Registration/Order Form - Zip Equalizer v1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your $20 buys: - the most recent version of Zip Equalizer!! - Removal of Registration Reminder screen - tech support CREDIT CARD ORDERS (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover): Order with your credit card by calling Public (software) Library with your MC, Visa, AmEx, or Discover Card! Call: 800-242-4PsL (from overseas: 713-524-6394) or FAX to 713-524-6398. THESE NUMBERS ARE FOR ORDERING ONLY. Shoptalk Systems can NOT be reached at those numbers. To contact Shoptalk Systems for information about dealer pricing, volume discounts, site licensing, the status of shipment of the product, the latest version number or for technical information, or to discuss returns, call or write Shoptalk Systems (see address and phone # below). REGISTERING VIA COMPUSERVE: Just GO SWREG and perform a lookup on SHOPTALK. CompuServe will add the charge onto your billing. This doesn't work for site licenses, only single copies. Zip Equalizer Single User Registration: $20 x 1 copy = $______________.___ Zip Equalizer Site License: 2 to 9 computers: ____ copies at $15 each = $______________.___ 10 to 24 computers: ____ copies at $14 each = $______________.___ 25 to 49 computers: ____ copies at $12 each = $______________.___ 50 to 99 computers: ____ copies at $10 each = $______________.___ 100 to 199 computers: ____ copies at $8 each = $______________.___ Overseas orders + $5 $5 = $______________.___ Total $______________.___ Please mail these copies to: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Make checks payable to Shoptalk Systems. Shoptalk Systems P.O. Box 1062 Framingham, MA 01701 508-872-5315 Where did you find Zip Equalizer? ____________________ ______________________________________________________ Comments/Suggestions: ________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________