Gentlemen: There is no doubt that without thieves, the world would be a nicer place to live. Just imagine not having to lock your doors at home, put your car in the garage, find a place for your valuables, or even stop the delivery of the newspaper when you are out of town. These habits have become an integrated part of our lives because we recognize that we are all potential victims and we do not live in a utopia. The thief who takes off with a television, stereo, jewelry and silver has one basic motive--money. While there is always a fairly well accepted value to the "loot", this is not true when a thief has stolen proprietary information from your firm. How do you assess the value of the damage? Unlike the home burglar, the corporate thief's motivation is not necessarily limited to self-enrichment. He may be operating off of feelings of bitterness, revenge, ego-fulfillment, daring or paying off an old debt. [C O M P A N Y N A M E] was formed in 19XX. After many years of service with our governmental information gathering agencies, he has put his expertise to work in the area of combating corporate crime. [C O M P A N Y N A M E] operates on a two-fold level. One, is the evaluation of your existing security system, operations and the methods for improvement. The second is a screening of personnel who have access to security sensitive areas. This study can be effectively accomplished without the awareness of any of your personnel. Through the last few years we have discovered that as businesses grow there is often a greater need for additional security measures. Our job is to seal up the cracks and to keep items of a proprietary nature where they belong, in your possession! We will be happy to provide you with references and anticipated costs. You are invited to contact us at your earliest convenience.