Setup AATSP Ver #1.4 Ver #1.4 will read all database files created in the Ver #1.0, but because this version allows for entry of Employee Identification numbers, the employee's names must be rewritten in this program. In addition if installing over Ver #1.0 the export file will be over written. Therefore before you install start the old program go to the export file. Export all info. to a new file. Fileold is a safe name to use that way there is no chance of it being over written. This will assure you do not lose data. New in v1.4 Database File date sort engin modification to allow sort form date to date. Note: Registered program will NOT require you to rewrite any data nor will any future update. Start Up Program *******************----------------------------------------****************** To start this program, type MP at the DOS ÄÄ prompt. Example C:\MANPOWER\MP Plus Enter ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ or to remove the program from your computer type install at C:\MANPOWER Example: C:\MANPOWER\install Plus Enter ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Then Type Y Type C Press Enter Type the name of sub directory where the program resides. Press Enter Follow directions on screen, the install program will remove the entire program. Install will install a program or remove. AATSP Program Requirements Dos Version 3.3 or Higher Computer min. 286 1 Meg bytes of Memory 1,709,105 bytes Hard Drive Space For installation CompuServe 73732,2035 Phone 818-914-3187 the Conductor