________________________________________________________________________ Visit Our Web Page! http://www.cris.com/~Xenozoid/ComicBkNet.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ / THE \ \C O M I C/ Issue #43 This publication is brought to you \B O O K/ by the active participants of \N E T/ Monday the international center for \ / January 8th, comic book discussion, the Comic *E-Mag* 1995 Book Net. !!! - Editor: Ryan Brewster [Xenozoid@cris.com] - CBN Network Administration Team: - Ed Dukeshire - - Mike Imboden - - William Hughes - - Ryan Brewster - - Jacob Greenberg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Comic Book Net Founding Fathers: Ed Dukeshire and Mike Imboden ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________________________________________________________________________ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] The Bullpen ........................... Ryan Brewster [2] CSNsider #448.......................... W. Batty & C. Biggers [3] Comicunications Weekly Re-Cap ......... Ryan Brewster [4] Out of Africa ......................... Marc Sparks [5] Pressing the Issue .................... Ronald-Thomas Fleming [6] New Comics 1/11/95 .................... Chuck LePage [7] Join in the Fun! [8] BBSes Linked into CBN [9] E-Mag Info ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] The Bullpen by Ryan Brewster Changes are in the air! After a few events (including Net Admin Team member Ed Dukeshire all but leaving the net, and message traffic slowing considerably), we at the Comic Book Net are now looking into dismantling the network as it exists now, and moving purely to the World Wide Web. The local-bbs-echomail system, though very popular in the late 80's and early 90's, has become all but obselete. Sysops have closed down their BBS's to go and write web pages for the World Wide Web. And why not? The possibilities are staggering! So, we are following suit, and bringing our message bases to the World Wide Web page. What form this will take, and when it will happen, is pretty much up in the air right now... but I am currently working with Jim Lawless (former editor of the Comics Jabber newsletter) to set up a QWK packet system so you can _still_ use those neat offline mail readers! Until then, keep your eyes peeled for more information in this e-mag and the web page! Best, --Ry Editor The Comic Book Net E-Mag Xenozoid@cris.com ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2] CSNsider #448 by W. Batty and C. Biggers This is the CSNsider from CSN #448, which will be in shops on 1/18/96. It is reproduced in its entirety with the expressed permission of COMIC SHOP NEWS! Caliber is the latest company to add a $.99 comic to its line; the Caliber title, slated to debut this spring, will feature chapters of an original Warren Ellis serialized story along with selections from other Caliber comics... Doctor Strange gets to go on sabbatical once again: word is that Dr. Strange #90 will be the master of the mystic arts' last monthly issue of this series (you'd think he'd get used to it: this is the third series he's starred in that's come to an untimely end)... Word has it that when SkyBox debuts its DC OverPower Cards in March, the cards will be modified to include an Intellect category; look for future Marvel OverPower cards to likewise add this to each character's stats... ShadowHawk should be coming to television as a live-action series in '96 or early '97, courtesy of Nelvana and the USA Network; according to ShadowHawk creator Jim Valentino, Wesley Snipes is slated to appear in the first episode... Dynamic Forces has signed an agreement with DC to offer licensed, signed limited editions of DC books... SkyBox's line-up of DC-related trading cards includes a new Sandman series, a Batman and a Superman Ultra series, and a Superman Animated Series slated to appear in conjunction with the debut of the animated television series... Sabretooth may be dead, but he's obviously getting better; the feral mutant is joining the line-up of X-Factor with X-Factor #122... Now that the Generation X TV-movie for Fox is finished, Marvel has a pair of new TV-films in the works, one featuring The Punisher (for NBC) and one featuring She-Hulk.; also, look for the Fox-TV Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD, mentioned a couple of months ago in these pages, sometime in '96... And speaking of movies, Neil Gaiman has said that there's talk of a Sandman film, although he doesn't expect that he'll be involved with it... Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl? That's a rumor that's making the rounds in Hollywood; word has it that the script for the fourth Batman film will definitely feature Batgirl, and that Silverstone is in the lead to play the role. Val Kilmer and Chris O'Donnell will definitely reprise their Batman and Robin roles... A second Shi trading card series is scheduled for summer '96 release... The long-running Spider-Man clone storyline wraps up this spring -- and Marvel promises a definite resolution to the saga... Chris Carter says that there will definitely be an X-Files feature film in '97; filming should take place between the end of the third season and the beginning of the fourth season. X-Files fans should also look for Mulder and Scully to appear in an episode of The Simpsons next spring (David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will supply the voices)... Look for a third Cyclops and Phoenix miniseries this spring; The Further Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix is written by Peter Milligan and illustrated by John Paul Leon and Klaus Janson... Dan Jurgens has announced plans to leave Sensational Spider-Man after the sixth issue, but Jurgens fans shouldn't lament too much: his next project is the relaunch of Teen Titans later this year... Master artist Nestor Redondo, the fine-line illustrator of Rima and other titles for DC in the 70's, died in late December; Redondo was one of the most respected illustrators in the Phillipines, and his sense of design and his meticulous artistry earned him many fans in this country as well... Nine Princes In Amber and the rest of the Amber series, the creation of the late Roger Zelazny, is coming to comics courtesy of DC; no release schedule has been set as of yet, however... Dark Horse Comics is also adding a $.99 comic to its line beginning in March, but with a twist: their $.99 series will feature the first chapter of a Dark Horse trade paperback, beginning with Star Wars: Dark Empire. "Now, before a reader spends $17.95 on a collection, he or she can get a taste of the story for $.99," Dark Horse's Lou Bank said... The CSNsider is just a small part of each issue of Comic Shop News. CSN #448 features Sin City from Dark Horse Comics on the cover as well as more news and reviews. The CSNsider is now available via e-mail! In order to subscribe to CSNsider, send a message to majordomo@redweb.com, with a single line message saying: SUBSCRIBE csnsider Visit our WWW site! http://www.actwin.com/csn We post the new CSNsider there each Monday or Tuesday and it will go out via e-mail each Wednesday or Thursday. The WWW site is still the first place it will appear each week, but we wanted to offer it via e-mail as well. The only way to get Comic Shop News is to visit a shop that carries CSN. The publication costs the shops just a dime each and is generally free to customers. If your shop doesn't carry CSN, nag 'em until they do. After all, isn't your business and satisfaction worth a dime a week? Ward Batty wardo@netdepot.com Cliff Biggers cliffbig@netdepot.com (c)1995 CSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3] Comicunications Weekly Re-cap by Ryan Brewster ///// ComICunications \\\\\ Weekly Re-Cap 1/8/96 ** Happy New Year!!! ** Contents: 1. Editorial: Looking Back on '95 2. Industry News: * Marvel Pinches Pennies * Diamond Buckles Down * Heroes World Lowers Discounts 1. Editorial ----------------------------------------------------------- A Look Back At '95: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ by Ryan Brewster The year 1995 was very possibly the most... er... _dynamic_ years in the direct comics industry... and 1996 isn't looking any better. It is already apparent that the changes were for worse, as the readership in 1995, compared to '94 (which wasn't exactly fun and games either), took a nosedive. Circulations have plummetted and comic stores have closed down, leaving the direct comics market pleading for a new gimmick. Since the first issue of this e-mag (dated February 27th, 1995), a huge amount of changes were in the works. Marvel had just bought Welsh Publishing, Malibu Comics and Heroes World. Other important events in the comics world fell into place after that: (advance apologies for blatant omissions...) March '95: - Marvel announces its intention to distribute its products exclusively through Heroes World Distribution, and that Heroes World will no longer carry non-Marvel product. - Capital City Dist. sues Marvel, settles. April '95: - The movie Crumb, a documentary based on the life of cartoonist Robert Crumb, is released to select markets - The Maxx cartoon premieres on MTV - Canada's Andromeda Distributors goes out of business - DC Comics announces their agreement for Diamond Distributors to become the exclusive distributor of DC product to comic stores - Capital City Dist. Sues DC, settles - WHIZ Comics #2 sold to Steve Geppi for $176,000, the most expensive comic to date May 1995: - Popular independent comic Bone, formerly from Cartoon Books, becomes an Image Comic - Capital City Dist. buys Friendly Frank's Distribution. June 1995: - Affecting many devout comics fans, Christopher Reeve is paralyzed after being thrown from a horse - Batman Forever sets a record with a $53.3 million box-office take in its first weekend. July 1995: - George Carragonne (artist: X-Men, editor: Penthouse Comics) leaps to his death at age 31. - Dark Horse signs deal with Diamond for Diamond to become their exclusive direct market distributor - Image Comics signs a letter of intent for a similar agreement with Diamond Distributors - Retailers recieve first shipment from DC under the new DC/Diamond arrangements - Retailers recieve first shipment from Heroes World under the new Marvel/Heroes World arrangements August 1995: - Acclaim Comics announces exclusive arrangements with Diamond Dist. - Kitchen Sink announces exclusive arrangements with Capital City Dist. - The typewriter used by Jerry Siegel to write the first Superman stories is advertised for sale for $65,000, the most expensive typewriter in the world - Viz Comics signs exclusive deal with Capital City Dist. - Taliesin signs exclusive deal with Capital City Dist. September 1995: - Broadway Comics announces exclusive arrangements with Diamond Distributors - Wizard Press signs a letter of intent to give Diamond exclusive right to distribute Wizard product to the direct comics market - Vice Squad raids Planet Comics in Oklahoma City October 1995: - Planet Comics owners indicted on counts of Distribution, Trafficking and Selling of Obscene Materials, Child Pornography and Displaying Materials Harmful to Minors November 1995: - Bill Watterson announces his intention to cancel his Calvin and Hobbes comic strip December 1995: - Marvel signs Rob Liefeld and Jim Lee to produce a number of Marvel comics - Chaos Comics signs an exclusive deal with Diamond Distributors Already, 1996 has seen its share of industry-shaking news stories, and the hits just keep on coming. What's _wrong_ with the industry will have to wait for another column... Next Week: Looking Forward (?) To 1996 2. Industry News ------------------------------------------------------- Marvel Pinches Pennies: 1/4/96 - With the new year just four days old, Marvel has purged itself of a large amount of its less profitable titles and laid off a plethora of its employees. In what has become known as "Marvelcution", the following measures have been taken to maximize Marvel's profitability: (thanks to Cat Yronwode for the info!) Around 125 Layoffs: - 40 laid off Wednesday, including: Carl Potts Bob Budiansky Nelson Yomtov Marc McLaurin Joey Cavalieri Chris Cooper Mike Lackey Eric Fein Sarra Mossoff Mariano Nicieza - 9 of these had 1-year contracts, for which they will be paid. - The rest get severance pay. - An unknown number of layoffs Thursday in the following depts: Fleer Toy Biz Marvel marketing Marvel advertising Marvel licensing - Malibu editors Hank Kanalz, Roland Mann and their assistants were let go as well, leaving Mark Paniccia and Dan Sheehan employed long enough to oversee production on the final issues. - Peter Sanderson (Marvel historian/librarian) fired. - Mark Gruenwald and Ralph Macchio will be "reassigned" 30-35 Titles Cancelled: - The entire Malibu line (9-10 books a month). - The last Malibu books will ship in March - All the licensed titles - All 2099 titles - Thor Marvel will, in fact, _expand_ their lines of X-Men and Spider-Man comics, and have stated that an "exciting new mass market comic product" will be introduced in early '96. Diamond Buckles Down: 1/5/95 - Diamond Distributors has announced the imminent shutdown of nearly two thirds of their warehouses, a massive lay-off of staff, and the termination of their private trucking line. Only eight of the twenty warehouses in the Diamon chain will remain open, and shipping will now be handled by UPS. The changes take effect February 1st. Heroes World Lowers Discounts: 12/29/95 - The Heroes World February Base Discount Schedule has been lowered by 10.9% due to a number of titles not shipping because of the Amalgam promotion. The March Discount Schedule will be adjusted upwards by 10% to compensate for the extra volume generated by those titles being shipped twice in the same month. The titles affected are: Wolverine, Avengers, Spectacular Spider-Man, Venom: Along Came a Spider, Silver Surfer, Dr. Strange and Over the Edge. Two issues of these books will ship in March. --- Comicunications is Copyright (c) 1995 by Ryan Brewster ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4] Out of Africa, by Marc Sparks A happy new year to everyone, especially to you folks in the States who got it 7hrs after I did heh, heh. Since 1995 has drawn to a close I'd like to reflect on 10 years of comic book collecting. I began seriously collecting in 1984, starting primarily with what was available, mainly DC titles, specifically 'DC Comics Presents' and `Justice League Of America'. My timing proved to be suspect, as soon as I was fully into the swing of things DC turned the whole comic book world topsy turvy with their much vaunted ~Crisis on Infinite Worlds~, something which I have yet to read. (Durban, the city in which I live has yet to boast a dedicated Comic book shop). The Crisis was supposed to clean things up, clear out all those parallal universes and alleviate a perceived confusion amongst readers over the differences between Earth 1 & Earth 2 (I was never confused?). It also provided impetus for a complete revamp of the big 3. What the Crisis did do was throw DC's weird yet strangly coherent continuity to the wind, stories going back to the 40's (JSA) were invalidated, Roy Thomas tried valiantly to pull his ~All Star~ continuity out of the mire, but I think DC had lost interest in anything previously Earth 2. Nevermind that, but according to John Byrne, Superboy never existed, no Superboy, no Legion Of Super-heroes, aaaarrrrrh, another complete muckup, but worse than the continuity problems, were the precidents. DC set two dangerous precidents with the Crisis, firstly they killed not one, but two major characters, and secondly the whole concept that a Mini or Maxi-series can take over, pre-empt a book's creative teams directions and generally disturb the flow of events. One Dc had done it, Marvel promptly followed with Secret Wars II, and then their was no stopping it. We'd done without it for 50 years, and now it became a summer prerequisite. The Crisis was argubly a warrented significant event, but then it becomes more and more difficult to create warrented events, Millenium, Bloodlines, Eclipso etc, as a result the events become anticlimatic, the new characters created bland and generic, and me as reader more and more disallusioned as these silly events interfer with the ongoing continuity of my favourite titles. I dunno do these things bother the rest of you as much as it bothers me? I'll discuss other things from the past decade at in a later column (If Ryan decides to use it :) Finally some thoughts on Ryan's search for a new name for comics, why not move away from a purely discriptive name, and more to a name that discribes the essence of the medium. I propose : Mythos (hmmm better check for copyright violations), lets see, Marvel Mythos, DC Mythos, Dark Horse Mythos, I like it, opinions? Comments, Flames and Love potions #9 to Figment@connx.vironix.co.za VRoom Marc Sparks [Note from the Editor: Ooooh.... "Mythos".... I _like_ it! :) ] ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5] Pressing the Issue, by Ronald Thomas-Fleming It has been awhile since I last wrote a small press column, but the comics still keep coming! I decided to clear my schedule and write a few more columns. The self-publisher or small press publisher usually runs on a shoe-string budget, with no money allowed for promotion. Their comics are usually a labor of love and often far better than what the mainstream has to offer. How many of you out there have heard of Nik Dirga and his small press comic AMOEBA ADVENTURES? You won't find it in your local comic shop, but it gets rave review from Tony Isabella in his CBG column. For those of you who are missing this comic, you owe it to yourselves to order an issue today. Each issue stars the All-Spongy Squad, a most unlikely superhero group that you will ever find. Its members include an Amoeba, a bunny, an ant and a cactus. Now don't think this is some weird little comic, because it is one of the best written and drawn small press comics you will find. The characters are believable and well-rounded. The stories are a combination of humor, action, adventure and seriousness. The truth is, you never know what you are going to get from issue to issue. Nik Dirga writes each issue and the very talented Max Ink does the drawing. They really are a team and it shows in the work they produce. To give one credit over the other would be unfair. Together they are one fine tuned machine. So now that you've heard the hype, I bet you want to know how to get into the action. The first thing you want to do is order AMOEBA ADVENTURES FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL. Nowadays, "special" has lost its specialness. Well, let me assure you that this is a special issue. It really serves as an overview to the whole series with complete information on all the characters and their adventures over the past five years. There is also art done by fellow small pressers who are fans of this group. So in essence you get an overview of the series and a sampling of some of small press' brightest talents. You get all of this for a mere $2.00. An incredible bargain. Next, you can jump right into the story. AA #20 has just been released and features the first part of a new storyline called "The Dark Ages", which promises to change a lot of things and take the series into some unbelievable new directions. Or you can order any of the twenty issues published thus far, which are $2.00 each. Once you pick up one issue, you'll want them all. Trust me on this one. As if Nik didn't have enough to do, he is also the new chairman of the United Fanzine Organization, the oldest small press organization of its kind. The UFO is made up of small pressers who believe in producing quality work. The UFO has been around for more than two decades and has a rich history behind it. You can order the latest issue of their newsletter TETRAGRAMMATON FRAGMENTS for a mere $2.00. The newsletters contains news about what members are planning to publish, as well as a checklist of their most recent offerings. You can each Nik Dirga at: PO Box 2230, University, MS 38677-2230. (Ronald-Thomas Fleming also runs the COMICS INFORMATION NETWORK on CompuServe and the best way to reach him is at: 75562.2253@compuserve.com) ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [6] New Comics Releases List, by Chuck LePage Statistics courtesy of WA This list is posted weekly, usually Tuesday afternoon. GO TO: * NCRL homepage for the latest lists and information. * http://www.mnsinc.com/hyworth/comics/new.html, for a beautiful "tabled" NCR list, and other comics info, courtesy of Thomas Aylesworth. * NCRList@aol.com to send any messages, including email subscription requests, which are always welcome! PLEASE READ- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. "MR" means "recommended for mature readers". _________________________________________________________________ PUBLISHER * TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS _________________________________________________________________ ACCLAIM * Armed and Dangerous #2 (of 4)(MR), 2.95 * Magic The Gathering: Shandalar #1 (of 2), 2.5 * Turok, Dinosaur Hunter #43, 2.5 ARCHIE * Archie Double Digest #84, 2.75 * Betty and Veronica #98, 1.5 * Flintstones #8, 1.5 * Laugh Digest #126, 1.75 BIG * Neil Gaiman's Teknophage #10, 2.25 DARK HORSE * Dark Horse Insider #2, free * Dark Horse Presents #105 (MR), 2.95 * Ghost #10, 2.5 * Gunsmith Cats #9 (of 10)(MR), 2.95 DC * Action Comics #719, 1.95 * Aquaman #18, 1.75 * Aquaman: Time and Tide TP, 9.95 * Azrael #14, 1.95 * Books of Magic #22 (MR), 2.5 * Deathstroke #57, 2.25 * Firebrand #2, 1.75 * Goddess #8 (of 8)(MR), 2.95 * Green Arrow #106, 2.25 * Guy Gardner: Warrior #40, 1.75 * Invisibles #18 (MR), 2.5 * League of Justice #2 (of 2), 5.95 * REBELS 96 #16, 2.25 * Robin #26, 1.95 * Sandman #74 (MR), 2.5 * Star Trek: TNG #79, 2.5 DRAWN&QUARTERLY * 32 Stories (regular edition), 9.95 EL CAPITAN * Stray Bullets (#1-4 each)(current printing)(MR), 2.95 * Stray Bullets #5 (MR), 3.5 EVENT * Ash #6, 2.5 EXPRESS * Parody Press Swimsuit Special #1 (encore edition), 2.75 GEMSTONE * Shock Suspenstories #15, 2.0 * Tales From The Crypt #15, 2.0 * Weird Science #15, 2.0 IMAGE * Bone #22, 2.95 * Casual Heroes #1 (of 5), 2.25 * Maximage #1, 2.5 * Spawn #40, 1.95 * Spawn/Wildcats #1 (of 4), 2.5 * Supreme #34, 2.5 MALIBU * Night Man #4, 1.5 * Star Trek: DS9 #32, 3.5 * Terminator II Present War: Cybernetic Dawn #3, 2.5 MARVEL * Amazing Spider-Man #409, 1.5 * Fantastic Force #17, 1.75 * Force Works #21, 1.5 * Ghost Rider #71, 1.95 * Ghost Rider 2099 #23, 1.95 * Professor Xavier and The X-Men #5, 0.99 * Untold Tales of Spider-Man #7, 0.99 * War Machine #24, 1.5 * X-Factor #120, 1.95 * X-Nation 2099 #1, 3.95 MAXIMUM * Battlestar Galactica: Starbuck #1 (of 3), 2.5 * Sisters of Mercy #2 (of 4), 2.5 MUSHROOM * Innercircle #0.3 (of 5), 2.5 SLAVE LABOR * Skeleton Girl Comics #1, 3.5 TOPPS * Mars Attacks #4, 2.95 * Return To Jurassic Park #8, 2.95 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [6] Join in the fun! You too can enjoy the intelligent conversations and informative threads that occupy the conferences of the Comic Book Net every day! However, many people who read this e-mag aren't familiar with the Local BBS echo-mail system.... Bulletin Board Systems are scattered everywhere across the USofA, and many of them are free! Chances are, if you have a modem you have the accompanying communications software. Using the Terminal Emulation software that came with your modem, you can dial up one of the many systems linked into CBN (see the listings down a few paragraphs). Most of the boards offer all the message echoes in the Comic Book Network... there are message bases devoted to all the bigger comics publishers, as well as big Small Press and Independent message bases, not to mention sections for general (doesn't even have to be about comics!) conversation. If you are worried about long distance charges, worry no longer! Most if not all the BBS's offer a mail service from which you can download a .QWK packet of recent e-mail to read offline with a program called an offline mail reader. You can read & write messages at your leisure, and then upload your own messages & replies the next time you call your local BBS. There are many .QWK packet readers out there, for every type of computer system. They all give you a better explaination in their documentation than I can. These programs are available all over the Internet and are downloadable from most BBS's. These "mail runs" (dialing up, downloading the mail packet and uploading replies) generally take less than 5 minutes to accomplish, and at the average after-5pm/weekends/holidays long distance phone rates, that is LESS THAN 75›! See? Even less expensive than many of the commercial information services available! :) So what else can you find on free BBS systems? Theres plenty of files for specific types of computers. Some systems also offer other types of message networks ranging from general topics to specific themes like sci-fi, role playing, games, music, etc. And, let's not forget online games. Join into the many different multiplayer games, each system sports different challenges. There's nothing like becoming the most powerful being in a online adventure! And when you _do_ log on, leave a message in The Bullpen conference to ALL, and introduce yourself to us! You're guaranteed to get plenty of replies and all the help you need to join in the fun! Best, --Ry, the editor, with assists from Ed Dukeshire. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [8] BBSes Linked into CBN Here's the most up-to-date node listing for the COMIC BOOK NETWORK F=FIDO Q=QWK B=Both *=Major HUB -- ARKANSAS ------------------------------------------------------------ F* Karate & Comics & ... Russelville AR 501-968-3910 Robert Wood F The Mystic BBS Hector AR 501-284-5503 Curtis Tesch -- CALIFORNIA ---------------------------------------------------------- Q Corner Mailbox BBS Lakeside CA 619-561-2961 Joy Manning Q Freedom Flight Victorville CA 619-955-6445 Ronald Siodla -- FLORIDA ------------------------------------------------------------- F Info. Interchange Ft Lauderdale FL 305-792-9622 Mitchel Waas F Flamingo Melbourne FL 407-253-0782 Genie Bohn F Never Never Land Melbourne FL 407-253-8754 Wayne Bell Q Twilight Hall BBS Tampa FL 813-977-6712 John Pierce F Steel Dog Cafe' Destin FL 904-654-9385 Keith Schultz Q Oak Street BBS Ft. Walton FL 904-244-7434 Michael Fischer Q Extreme Online Jacksonville FL 904-363-6347 Eric Cohen F Ded Dudez' Tavares FL 904-343-7272 Mike Burgess -- ILLINOIS ------------------------------------------------------------ F Warp Speed BBS Palatine IL 708-776-2395 Alex Gen -- INDIANA ------------------------------------------------------------- F The CyberSpace BBS Indianapolis IN 317-856-9020 Charlie Smith B* Rob's BBS Arcade La Porte IN 219-325-3655 Rob Swanson -- KENTUCKY ------------------------------------------------------------ Q Mister Rogers Lexington KY 606-273-6611 Doug Rogers -- MARYLAND ------------------------------------------------------------ B* CBN SuperHub Frederick MD 301-874-6020 Mike Imboden F The Vampyre Bar! Frederick MD 301-698-5194 Darryl Pierce B Zoneland BBS Gaithersburg MD 301-601-9731 Bob Hair F DataStorm Kettering MD 301-390-5243 Tarek Gordan F Bifrost Mount Rainier MD 301-779-9381 Kevin Carlin F Castravalva Walkersville MD 301-898-4088 Jeffrey Frasure F Womens World East BBS Silver Spring MD 301-431-0647 Wendy Dumser F Boardwalk BBS Bishopville MD 410-352-5754 James Davis -- MASSACHUSETTS ------------------------------------------------------- Q DJ Dave's Domain Agawam MA 413-789-6533 David Scarpa F Archives BBS Acushnet MA 508-995-0085 John Viera F Computer Castle BBS Haverhill MA 508-521-6941 John McNally B U.S.S. Saratoga BBS New Bedford MA 508-984-1212 Justin Campeau F Muskrat & Heatwave New Bedford MA 508-984-5321 Dennis Racine F Computer Castle BBS North Andover MA 508-686-8010 John McNally F Enigma BBS Rochester MA 508-763-5579 Chris Ferreira B* Keystone BBS Shrewsbury MA 508-753-3767 John Harris F HellFire BBS S. Dartmouth MA 508-979-8930 Brock Cordeiro B Call Again Soon Worcester MA 508-791-1281 Joe Johnson -- MICHIGAN ------------------------------------------------------------ F Intl. Comic Network Dearborn Hgts MI 313-565-8464 Anthony Palacio -- MISSOURI ------------------------------------------------------------ F The Oan Citadel Grandview MO 816-767-1488 Brian J. Stewart -- NEW HAMPSHIRE ------------------------------------------------------- F Computer Castle BBS Atkinson NH 603-362-4125 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Exeter NH 603-778-4662 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Hampstead NH 603-329-5643 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Kingston NH 603-642-5949 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Newton NH 603-382-0567 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Raymond NH 603-895-2393 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Rye Beach NH 603-964-4760 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS South Hampton NH 603-394-7534 John McNally -- NEW JERSEY ---------------------------------------------------------- F Virtual Connection Fair Lawn NJ 201-796-7202 Dmitry Korsun B* Bergen BBS Hillsdale NJ 201-722-1495 Jacob Greenberg F Cyberspace Arcade Little Ferry NJ 201-440-5499 Rick Smorawski F The Quantum Zone Park Ridge NJ 201-307-9225 Wayne Robinson F Unnamed BBS Saddle Brook NJ 201-368-1866 Edward Di Geronimo Jr. -- NEW YORK ------------------------------------------------------------ B Asgard.TW BBS West Islip NY 516-422-4225 Tom Pemberton F Generation X Rochester NY 716-647-6960 Eric Sears F X-Mansion BBS Astoria NY 718-204-0159 Benny Powell F Starbase : Red Dwarf Saugerties NY 914-247-9601 John Dragun B Gotham City BBS Spring Valley NY 914-426-3029 Gerald Schranz F Di Vermiis Mysteriis Poughkeepsie NY 914-485-5463 Thomas Morton -- NORTH CAROLINA ------------------------------------------------------ F Electronic Hangover Durham NC 919-286-4542 Richard Lee F Psychotronic Durham NC 919-286-7738 Richard Lee F* TI-Raliegh Maximus Raliegh NC 919-833-3412 Walter Tietjen F Crystal Winds Raliegh NC 919-790-3599 Mike Gurkin -- OKLAHOMA ------------------------------------------------------------ F Lets PC BBS Oklahoma City OK 405-672-0615 Hyun Nam F Snart's Dreamland Collinsville OK 918-371-0980 Jeff Bennett -- PENNSYLVANIA -------------------------------------------------------- F Comic Book Board Philadelphia PA 215-365-5225 William Horton Q 3-4-2 LEVI Online Philadelphia PA 215-342-5384 Leo Keil F Dark Lands Philadelphia PA 215-487-7315 Chris Ford F The Malverne BBS Eddystone PA 610-872-2830 Raymond Jones -- TENNESSEE ----------------------------------------------------------- F The Factory BBS Union City TN 901-885-9647 Rick Brewer -- TEXAS --------------------------------------------------------------- Q Way Out There Dallas TX 214-680-2755 Justin Pasher F House Atreides Garland TX 214-494-3702 Wayne LeMonds F The Chess Board Grand Prairie TX 214-641-1136 Ken Givens B* FIAWOL/MSConnections Irving TX 214-790-6472 Bobb Waller F Star Streams Waxahachie TX 214-938-7115 Michael Rudolf F* The RASTER Line Houston TX 713-568-0825 Jeff Watts F The Dream Sequence Missouri City TX 713-835-0965 Biju Mathai F Young Blood Killeen TX 817-699-2254 T.J. Gohl F Orion BBS Odessa TX 915-530-2712 Dennis Brown -- VIRGINIA ------------------------------------------------------------ B Crystal Aerie Arlington VA 703-415-0134 Spencer Greenwald -- WASHINGTON ---------------------------------------------------------- F* Longview On-Line! Longview WA 206-577-7358 Jeanne Lejon -- ONTARIO, CANADA ----------------------------------------------------- F Dark Knight BBS London ONT 519-850-9929 Michael Cross F MACH 1 BBS London ONT 519-457-6771 Tomasz Heiber F The Outpost BBS St. Mary ONT 519-284-0223 Murray Atthill F Snake Pit BBS Tecumseh ONT 519-979-4251 Mark Godard F Gananoque System's BBS Gananoque ONT 613-382-1788 Mike Serson -- MEXICO -------------------------------------------------------------- B* The Gate BBS Mexico City 52-5-264-2994 Emilio Karam - From USA, dial international-access 011 then 52-5-264-2994# ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [9] E-Mag Info The Comic Book Net E-Mag is published weekly by the many participants of The Comic Book Network. This is a compilation of articles and columns which were originally posted in the network's conferences or written specifically for this electronic magazine. All text contained within are copyrighted to the originating author(s). Freely distributable for noncommerical purposes only. THE CBN WEB PAGE ---------------- If you have access to the World Wide Web, please stop by and visit our web page! On our web page, you can find the latest issue of our E-Mag, as well as an annotated index of back issues. You'll also find important information on how to join the conversation in the Comic Book Net, an archive of Comic Book Net fanfic, and other neat features! The URL address is: http://www.cris.com/~Xenozoid/ComicBkNet.html LOCATING THE ISSUES ------------------- The latest issue is always available from all the systems linked into The Comic Book Network. You can also find the back issues at America Online, by going to Keyword: Science Fiction, clicking on the menu item Comic Book Forum and then going to the Comics Library from there. All back issues should be available at the above sites, as well as our World Wide Web page. SUBMISSIONS ----------- To submit an article, review, column, etc to our e-mag, simply post it in any Comic Book Net conference and leave me a message in the CBN: E-Mag conference giving me permission to use the article. If you cannot access the Comic Book Net, submit your news articles (no reviews accepted at this time...) to the editor: Xenozoid@cris.com. SUBSCRIPTIONS ------------- If you wish to receive these issues automatically through your internet account, please address a message to Xenozoid@cris.com to be placed on the subscription list. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - End of Issue #43.. see ya next week!