Number of months of experience in this KSA? Use "Actual Time", estimates only. E.G. if you've been typing for 40 years but you were only actually on a typewriter 1/40th of the time, during your average work day, put 1 year here, not 40 years. Then full-time typists who actually type 8 hours per day & have 2 years of experience will properly show more experience than you. But if you put down 40 years, the data is inaccurate, and no-one benefits from it, you will find yourself in a job that expects you to have lots of typing experience & you may fail the job. You do not benefit from putting down 40 years, the agency/ company does not benefit, & neither does the full time typist with 2 solid years of typing experience. Try to estimate what fraction of the time on the job you spent using this KSA, then key in your Number of months experience using this KSA (assuming a full-time or 8 hour day).