Note: If this page appears with a black background and yellow text, then you have the "Author's Choice of Colors" setting turned on in your Configure/Preferences screen (probably a good thing).
Below, you will find a sample of all of the fonts selected under the menu item: Configure/Screen Fonts.

The fastest way to change and retest fonts is:

  1. Close all document windows (because fonts cannot be changed with any documents open).
  2. Make your font changes.
  3. Press the History button (the one with the circle).
  4. Choose the document with the title: "Test your selected fonts".

You can also test the printer fonts by printing this document.
Tip: when choosing fonts, do not select an italic or bold font. The italic and bold font attributes will be chosen by the authors of the documents you retrieve (as I have chosen Bold here). This will leave room for them to turn italics on and off as they choose, rather than have these attributes permanently on.

This is your selected Header 1 Font

This is your selected Header 2 Font

This is your selected Header 3 Font

This is your selected Header 4 Font

This is your selected Header 5 Font
This is your selected Header 6 Font

This is your selected Normal Text font. Probably, most incoming text will be in this font.

This is your selected Normal Text font in BOLD

This is your Normal Text Font in italics

This is your selected Monospaced font.

This is your selected Blockquote Font.
This is your selected Address font.
  1. This is your selected List Item Font
  2. (in bold face)
  3. (in italics)