==================================================================== LTClock - The Little Title Bar Clock that COULD Version 0.5 by Leo Comitale (comital@ecf.utoronto.ca) ==================================================================== LTClock is a simple program to put the time and date in the active window's title bar. LTClock 0.5 features POSIX style localization, and now it looks better too. INSTALLATION: ==================================================================== Simple really, 1. Use Info-Zip's Unzip to extract this archive to any directory. (Pkzip will work, too, but you will lose the EA's) 2. Create a program object (or CNTRL-SHIFT-DRAG LTCLOCK.EXE, for a shadow of the executable) and place it in your startup folder. 3. You can then open the settings and optionally add the following switches to the PARAMETERS section: -L Override the LANG environment variable. (DEFAULT=CDEF) Options include: FRAN,GERM,ITAL,SPAI,UK, and USA. -W Remove LTClock from the Window List (DEFAULT=appear in Window List) -O Specify an offset LTClock should move left in order to make room for title-bar modifying programs like Xit and NPSWPS, this value is specified as a multiple of the width of a title-bar button like the min or max button. For example if you use Xit, then you'd put -o1 in your parameters section. LOCALE SUPPORT: =================================================================== To enable locale support, unzip the file LOCALES.ZIP (*) to a directory located in your DPATH (or in the same directory as LTClock). Next, edit your config.sys and add the following SET statements: (These changes will not take effect until you reboot the system.) SET LANG= Where is one of: CDEF - Default FRAN - France GERM - Germany ITAL - Italy SPAI - Spain UK - United Kingdom USA - USA Eg) For Germany, put "SET LANG=GERM" in your CONFIG.SYS NOTE that you can discard any LOCALE binaries you do not need. These binaries may be used by other applications written using IBM VisualAge C++. The default locale CDEF is bound to the executable so it is not really needed as a seperate binary if you use it exclusively. Also these are NEW binaries, the CSET 2.0 versions included with LTCLOCK 0.4 and below will not work with 0.5. SET LTC_FORM= Where defines the POSIX style date/time format Eg) The default time format would be set by placing SET LTC_FORM=%a, %b %d %I:%M in your CONFIG.SYS, resulting in this: Mon, Jan 17 8:12 See the file POSIX.FRM for more information on setting up your own TIME/DATE format. Change Log: =========== 0.1 - 01-22-95 - Initial hack, called TCLOCK, never released. 0.2 - 01-29-95 - First released version. 0.3 - 02-25-95 - Overhauled update methods - added POSIX support for DATE/TIME format - added title bar position option - added option for appearance in the Window List - added update frequency option to alleviate "flickering" title bars. 0.4 - ???????? - lost in the sands of time... 0.5 - 29-08-95 - LTCLOCK now paints the active titlebar instead of changing the text, this solves the problem with "ghost" entries in the Window list and even makes the program a little more attractive (and as an EXTRA bonus, it reduced the code complexity by a large factor!) - added check to ensure only ONE instance active - programs like PMView/WebEx do not resist the force... - titlebar is updated every second, this is not adjustable by the user as it is necessary in case of redraws etc. Known Problems (version 0.5):(there always is a catch isn't there?) =================================================================== - Any program which adds buttons to the titlebar over and above the MIN/MAX buttons (such as Xit, NpsWps, OD etc) will have it's addition overwritten by this clock. :( I have added the -O option to smooth over this, but I'd like to hear anyone's ideas for something a little more "clean". Price Schedule & : =================================================================== This program is FREE, give it to anyone and everyone who may want it. Please leave the archive unmodified when redistributing this program, and please report any bugs to me so I can brood over them, thanks. I do not guarantee this program in any way whatsoever, so use it at your own risk. If you REALLY REALLY like it, email me and I'll give you an address where you can send money. :) Leo Comitale comital@ecf.utoronto.ca =================================================================== (*) LOCALES.ZIP Contains IBM C/C++ Tools Runtime Modules (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1991, 1995. All Rights Reserved. These modules are the property of IBM and are provided "AS IS."