---- VBRUN300.dll --- note If you do not have a Visual Basic runtime on your computer yet you can get it from several sources. You can download our MenuBar shareware from our Web site on the internet ( www.sat.net/~pierce ) under shareware (the VB runtime is included). If you do not have it you will be told during setup. If you have to get it then run setup on it first, then run setup again for SQLEXE. If you have any problems getting setup pleas e-mail me (pierce@sat.net) for help. SQLEXE is shareware. Please try it. If it fills your needs and you continue to use it please register it. Its not free. Contact: Ande Jones, Marketing Manager Pierce Computer Solutions Rt.2 box 174 Bullard TX 75757 (903) 894-6278 (FAX= 903-535-9015) E-Mail = pierce@sat.net http://www.sat.net/~pierce/home.htm Downloads available: http://www.sat.net/~pierce http://www.coast.net/SimTel/win3/database/sqlexe11.zip ftp.coast.net/SimTel/win3/database/sqlexe11.zip Compuserve: Computer-Software Forums-Office Automation Forums (sqlexe11.zip) Other products available or near ready for distribution: EXPERT TREE, Fast, fun, easy way to IMS WINDOWS MENU BAR , replace or supplement program manager. CALCTAPE, Calc with tape, can save and restore tapes, can make notations... PHONE SUPPORT SYSTEM. designed for those companies that do phone support. Maintains problem list, customer information, product info.... visit our web page for more info and downloads. ( www.sat.net/~pierce )