This archive should contain the following files: DCF.EXE --- DISK COPY FAST version 5.1 executable file DCFHELP.EXE --- Utility program providing help for using DCF.EXE REGISTER.EXE --- Utility program for registering DISK COPY FAST DCF51.DOC --- DISK COPY FAST documentation file VENDOR.DOC --- Distribution terms for shareware vendors PRODUCT.TXT --- Information about other fine products DIST.TXT --- Distribution terms FILES.TXT --- List of files included in the package READ.ME --- Brief introduction for getting started ORDER.FRM --- Order form for DISK COPY FAST and/or DISK COPY PLUS WHATS.NEW --- Describes new features or enhancements in this version FILE_ID.DIZ --- Eight lines description of DISK COPY FAST DESC.SDI --- One line description of DISK COPY FAST