*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* * THE SIMPSONS * * The Ultimate Collection * * by Jeanette Foshee * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * (This OS/2 version made possible * * by the generous efforts of * * Stephen Clark, who converted * * the Windows version.) * *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* October 1995 GREETINGS... What a trip. I never thought when I made my first icon (the original "Bart"), that it would span the globe and lead to four Mac volumes, a Windows version 4, and just recently the first OS/2 version (which is in your hands at this moment)! I've been amazed at the kind and overwhelming response from everyone, and I've made many friends as a result. So, riding the wave of enthusiasm for the Simpsons icons, I'm here to tell you that yes, volume 5 is already in production (and version 5 for Windows; version 2 for OS/2 fans). I have LOTS more icons that need to be made. I've tried to fulfil many of the icon requests folks have sent in, and I'm still working on them. So if you don't see your favourite character here, just wait. I'll be getting to him/her! One of the most frequently requested icons is in this collection, you'll be glad to know. I'm speaking of A Clockwork Orange Bart. I pay attention when the same character is asked for many times, and try extra hard to get to him or her. So if you have a favourite, don't hesitate to let me know! This collection has seen me through some changes. I've gotten a modem and my own account on AOL, which will give me a permanent address. I've added speakers and a CDROM to my computer setup, and I'm learning how to program. And my cat, Garfield, has kept growing, bringing him to a whopping 17 pounds of white fluff. (He loves getting fan mail, by the way.) THE COST... I think icons should be for the enjoyment of all, so these icons are FREE (I wouldn't ask for money anyway, as they are copyrighted characters). So I'll call these icons "Smileware". If you smile because you like them, you've "paid" for them. I make the icons because I love the Simpsons show and want to share my enthusiasm. However, if you REALLY like my icons, feel free to send me a postcard or an e-mail message and let me know what you think. I thrive on feedback! THANKS and CREDITS... I want to thank Matt Groening and Fox for their wonderful show. There wouldn't be any volume without it! And I want to thank the folks out there who sent me e-mail and provided me with lots of incentive (and suggestions) to keep iconing. I would also like to thank the people who sent me pictures, which were references from which I made more icons. I want to thank Travis Gruver, who volunteered his PowerMac so I could get screen captures from the show, which provided reference pix for me while I iconed. Most of volume 4 is due to his generosity. I would also like to thank Mark Archuleta for helping me organise my Read Me, so that it was lots easier to read. I would never have taken the time myself. He also suggested I make some custom subfolders for the B Sharps, Burns' lawyers and Volume 4. My icons are featured in his Macintosh "Hot Icons", a gigantic collection of excellent icons that is available at info-mac, its mirror sites and AOL. WHERE TO FIND MY ICONS... This may seem to be redundant, since you already have my icons, but I've gotten so many questions about this, I decided to include this information.... TO FIND MY ICONS IN OS/2 FORMAT (1 FILE CONTAINING ALL 4 VOLUMES): ftp://hobbes.nmsu.edu/os2/graphics TO FIND MY ICONS IN MACINTOSH FORMAT (4 SEPARATE VOLUMES): sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/gui/grf/Simpsons_Icons_Grp1.sea (and Grp2, Grp3, Grp4) wuarchive.wustl.edu/systems/mac/info-mac/gui/grf ftp.hawaii.edu/mirrors/info-mac/gui/grf (or in any info-mac mirror) My icons should also available on AOL, CompuServe, GEnie, eWorld and FidoNet TO FIND MY ICONS IN WINDOWS FORMAT (1 FILE CONTAINING ALL 4 VOLUMES): wuarchive.wustl.edu/systems/ibmpc/win3/icons/icosimps4.zip ftp.cica.indiana.edu ftp.cc.monash.edu.au/pub/win3/icons/icosimp4.zip ftp.cdrom.com ftp.netcom.com/pub/caddy/simpsons/icons (If you can't find my icons at any of these places, let me know, and I'll change this list for Volume 5.) TO FIND MY ICONS ON THE WEB (These homepages contain some or all of my icons, in various formats): http://www.digimark.net/TheSimpsons/index.html (has all 4 Mac volumes plus the Windows version) http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~tatum/simp.html (with sounds; Door #2) http://www.cit.gu.edu.au/~anthony/icons/ (X-Windows UNIX version) http://www.stud.unit.no/~joge/index.eng.html (tar/zipped file for downloading) http://www.cybergate.com/~owens (link to digimark) http://www.geopages.com/siliconvalley/1159 (link to digimark) http://www.engr.wisc.edu/~clapper/homepage.html (link to digimark) http://www.seed.net.tw/~jenwen/salon.htmm (Gif format) http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~d2linjo/i/simpsons/index.html (Gif format) http://cyberspace.org/~donnacha/ (Gif format) http://minerva.cis.yale.edu/~amiyake/amiyake.html (uses my icons) http://fox.nstn.ca/~kcarver (uses my icons) WHERE DO I FIND MORE SIMPSONS STUFF? Since LOTS of people ask me where to get more information about the Simpsons, here are sites where there are detailed episode descriptions: ftp.cs.widener.edu/pub/simpsons busop.cit.wayne.edu/pub/simpsons/capsules ftp.netcom.com/pub/mholtz These places contain episode capsules and other Simpson-ish things, and the last place has some jpegs from the show. I hope this info helps! HOW TO USE THESE ICONS... 1. Unzip the file os2simp1.zip 2. You will now have 14 .zip files and two text files. 3. Unzip any/all of the zip files to extract the .ico files. For best results use Info-ZIP's unzip.exe and unzip to a HPFS drive or partition. One or two icons don't seem to unzip properly to a FAT drive (something to do with the eighth character in the name being a space!). If you need to unzip to a fat drive use the -s option of unzip.exe. This option converts spaces to underscores and will eliminate some of the problems. You may get messages regarding conflicting file names. In this case rename the icon file and be sure to include the .ico extension. The long file names are maintained in EA's 4. The file simpsons.txt has complete listing of all the icons in each *.zip file 5. e-mail Stephen Clark at s.clark@pi.csiro.au if you have any problems. 6. Exclaim in wonderment at the artistry and subtlety of the icon. 7. Enthusiastically send e-mail or postcard comments to creator. FEEDBACK... Send praise, icon suggestions & Simpsons pix to: Jeanette Foshee 1603-13th St. Boone, IA 50036 Or you can e-mail me at: Jfoshee1@aol.com P.S. If you send me pix from the Simpsons show, I will turn them into more icons. I've gotten many things back from people who have used my icons in interesting ways. If by some chance you have done some neat thing with my icons, feel free to send me a copy. I'm delighted to see the creativity out there! LEGAL STUFF... You may freely distribute this collection of Simpson icons, provided you give me credit, distribute the collection in its original form with all the files intact, and do not charge anything for them. Also, you cannot publish anything about me or my icons without my permission. (If you want to use my icons in some creative way, please write me, and I will be happy to give my permission. All I ask is that I be given credit for my icons.) HISTORY... I doubt anyone has actually read this far, but in case you have nothing else better to do than read my long-winded read me ;-), I have included it for your enjoyment. * Macintosh Volume 1, September 1993 (slight revision March 1995) * Macintosh Volume 2, November 1993 (slight revision March 1995) * Macintosh Volume 3, July 1994 (slight revision March 1995) * Windows Version 3, August 1994 (the version denotes the Mac volumes included) (generously converted and uploaded by Tim Anstine) * Macintosh Volume 4, July 1995 * Windows Version 4, July 1995 (generously converted and uploaded by Tim Anstine) * OS/2 Volume 1, October 1995 (generously converted and uploaded by Stephen Clark) --In your hands now! * Volume 5, Coming soon to a Mac near you... (with Windows and OS/2 versions to soon follow) Okay, okay, I know people want to pin me to a date. I've gotten some suggestions from folks who say that they would prefer for me to put out smaller volumes. That way each volume would take less time to download, and I could put them out more frequently. I'm going to try this method for the next volume and see how it goes. So I will release the next volume in November 1995, preferably before Thanksgiving. It will contain 50 icons instead of the 100 or so I usually make. PERSONAL INFORMATION... Some people have been curious about how old I am, where I work and that sort of thing. As a reward to those of you who have read all the way to the end of this lengthy Read Me, here's some pertinent facts: I'm 32 years old and single. I have a cat named Garfield (mentioned earlier). I live in Iowa and work at a university. My job designation is secretary, but I've learned so much about computers that I am planning on quitting my job in a year and going back to school to learn programming and computer graphics. I would LOVE to work in the field of computer multimedia and special effects. (Hopefully this will be of interest to the multimedia people who may be reading this. :-D ) Enjoy! Jeanette P.S.--I was going to include an icon of myself with this volume (as it's been requested so much), but I didn't have time, so it'll have to wait until the next volume. ****************************** Thanks for generously donating your time and computer to converting my icons. I hope the OS/2 world enjoys my icons, and I'm looking forward to hearing from them! :-) Jeanette