A Note on HETH v0.6 beta for HEXEN: HETH is now able to create new PWADs and have the nodes rebuilt using ZenNode v0.95. Both of these programs are beta, but I have found them to be stable and reliable (so far). Please read the SETUP.TXT file for infor- mation on setting up HETH (and DETH) reliably; it's important, and neither program will work correctly if you haven't bothered to modify the configuration or initialization files to match your system. Also, please read ZenNode.doc by Marc Rousseau for important information on ZenNode v0.95. HETH and ZenNode are in development and may have flaws. So if something gets screwed up, tough luck. These are betas, after all, and you have been warned. We would appreciate a note on any bugs you *do* find, so please e-mail HETH bug-reports to myself or Antony, and ZenNode reports to Marc Rousseau. Anyone with any technical info on HEXEN is more than welcome to share it with the author of HETH, Antony Burden (or you can let me know and I'll pass it on). - John W. Anderson (aka Dr Sleep) [76132.3415@compuserve.com] - Antony Burden [100141.277@compuserve.com] - Marc Rousseau [mroussea@pictel.com] 10-24-95