Unnofficial GUS Patch For StoneKeep that works on the CD Version Well, I just got this wonderfull game and to my dismay it didn't support my GUS for music and MegaEm doesn't work on my machine (no NMI). So I set out looking for a Patch to fix it, I found the V1.1 Patch (ftp.interplay.com/pub/patches/sk_*), and I also found a patch that claimed to make it work on my GUS. Trouble is that it didn't work, it requires that your replace the HMI drivers, which are located on the CD. So I set about making it work. The result is this very very convoluted patch. I have included in this archive all the files that are required to fix V1.1 of stonekeep, you should have the V1.1 patch installed. Here is how it works, unzip the included archive into your stonekeep directory, with directories (-d). It will overwrite setup.exe and patch\sk_v11.exe as well as adding a few new files. You must then edit gusset.bat and skgus.bat to change the stonekeep directory if you didn't install to c:\stonekee, the line: append c:\stonekee /PATH:ON /X:ON Is the one to change, mine reads append c:\games\stonekee /PATH:ON /X:ON Once that is done run guset and choose General Midi, port 330. Also choose a card for digital (GUS or GUS max). Then test MIDI and Digital, if all went well you should hear lovely GUS sounds for MIDI! On my 512k gus I found that I couldn't have ProPats installed, it would screw up, prolly due to lack of memory. After the setup works save and exit and run skgus. The game should load and run fine. How This Patch Works Well, it's very simple, Interplay was kind enough to include FULLY WORKING GUS DRIVERS in the HMIMDRV.386 file. Pity they didn't let you set them up. This patch only makes minor changes to the HMIMDRV.386 file to change the driver ID of the MIDI driver to equal the driver ID of the GUS driver (the two are swapped) Also, the GUS Driver is hard coded to run on port 220, for some reason setting it in the setup program doesn't work. Now, all this HMI twiddling was done by mok@slip.net, the person who put out skeepgus.zip. Like I mentioned before, the drivers are on the CD. The solution to that is rather complex (well, the one I found is)! StoneKeep will NOT search the hard drive for HMI drivers, only the CD. So what I did is modified setup.exe and sk_v11.exe so that it loaded HMI*.396, not HMI*.386. Then I ran append and set it to append the driectory with the renamed HMI files, now it loads them from the hard drive. The net result is that the only reason GUS support couldn't be added by Interplay is that setting the MIDI port to 220 and the digial port to 220 doesn't seem to work! Donno why! Write them letters :> Take Care, Culus of Ethos, gunthorg@cuug.ab.ca