Ninja Commandoes. (c)1995 Scott Douglas All trademarks(tm) are the property of the company who made 'em up. Ninja commandoes is a first person shoot 'em up similiar to DOOM(tm) or WOLF3D(tm). The object is quite simple. Shag your sorry ass through 4 levels of Ninja scumbags. Vaporize as many as you can, and still live to see 'ol glory at the end. There is no save game feature installed. You will have to be good! Memory/system settings: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need the following to run the game 590-600k Conventional memory. 2500k Extended memory. The FILES=.. in your Config.sys file must not be less than 30. Functions: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the functions are found on the help screen by pressing the F1 at any time during the game. You can exit the game by pressing the ESC key. To start game: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the c:\ninja directory and type in the following string depending on your computers configuration. go -where s1 -> Sound blaster support. s3 -> PC speaker support. t -> Midi music support. j -> Joystick support m -> Mouse support. Example strings. go s3 m = Run the game with a pc speaker, and a mouse. go s1 j = Run the game with a sound blaster, and a joystick. Errors: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a critical error (#188) happens when trying to start the game, Unzip the files again using the -d argument. Authors Note: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, my name is Scott Douglas. I created this game because I love third person shoot 'em ups. Remember those long nights when WOLF3D first came out? This game is not as good as DOOM or WOLF3D, nor will it ever be. I'm only one person. I do not have the team necessary to produce such high quality shareware games. I do however believe in the shareware system. My goal is to eventually quit my day job, and start a software company. I want to continue developing the games most people can play for more than a few hours, while only spending less than $5.00. I hope you will like it. If you'd like to see more inexpensive games please contribute to the author by sending $1.00 to the address below. Scott Douglas 42 Woodlawn Rd. Burlingtn, Vermont 05401 U.S.A My wife and family thank you. :-)