D A W N O F T H E H U N T E D (c) 1995 SS Ltd. A New Era In BBS Gaming Promo-Pak Xtra #1 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Date: November 5th 1995 Ok, your probably asking yourself by now "what the heck is `Dawn of the Hunted'?" Well, it is the newest BBS door game out there. Programmed professionally for the finest, most stable, sharp-looking, inter-BBS and multi-node door today. Yes, that's great, but what about the game? Well, read on fellow reader. Grant Stancliff AKA "Eclipse" Lead Programmer ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Story: Set in the turn of the 21st Century, you are thrust into the role of a battle-hardened bounty-hunter. You have nowhere to sleep, no food to munch on, and no woman (or man for you women folk) at your side. You are forced to hunt human prey to surv- ive. You will travel from the slums of Manhattan to the streets of Mali, North Africa. With your trusty weapon of choice (and there's a lot of them!) you'll have to face the baddest of the bad: the criminals of the future. But, hey, it's not all dark and gloomy. You can always rely on your wrist unit to update you on your current assignment or to give you hints on where to track the scum next! You'll be able to fight in the Holo-Arena when you get bored of fighting the bad guys and perhaps a drink at the Cantina will lift your spirits. If tracking the bad guys isn't enough, you'll have to put up the the bureocratic orders of the Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG). Hey, sometimes you don't want to go to Chile to track down that convicted felon... All in all, it's been a bad couple of years since the 'ol big-bash turn of the millenium, so it's up to YOU to clean up the garbage. Good-luck! (You'll need it!) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Features: *Inter-BBS Play: Always two or more BBS's to combine their users to an all-out battle to bring the baddies to justice. Maybe even your friend will get in the way, too bad: just take 'em out! *Multi-Node Capabilities: Allows two or more nodes to interact with message writing, real- time online battles and more! *VGA Local-Mode: Tired of the bright ANSI pallete? Soften it up with this feature! *Easy Setup/Install: Do you ever just want to slam your fist into the moniter trying to figure out all the .BAT files, the .CFG files and error levels, what not? Well not with Dawn of the Hunted (DOTH), it's as easy as tying your shoelaces. (Which some of us still have problems with!) *Fresh Style: With an easy to understand menu-system, with Online-Help, you'll have no trouble just jumping in. You'll be hunting down the bad-guys in no time. *User-Friendly Colors: Ever puke all over your keyboard from all the FuNkY TeXt and the BRIGHT colors (some of these guys gotta be color-blind) well, with DOTH you'll be without your Blue Blockers (TM) when hunting! *User Support: Friendly author who answers ALL email personally and doesn't forward it to someone else. If you need an answer, you'll get it directly from the author himself! :) *No Useless Files: What about those archives with all kinds of #$%@ files or embedded .ZIP files? Yeah, they're annoying. So with DOTH, it's short, it's simple and you don't need to delete all the worthless files. *Always A New Experiance: Because of random events, and an easy to use scripting language. The scripting language will consist of easy to use command, like GetKey, Spew, ect. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ When, where, how and why? Ok, first when: December 1st, 1995. Perhaps sooner* Where: You'll no doubt find it at your local BBS, if not, then call `The Blockade BBS' at (509) 487-3970. USR 14.4/28.8 (8-N-1) How: That's a ridiculous question. Why: So you'll be the coolest SysOp on the planet: your users will love you. :) *Maybe in the later part of November...who knows? :) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Files Included in this archive (DOTHPAK1.ZIP): DOTHINFO.TXT: What your reading now. DOTHPIC2.GIF: The cool .GIF you can use to promote `Dawn of the Hunted'. Is there more than one.... ? FILE_ID.DIZ: BBS File Info DESC.SDI: Another BBS File Info thing. :) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Support Sites: The Blockade BBS (509) 487-3970 This is the author's own BBS. Leave feedback to Eclipse. The Razor's Edge BBS (509) 922-1535 This is a demo-test site. Leave feedback to Eclipse. ****Also check this place out for a brand new BBS Software in '96**** Email: Prereg@Net-Works.com (Any questions at all should be directed to the above address) WWW Address: In the works! FTP: In the works! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Other Info: Dawn Of The Hunted will be shareware. This means, you will be able to play/use the demo version for as long as you like. If you like the game enough, or want to enable certain registered only features, you are expected to pay a small registration fee of $15.00. The codes will be sent via US Mail, and or by email. When the door is released, there will be credit card registration available, and an address where to send checks or money orders. Stancliff Spectrum Ltd. is also planning for simultaneous release (or very close) of a Medieval RPG (watch this spot in the next promo- pak!) Next Release Date of the Stancliff Spectrum Ltd. promo-pak: November 20th 1995. Watch for it! Have fun!