KSA_LONGS The KSA_Longs are 240 characters in length. They are great for companies to store KSA's they have placed in various ad's in the past, then bring back for re-use in a new ad. Always break up a long KSA into shorter sub components & store them as 70 wide or component 240 wide KSA's if possible. If you write your KSAs in modules i.e. break them up into sub-components (which are their own unique KSA's), then greater flexibility in mixing & matching parts of your KSA, is possible. This will keep the Standardized KSA file (that everyone uses down to a manageable size. To edit a long KSA, cursor down to the KSA field, then press for field edit. Now cursor to the words you wish to delete, or insertion point. toggle type-over mode, all work when in Field Edit mode. To end field edit mode, press . Some KSA's will only apply to one specific job (e.g. Air Traffic Controller). Other KSAs though in one group, can be used for lots of different jobs, e.g. Wordperfect could be classified in the COMPU group, but secretaries managers, writers, even factory workers might select this KSA for their jobs. If you are applying for a highly specialized job like Air Traffic Controller, you might be benefited by searching for all the KSAs in the group ATC. Then claim all that pertain to you. searching is field specific, so make sure you are already in the field you wish to search, before pressing or else you will get a false "not found". For example, if you are looking for a KSA that contains the string "Pilots License", but your cursor is in the 1st field on the screen (the Group) field, then your search will turn up nothing, because the string "Pilots License" does not exist in the field GROUP. But if you cursor over to the KSA field, then do the same search, you will find the first occurance of that string if it exists, in that field. To batch add to KSA_L's, use the export & import menu options. take the export first to get the file layout example. Then edit the KSA_expL file, to include all the KSAs you wish bearing in mind the rules for KSA Longs, i.e. They all must start w. the 2 words " I have ", except the continued KSAs which there fore cannot start w. "I have". Continued KSAs also must be ID-Num'd in sequence.