================================================================= 09/09/95 (<<(*=-- DREAM FORGE --=*)>>) MAGAZINE (<<((*=-- The electronic for your mind! --=*))>>) ================================================================= Publisher: Dave Bealer Managing Editor: Rick Arnold dbealer@dreamforge.com 75537.1415@compuserve.com Forge, v.t.; from L. fabricari, to make, construct; from _faber_, a workman, artisan; to make by or as by this method; to form; to shape; to produce. syn. make; hammer; invent. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Monthly e-MagaZine for a thinking and literate readership, 95% freelance written. Works with inveterate and new writers. Ms published 1-2 months of acceptance. Takes First Serial electronic Rights, will accept One-Time Rights on reprints. Pays apx 60 days after publication. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. "Looking for stories with a positive message, even if the message is hidden deep within the fabric of the work." Preferred lengths 1,000 to 2,000 words, for Humor/Op-Ed; Fiction 2,000 to 4,500+. Guidelines for #10 SASE or download WRITERS.TXT. Sample e-copy and guidelines on dos disk for $2.00 w/SAS(M)ailer. METHOD OF SUBMISSION: Send your ALL ASCII TEXT ms by Internet Email to: dbealer@dreamforge.com; or, via modem to: The Virtual Word: (1:261/1129) (410) 437-3463; WRITERS BIZ BBS (1:2601/522) (412) 588-7863; or, via Fido file attach with a netmail message addressed to Sysop. NOTE: ALL ASCII TEXT -- this means NOT A Word Processor .DOC; so, convert it to ALL ASCII TEXT, please. Include a brief Bio along with your work, and if you want paid (see below) include your mailing address, email address, phone, and SSN. As a last resort, place your work on a DOS disk, and place two copies on the disk, do not compress it with Zip or whatever, if it fills a 1.44 disk -- it's too big anyhow. Mail to the Postal address below. If you're uploading your work to a BBS, use Zip (if ya got it), rename the zipped file (unique name, and rename the file to use your initials as the file extension, e.g. RAVEN.POE, vice RAVEN.ZIP. FORMAT: Flush Left, 65 columns Right margin, single space between paragraphs, ASCII Text. We DISCOURAGE submissions on paper, but grudgingly accept if your work is EXCELLENT! All manuscripts are considered disposable, even if you provide RETURN mailer. We are into electronic communications, if you didn't notice, . ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: After saving your manuscript to ASCII TEXT, please check to ensure there are no control codes! Printer and other codes will trash your file as it gets passed via various gateway systems! A DOS Editor (Qedit, or others) will show print codes if still in your manuscript, take a Look at it before sending -- text only. ================================================================= NONFICTION: Humor, Satire, Essays, Reviews, Op-Ed, and Commentary from 1,000-4,000+ words. Pays $10-$100, w/profit sharing. FICTION: Short stories most any genre from 1,000-6,500+ words, longer works will be serialized; Pays $10-$100, w/profit sharing. POETRY: Any style and length will pay: $2-$20, w/profit sharing. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DREAM FORGE shares profits with authors (if we ever achieve that lofty goal) where 10% of profits, from specific revenues, paid on a pro-rated basis, annually, as a bonus to the authors from the issue in which the authors' work appears. Details of the profit sharing are contained on file at DF BBS. This writers' guideline is your offer to contract. ********************* If you're an OVERLY SUCCESSFUL Author, you may decline payment! Specific funds will be donated to targeted non-profit agencies which DREAM FORGE, Inc. supports: Reading Is Fundamental, Laubach Literacy International, and Literacy Volunteers of America. *** ================================================================= Via Internet get: info@dreamforge.com DREAM FORGE Subscription Info odfd@dreamforge.com Info to be Official DREAM FORGE Distributor order@dreamforge.com Personal Subscription Order Form Dream Forge, Inc., 6400 Baltimore National Pike, #201, Baltimore, MD 21228-3915; BBS: (410) 255-6229 (data only). {DREAM}