Boot Partition 1.0 for Windows NT (c) 1995 Gilles Vollant ( - Freeware Add partition in the Windows NT Multi-boot loader Usage : BOOTPART List all partition, with number BOOTPART [] where : part_number : a number of a partition (or A: for floppy) filename : the file name of the bootfile to create name_of_system : the name to be added in the BOOT.INI Create a boot file for the partition, and if name_of_system is specified, register it in the BOOT.INI BOOTPART let you add partition in the Windows NT Multiboot menu. Usually, you've only on the Windows NT multiboot one or several installation of Windows NT. With BOOTPART, you can add any partition on the menu. You can add OS/2 Multiboot, or Linux Partition (with Lilo) in the menu. It seem it's actually impossible add an HPFS partition with OS/2 boot. If you find a workaround, please let me know. BOOTPART create a 512 bytes files, that contain an image of a boot sector that load the boot sector of the partition. After, this file is declared in C:\BOOT.INI (a text file used by Windows NT boot menu). The boot sector comes from FDFormat and WinImage. FDFormat can be downloaded under name FDFORM.ZIP in the PCHW compuserve forum, or by ftp ( This tools, written by C.H. Hochstätter, format floppy under MSDOS in normal or special (1.68 MB...) capacity. It write a boot sector that boot on harddisk. WinImage, a Windows (Windows 3.1, 95 and NT) shareware I've written can read, write, format floppy in any capacity (include 1.68 MB), and build an image file of a floppy. It can extract, inject file in image, and change image size. It can be downloaded under name WINIMA22.ZIP in the WUGNET compuserve forum, or by ftp ( Example : You create and locate on a directory for the boot file, and display the list of partition : C:\>MD BOOTFILE C:\>CD BOOTFILE C:\BOOTFILE>BOOTPART Boot Partition 1.0 for Windows NT-®1995 G. Vollant ( Add partition in the Windows NT Multi-boot loader Run "bootpart /?" for more information 0 : C: type=6 (BIGDOS Fat16), size = 1044193 KB 1 : C: type=a (OS/2 Boot Manag.), size = 8032 KB 2 : C: type=5 (Extended), size = 8032 KB 3 : C: type=7 (HPFS/NTFS), size = 8001 KB 4 : D: type=6 (BIGDOS Fat16), size = 261104 KB 5 : D: type=5 (Extended), size = 769024 KB 6 : D: type=7 (HPFS/NTFS), size = 102384 KB 7 : D: type=5 (Extended), size = 369664 KB 8 : D: type=7 (HPFS/NTFS), size = 369648 KB 9 : D: type=83 (Linux native), size = 296944 KB Now, you'll add somes partition : C:\BOOTFILE>BOOTPART 9 BOOTLINX.BIN Linux C:\BOOTFILE>BOOTPART 1 BOOTLINX.BIN Boot Manager OS/2 C:\BOOTFILE>BOOTPART a: BOOTLINX.BIN Boot floppy A: The last line (A:) is special, and is designed for BIOS configured for booting in C: without reading floppy before. The next time you boot, the Windows NT menu will show Linux, OS/2 Boot Manager and the floppy ! BOOTPART is a Win32 console writted in C++ and compiled with Visual C++ 2.2 bootpa32.mak is the Visual C++ Makefile, bootpart.cpp the source file, bootpart.exe the executable and bootpart.txt this documentation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program comes without any warranty either implied or expressed. In no case shall the author be liable for any damage or unwanted behavior of any computer hardware and/or software. This program is put into the public domain. Everybody can do whatever he/she likes with the source code or the any other file of this program. If you do modify the program, then you must include some kind of document, which indicates, that this is not the original version, but a modified version. You should also say, what kind of modification you did. I appreciate get new version if you do modification. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------