I hope there are others out there who are as interested in NASCAR racing as I am. Here are the known teams, car sponsers, drivers, etc. that were known on the date of the creation of these screens. We'll be updating this file throughout the year with the winners, sponsers updates, and other things as needed. This file will be called NASCAR__.ZIP where the first # is the year, example 6 will always mean 1996! The second number will be the version number, example 1 is this file and updates will be 2, 3, 4, etc. If you've got any additional things you think should be in these screens then please call my BBS with these suggestions. Finally, any better graphics screens you would like to be added with notations on who created them will be appreciated. ENJOY!! The Wizard Listing of all files in this Archive! CASTLE.COM AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR MY BBS! AT LEAST LOOK AT IT! CASTLE2.COM AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR MY BBS! EVEN BETTER GRAPHICS! CASTLE3.COM AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR MY BBS! SIMPLE GRAPHICS! README.TXT THIS TEXT FILE DESCRIPTION! THANKS.BBS CAN BE CHANGED TO YOUR BBS'S INFORMATION! SCHEDULE.BBS LIST OF WINSTON CUP RACES AND CHANNELS! > PLEASE DO NOT TEAMS.BBS LIST OF WINSTON CUP TEAMS, SPONSERS ETC.!> DELETE OR GNSCH.BBS LIST OF GRAND NATIONAL RACES SCHEDULED! > ALTER IN ANY GNTEAMS.BBS LIST OF GRAND NATIONAL TEAMS, SPONSERS! > WAY MY BBS INFO SUPERTRK.BBS LIST OF NEW SUPER TRUCK SERIES RACES! > IN THESE FILES! FILE_ID.DIZ DESCRIPTION OF THIS ARCHIVE! THANKS! DESC.SDI DESCRIPTION OF THIS ARCHIVE! BOBBY QUEEN