THE ONLINE WORLD MONITOR <><><><><><><><><><><><> The Online World Monitor newsletter (ISSN: 0805-6315) is a bi-monthly, online publication. Initially meant as a free, optional offering for supporters of The Online World resources handbook, it is also open for subscription by others. The book and the newsletter are companions. While the book describes the online world as it is, the newsletter tracks changes. It can more freely focus on selected offerings or phenomena than can be done within the strict framework of the book. The newsletter contains tales about discoveries that never made it to the handbook, glimpses of what goes on, trends, tests, spotlights on important new developments around the world. Volume 2 Number 5 (December 1995): 1. The Alta Vista search engine. 2. The travelling modem. 3. Update on Internet trends. 4. Web Watch. Volume 2 Number 4 (October 1995): 1. Update on Internet trends. 2. Netscape hints. Volume 2 Number 3 (July 1995): Special issue: Internet trends. Volume 2 Number 2 (April 1995): 1. Online India 2. Tests, practical hints - The SlipKnot Web browser - The Free Agent news reader - To CompuServe by OzWin - Telnet to CompuServe - Telnet "back home" from CompuServe - Automated monitoring of news 3. Important developments Volume 2 Number 1 (February 1995): 1. Focus on China 2. Test, practical hints About: File transfers, finding files, efficient netnews, information finding strategies, email software. . . 3. Spotlight on important developments. 4. Interesting conferences, newsgroups, discoveries. 5. Important changes. Volume 1 Number 4 (December 1994): 1. Focus on Africa (File: TOW SAMPLE4) 2. Update: Europe 3. Spotlight on important developments: - Patent searches on the Internet - Trend: commercial services on the Internet 4. Pointers 5. Interesting conferences, newsgroups, discoveries. 6. Important changes Volume 1 Number 3 (October 1994): 1. Accessing the Web from a Unix shell account (File: TOW SAMPLE2) 2. Test result: Mosaic out, Netscape in? 3. Spotlight on important developments. 4. Pointers to Interesting conferences, newsgroups, and resources 5. Tracking Changes, - or sic transit gloria mundi. Volume 1 Number 2 (August 1994): 1. The World Wide Web resource: Tests of the Lycos WWW search engine. Other "find your way through the maze" services. 2. The World Wide Web by email. (File: TOW SAMPLE1) 3. on important developments 4. Pointers: Interesting conferences, newsgroups, and resources 5. Changes Volume 1 Number 1 (June 1994) had the following contents: 1. The batch approach to networking. (File: TOW SAMPLE3) 2. Spotlight on important developments: Telnet to CompuServe. SimTel. Live voice conversations over the Internet. 3. Pointers to Interesting conferences, newsgroups, and resources 4. Changes - sic transit gloria mundi Services come and go, change names, move to other "homes". What the heck is going on? Supporters of The Online World book gets one free copy of the newsletter. Those registering for six updates per year, gets a one year subscription to the newsletter. For information about the book, send email to LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU (or LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 on BITNET) with the following command in the text of your mail: GET TOW MASTER Information is also available via the World Wide Web on the following URL: Web: and on the gopher at (URL: gopher:// Subscription form: Yes, I would like to subscribe to The Online World Monitor newsletter. Please fill in the following information: Name ___________________________________________ Company _______________________________ Address__________________________________________ City ___________________ State or Province ________ ZIP or Postal Code ________ Country __________ Email Address: __________________ Delivered by electronic mail (only). Mark of your choice of format with an (x) below: ( ) Ascii text format ( ) Html format (text with hypertext codes) ( ) Both formats. Newsletter Subscription rate: NOK 175/year (around US$25) Payment (mark off your choice with (x) below): ( ) Check or money order payable to Odd de Presno in U.S. funds enclosed ( ) Bank transfer (SWIFT) to 6311.05.27189 (Kredittkassen 4800 Arendal, Norway) ( ) VISA ( ) MasterCard ( ) American Express Credit card number __________________________________ Exp date _______ Note: You should not send your credit card number by email, unless the data is sent in PGP encrypted form. For information about how to do this, read the instruction at the end of this appendix. If PGP is not available, use fax, or ordinary mail. The Online World Monitor newsletter Odd de Presno 4815 Saltrod, Norway. Email: Fax : +47-370-27111 -------------------------------------------------- How to send your registration using PGP encryption -------------------------------------------------- To use this method, you must have a copy of the freeware program PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) by Philip Zimmermann. It is available for MS-DOS, VAX/VMS, Unix, and other computers. Various versions of this program can be retrieved from online services all over the world. If you have access to the Internet, use Archie to locate a recent version. I am currently using version 2.6. You can get a copy from the following Web address: Follow these steps to encrypt your registration form (you may be able to do this _without_ reading the documentation): Step 1 ------ Store your completed registration form on your disk using the file name ORDER.FRM. Cut out the text below, and store it using the file name ONLINE.ASC. *-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.3a mQBNAi0jCjcAAAECAKBK1u0JZHZSEh50P3TdgSApuZCEWQh2Nsxw1pYrC4bgy/md bAN3UFrkgwShtnpPIjm+GcXFBiKpZ5kDuT9T9x0ABRG0FW9wcmVzbm9AZXh0ZXJu LnVpby5ubw== =AXgT *-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Remove the asterisk ()* character at the beginning of the first and last lines of the PGP Public Key before adding it to your keyring. For example, the line *-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- should be changed to -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Do the same with the last line to make it -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Step 2 ------ Add ONLINE.ASC to your public keyring using the command: pgp -ka online.asc Step 3 ------ Encrypt ORDER.FRM using the command pgp -ea order.frm The resulting file will be called ORDER.ASC. Step 4 ------ Send ORDER.ASC by email to , or .