatically done by 8012IPF.EXE. 2nd) Just set a variable in config.sys ^^^ SET BBSLIST=0.INF+1.INF+ ... +N.INF where N is the last .INF file created by 8012IPF. and when you want access the list just type from prompt '' VIEW BBSLIST '' PROBLEMS --------- 1) Problem running IPFC compiler directly from 8012IPF can occur using Warp 3.0 (or beta release); you can use this command line to compi_ le by hand your .IPF blocks: IPFC -i .IPF 2) I've not tested 8012IPF under IPFC 2.00, this does not mean that list cannot be compiled by this version of IPFC. If you have only IPFC 2.00 you must compile the .IPF by hand (and pray) because command line parameters are different from version 2.20. To compile you must proceed in this way : 1) use 8012IPF as if you have the IPFC 2.20 2) probably the compilation will fail (don't worry) 3) Get the control of your computer and compile all .IPF in your current directory using: IPFC /INF .IPF Goto to the first step of section COMMENT (above). 3) Refer to EXAMPLE.CMD for a simple command line example.