CCA - README - PAGE 1 ===================== PROGRAM: CCa Presents V. 1.0 by Central Coast Associates DESCRIPTION: OS/2 PM program Displays Messages from script files on a pop-up dialog located on the DeskTop screen. The user can choose the scripts to be displayed and the interval of pop-up's. USAGE: 1. For instance: a. Improve your vocabulary. b. Improve your knowledge of American History. c. Improve your knowledge of sports. d. Improve your knowledge of trivia. e. Improve your child's knowledge of a particular subject while they play computer games. f. Improve your knowledge of how to operate OS/2. 2. Scripts contain either information messages or question and answer messages. 3. CCa provides additional scripts subjects for your entertainment and education. Examples: Sports Trivia, Entertainment Trivia, American History, Bible Verses, Vocabulary, Geography, OS/2 Tricks & Hints, Grades 2 thru 7 English-Math-Science-Reading Skills. 4. The CCa ScriptWriter program will allow you to edit and create your own scripts for any subject. CCA - README - PAGE 1 INSTALLATION: Needs IBM OS/2 2.1 or greater Uses INSTALL.EXE SETUP: CONFIG.SYS: None Required. REBOOT: Not Required. 1. Install will create directory "CCA" and copy files to it. Files: PRESENT.EXE PRESENT.HLP PRESENT.MSG PRESENTS.INI SCRIPT FILES (X.SCP) SCRIPTS.TXT README.TXT LICENSE.TXT REGISTER.TXT INSTALL.EXE NOTE: Provides remove option. 2. Install will create program icons in "CCa Presents" Folder on your desktop. INSTALL EXAMPLE: 1. Put the "self extracting file" presents.exe on a blank floppy or in a hard disk directory, such as c:\tmp; 2. Change to the drive that contains the file presents.exe (self extracting file). 3. CD to the directory that presents.exe is in, if not on a floppy disk. 4. Run Presents.exe to uncompress the installation files 5. Enter 'INSTALL' to invoke the installation files a. You will be prompted to accept or edit the path where the install procedure will place the Presents files. b. The "CCa Presents" folder will be created on your desktop. 6. After starting Presents, You will need to select and select the script(s) for popup.