----------------------------------------- CyberPhone BETA Release Bug Report Form ----------------------------------------- We appreciate you taking the time to test this beta release of the CyberPhone software. If you discover an error, we need to know about it so it will never bother you again. This form gives us the information we need in order to start tracking down the problem. This help is greatly appreciated. INSTRUCTIONS: Answer as many questions as you can and indicate those questions to which you don't know the answer. Again, thank you for your help in debugging CyberPhone. Email the completed form to cyberphone@magenta.com General Information --------------------- Date: Time: First Name: Phone Number: Version Number: E-mail address: Have you used CyberPhone before? If yes, what operating system? If yes, what version? Network Information --------------------- IP address (if fixed): Internet Service Provider: POP Server Address: SMTP Server Address: Type of Connection to Internet: [ ] Modem [ ] Leased Line [ ] ISDN [ ] Other: Winsock Parameters -------------------- Winsock Make and Version (can be obtained from the Help window of CyberPhone): Internet dialer software: If using Trumpet Winsock - network parameters: MTU:_______ TCP RWIN:________ TCP MSS:_______ Your computer --------------- Computer Manufacturer: CPU: [ ] 486SX [ ] 486DX [ ] 486DX2 [ ] Pentium [ ] Other: CPU Frequency in MHz: RAM (in MB): Video Card Make and Model: Video Card Type: [ ] ISA [ ] VESA [ ] PCI [ ] Other: Current Video Resolution: [ ] 640x480 [ ] 800x600 [ ] 1024x768 [ ] >= 1280x1024 Number of colors in current video mode: [ ] 16 [ ] 256 [ ] 32K [ ] 65K [ ] 16.7M Your Modem ------------ Modem Make and Model: Modem Baud Rate: [ ] 14.4Kb [ ] 28.8Kb [ ] Other: Modem Protocol: [ ] V.32 [ ] V.32bis [ ] V.34 [ ] Other: Your Sound Card ----------------- Sound Card Make and Model: Audio Depth: [ ] 8 bits [ ] 16 bits Minimum Sampling Frequency: Maximum Sampling Frequency: Support Full Duplex? [ ] Yes [ ] No Microphone Make and Model: Speakers Make and Model: Did a Mixer App come bundled with your Sound Card? [ ] Yes [ ] No Can you record a WAV file with Windows Sound Recorder? [ ] Yes [ ] No Can you play a WAV file with Windows Media Player? [ ] Yes [ ] No Other software you use ------------------------ Operating System: [ ] Win 3.x [ ] WfW 3.x [ ] Win NT [ ] Windows 95 Network Operating System Make and Version: Web Browser Type and Version: Other Audio based software used: Describe your problem: