Caller ID --------- This OS/2 PM program plays WAV files based on the incoming phone number. Some of the features are: o Plays WAV files based on the incoming phone number o Plays WAV files based on the incoming phone name o Multiple wav files per caller. The program will rotate throught the list of wav files. (It could play "Bill Smith", "Hey it's Bill" or "Bill"). o Displays number, name, date and time of caller o Displays a image of the caller o Logs callers to a log file(log.txt) o Blocks caller call o Pages a alpha pager with callers name and number( required) What you need: o Supra or zoom modem with the caller ID option. The ZyXel is suppored in Russian and Standard mode(Not Tested) o OS/2 V2.1 or better (Tested under Warp only) o Sound card and MMPM/2 Installed How to install -------------- Unzip the file into a directory named callos2. Use the -d option on pkunzip(pkunzip -d callos2). Example: md \callos2 cd \callos2 pkunzip -d callos2 How to setup the caller id program ---------------------------------- There is two configuration files, the first is called: SETUP.INI. The file is in the format of: command = data. Here is a list of the commands and the valid data items: MainWinPosition = 0 0 100 100 Open|closed|Icon ViewWinPosition = 0 0 100 100 Open|closed|Icon ModemType = Supra|Zoom|ZyXel ViewPicture = Enabled|Disabled StretchPicture = Enabled|Disabled ModemInitString = "AT M0 S?=XX" SaveNamesOnExit = Enabled|Disabled Port = "COM1" Baud = 1200 Parity = Even|Odd|None|Space|Mark DataBits = 5|6|7|8 StopBits = 1|2||1.5 RingWav = "Ring_wave_file_name" RingWav = "Ring_wave_file_name1" RingWav = "Ring_wave_file_name2" The pager support requires This allows the caller id software to page you with a person calls. It will also send the name and number of the of the person who called. There are two ways that it can page. The first is page when the call comes in. The second is page with a list, at a certain day and time. Here is a list of the commands and the valid data items: Pager = Enabled|Disabled PagerSchAtOverride = Enabled|Disabled PagerSch = Enabled|Disabled PagerAt = Enabled|Disabled PageWho = "Brent Borghese" PageTime = 60 PageTime = MON 10:45 PageTime = WEEKDAY 11:45 PageTime = EVERYDAY 15:45 PageTime = TUE 17:30 PageClear = TUE 9:30 PageClear = WED 9:30 PageTime = TUE 17:30 PageFromTo = MON 10:00 17:00 PageFromTo = WEEKDAY 10:00 17:00 PageFromTo = EVERYDAY 10:00 17:00 Here is a description of the commands: Pager = Enabled|Disabled - Turn on/off caller id pager system PagerSchAtOverride = Enabled|Disabled - Page as soon as we get a call PagerSch = Enabled|Disabled - Page if in a time range page as soon as we get a call PageTime = 60 - Page after 60 minutes(not supported, 3min) PageTime = MON 10:45 - Page @ 10:45 with a list PageTime = WEEKDAY 11:45 - Each PageTime adds to the list PageClear = TUE 9:30 - Clears out the list The list is also cleared out after each page. Example: MainWinPosition = 4 371 419 391 Open ViewWinPosition = 436 376 546 390 Closed ModemType = Supra StretchPicture = Disabled ModemInitString = "AT#CID=1" SaveNamesOnExit = Disabled Port = "COM1" Baud = 1200 Parity = None DataBits = 8 StopBits = 1 Pager = Enabled PagerSchAtOverride = Disabled PagerSch = Enabled PagerAT = Enabled PageTime = 60 PageTime = Sunday 12:00 PageTime = Sunday 15:45 PageClear = Monday 10:00 PageFromTo = Monday 11:00 18:00 PageClear = Tuesday 10:00 PageFromTo = Tuesday 11:00 18:00 PageClear = Wednesday 10:00 PageFromTo = Wednesday 11:00 18:00 PageClear = Thursday 10:00 PageFromTo = Thursday 11:00 18:00 PageClear = Friday 10:00 PageFromTo = Friday 11:00 18:00 PageTime = Saturday 12:00 PageTime = Saturday 15:45 PageWho = "Brent Borghese" RingWav = "ringin.wav" RingWav = "idontkn.wav" Note: On program exit the SETUP.INI file is saved. The window positions are updated along with other items. The second file is called: NAME.INI. The file is in the format of: Section name header, command = data. Here is a list of the commands and the valid data items: [Person's Name] PhoneNumber = "8001234567" MatchName = "BORGHESE" WaveFile = "file_name1.wav" WaveFile = "file_name2.wav" BmpFile = "picture_file.bmp" ClosePort = Enabled|Disabled PrgRun = "Program_name_to_run args" BlockCall = Enabled|Disabled Here is a description of some of the commands: WaveFile = "file_name1.wav" - If there is more then one wave file the computer will randomly pick one of them to play ClosePort = Enabled|Disabled - Close COM before runing program (Not implemented yet) PrgRun = "Program_name_to_run args" - Run a program(Not implemented yet) Example: [Anonymous] PhoneNumber = "P" MatchName = "" WaveFile = "anomous.wav" BmpFile = "" ClosePort = Disabled PrgRun = "" BlockCall = Disabled [OutOfArea] PhoneNumber = "O" MatchName = "" WaveFile = "outofa.wav" BmpFile = "" ClosePort = Disabled PrgRun = "" BlockCall = Disabled [Brent] PhoneNumber = "8005551212" MatchName = "" WaveFile = "brent.wav" WaveFile = "brent1.wav" BmpFile = "brent.bmp" ClosePort = Disabled PrgRun = "" BlockCall = Disabled Note: The PhoneNumber can have ? marks in it to match all number in that position. The number 614332???? will match any number starting with 614332. Note: The is a 5 name limit in the shareware version. The Wave & Bmp files are in a default directory called WAV & BMP off the directory where callid.exe is stored. The wave files can be played any where by adding a path to the file name. All phone numbers are loged in a file called: log.txt. This is a ShareWare product. Please support the shareware concept and register by sending $20 to the address below. Borghese Software Engineering 981 Hillsdale Dr. Columbus, OH 43224 Please make check Payable to: Brent K. Borghese If you have any comments please send them to: