Title of Game : Battle of the Eras Patch Type of Game : Beat 'em up. Only a bug fix patch Operating Sys : MS-DOS Uploader Email : mocanu@blvl.igs.net Date Uploaded : 10-29-95 Short Descrip. : Patch/bug fix for berasd.zip Long Desc : This patch fixes a few annoying features of Battle of the Eras. It fixes the annoying delays in the menu. Now you have to hit a key to clear a message instead of waiting. The scrolling text in the story is more legible now. The 'quick exits' in the fighter pick have been removed, and a few errors in the documentation are fixed. (setup)Same keys bug is fixed. Now you cannot assign the same keys for more than one action. Player 2 is the left side of the keyboard, and Player 1 is the keypad (right side).