This program is to keep a running log of the work you are doing. If your work environment requires you to keep track of the things you are working on then this program may be for you. It consists of a main entry field that will allow you to write a quick note on what you are doing. For example if someone comes to me and says "Hey Steve, could you look at this problem." I will quickly type in "this person asked me to look at this..." Then click on the write button. This will put your line into a file. This file is saved to the directory specified on the Preference notebook tab. This defaults to C:\WORK with a file name of Wmmdd.TXT where mm is the month and dd is the day. This file will automatically put the date and time next to each entry. There is an EVENT LOG under the options menu also. This is good for meetings, etc. It will play a sound file if a .WAV file is specified in the preference settings. Either way it will give a prompt with an OK button. Once you click okay your event will be written to the WORK file. On the Event Log there is an option to delete events or mark them as completed. If completed they will be written to the Work file. I have included a couple of sounds with it. These were done by me, my guitar and a Rockman. Finally you will notice the Splash bitmap that comes up at program start and on the About page. Probably the most interesting thing in the program. I will do these for you, for hire. Price Negotiable, but nowhere near what a real 3D rendering house would charge. ------------ Legal Disclamier ----------------- Hey its free. If you like it great. If not, write your own. Its not that tough. This is a VX-REXX program, and needs VROBJ.DLL version 2.1d. All I want is feedback, if it works, if you use it, if it stinks, etc. I will share the code with anyone who wants it. I can be reached at If there is enough feedback, and an update is warranted. I'll make one. If I'm missing something that I should say here - imply it.