Installing FIGleaf Inline on your computer To install FIGleaf Inline on your computer: Make sure that you have Netscape Navigator 2.0, and that you are using Windows NT or Windows 95. We recommend that you use our Plug-In with Netscape2.0 beta 3. Then, download the ZIP file containing FIGleaf Inline 1.0 Beta 1 ( 500K). After you have completed downloading the ZIP file make sure you have PKUnzip 2.04g installed on your computer in the same directory as the ZIP file. Start a MS-DOS shell and go to the directory where you have downloaded the FIGleaf Inline ZIP file and type "pkunzip". This will extract a file called "npfiglf.dll". Place the "npfiglf.dll" file in your Netscape Plug-In directory. For example, if your Netcape Navigator 2.0 is installed C:\Program Files\Netscape\Navigator then your Plug-In directory will most likely be C:\Program Files\Netscape\Navigator\Program\plugins If this directory does not exist, then you will need to create it using the DOS "mkdir" command or the File Manager. You can then delete the ZIP file and all the PKUnzip files if you do not want to keep them.