This Fixkit is (c) under International Copyright laws. It is only to be used by Object Desktop customers. FixKit 2 (v1.01 of Object Desktop) -------- Defects fixed with this release: 1. Possible window deadlock could occur causing system instability during paint thread in Control Center with some seamless windows applications. 2. HyperCache thread priority boosted to eliminate possible boot problems. 3. IBM Tutorial window corruption occurred. 4. Conflict resolved with other Workplace Shell products that necessitated installing either/or products due to some features missing with Object Desktop. Examples: Deskman/2, Workplace Security. 5. Object Archives would show the wrong icon for contained objects when the temporary folder (set by "SET TMP=, SET TEMP=, or the folder") for a system has an open view on the desktop. 6. When using marquee selection (drawing a box on the background to select objects) on an Enhanced Folder, drawing corruption would occur on the edges of "raised" or "sunken" view styles. 7. Installation utility (not included with FixKit) has been updated to fix selective Uninstall defect where all objects were disabled after subsequent reboot. 8. Level of code is now v1.01 (though you can't verify this except by using the time/date stamp on the files). 9. Tab LaunchPad object title hints will no longer move (usability defect). FixKit 1 -------- Defects fixed with this release: 1. Seamless Windows dialogs no longer have title bar corruption when moved. 2. Setting default icon of a folder to point to a folder inside the OS/2 templates folder will no longer cause the desktop to appear as a "folder" window. 3. Control Center hangs with Windows seamless sessions have been resolved. 4. Control Center can now monitor remove and removeable drives. 5. Control Center will not "shift" all windows from one virtual desktop to another when switching desktops (was sporadic). 6. Contol Center would try to retrieve some windows that had a very small size (<= 10x10), when these are really "hidden" windows. FixKit 0 -------- Defects fixed with this release: 1. Stack overflow (SYS3171) in OBJDWCTL.DLL has been fixed.