FIRST TRAIN FOR THE INTERNET DAY EXCURSION README Known bugs: ---------- The graphics and opening screens will not display properly on systems using CGA, EGA or large-font VGA, SVGA and XGA systems. This is due to the way Windows Help handles graphics when large fonts are selected, and you will find that 90 percent of Windows help files have the same problem. This bug occurs on Windows 3.1/3.11 and Windows 95. We recommend the following as a fix: Windows 3.1/3.11: ---------------- If your main problem is the small size of icon titles, add the following line to your WIN.INI file under the [Desktop] section: IconTitleSize=10 (or 12 for higher visibility; the default is 8) You can change this line incrementally to suit. This should allow you to use small fonts and have better visibility of icon titles as well as graphical compatibility with Windows help tools. You can also change the font using (for example, to use the Terminal font): IconTitleFaceName=Terminal Windows 95: ---------- The same applies. It's probably the size of your Start menu text and dialog box text that prompted you to select large fonts. We recommend obtaining a program called TWEAKUI.EXE, one of the free "power tools" from Microsoft for Win95, from Microsoft's Web site or one of several locations on the Internet. We are not giving the URL here since Microsoft has a habit of changing its URLs with alarming frequency, messing up everyone. Instead, try a search for: WINDOWS 95 POWERTOYS ...or... WINDOWS 95 POWER TOYS ...using Yahoo or Webcrawler. Many people have this utility linked to their Web pages. This utility may be used for fixing a lot more than just the size of Start menu and dialog text, and if you're a heavy Windows user you will find it very useful. Frequently Asked Questions: -------------------------- "Where can I get the free software which you mention in First Train?" There are several ways to obtain it. The programs mentioned, with very few exceptions, are widely available on the Internet, on CompuServe, America OnLine, and perhaps other services as well. Check our Internet site at: ...where you will see a link to a special page for First Train users designed to instantly connect you to the software. There is also a page of links to this software in your First Train directory called ADDONS.HTM, but please be aware that not all these links may be functional by the time you get a chance to use the software. At the time this README was written, there were no known links available for the Internet Lexicon or Faros Uninstaller on the Internet. To use this page, simply load it into your Web browser while you are connected to the Internet. "Where can I find more information on First Train?" Consult the catalog for info. on ordering and other versions of this product. "What should I do if it stops working properly?" Re-installation of the software should solve 95 percent of all problems experienced with this package. There is always the possibility that some part of this package will be incompatible with some component of your system. One particular problem you may experience is not being able to see hotspots on your monitor in color. Some video cards do not display Windows Help hotspots properly at resolutions higher than 256 colors. Reduce your color depth and this should solve the problem. Another problem you may experience is a corrupted WIN.INI or SYSTEM.INI file. This can result from any number of things and is best dealt with by making regular backups of your system configuration files. (See the Insurance and Medical section for more information.) "How can I get help with First Train?" We cannot provide support for non-registered users, although bug reports are welcome. Send bug reports to 103076,1667 (CompuServe), cublea (AOL) or (Internet). "Where can I find the complete version in stores?" Write us at one of the contact addresses supplied in the catalog or the addresses above for information. Please specify your geographic location. "Do you have a web site?" We sure's essential for supporting a product like this. Point your Web browser to: browse our Web site. You'll find support for First Train, news about updates and links to the best free utilities for making the most of your Internet experience with the least possible hassle. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This archive may be redistributed in any fashion provided none of the files are omitted, including the installation software. The package must be distributed in the original self-extracting ZIP archive format although its name may be changed (e.g. to SETUP.EXE) for convenience to the end user.