Astrometrica 2.1 Demo-Images ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The CCD images described here were taken at the private observatory Obermair/Meyer (MPC Observatory Code 540), which is located at 48.4425ø N, 14.2753ø E, 815m above sea level, using a ST-6 CCD camera on a 288mm f/5.2 Schmidt-Cassegrain at prime focus. C94O_01.ST6, C94O_02.ST6 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ These two images, taken on September 8, 1994, show comet 1994o "P/Machholz 2". Using the contrast scaling functin (F7 key) while measuring the image, it's easy to pick out the nearly stellar nuclear re- gion within the bright coma and make precise measurements of it. Some 5' northeast of the comet, one (Fragment "B") of four faint, diffuse companions can be seen on these 30 second frames. However, for precise astrometric observations of this compnent, a longer integration time has been necessary. 1602_01.ST6, 1602_02.ST6 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ These two images were taken on March 11, 1994 in order to refine the orbit of minor planet (1620) "Geographos" in preperation of the flyby of the "Clementine" spacecraft on schedule later that year. Unfortunately, the mission has been cancelled later due to a failue of the spacecraft. By chance, another minor planet, (5833) 1991PQ, was caught on the images. It's easy to pick out both asteroids using the blinkcomperator of "Astrometrica's" full version. By using the 'Remeasure Object'-Function, the position of the minot planet can be measured very quick, without measuring the background and reference stars, again. If you want the results to be compared with the calculated position, remember to load the respective orbital elements. The images were taken using the ST-6 "Track and Accumulate" - mode. Using manually noted times (Universal Time UT) when each of the individual ex- posures began, one can calculate the time of mid-exposure as shown here: 1620_01.ST6 1620_02.ST6 Start of Exposure 1: 19:13:33 19:32:43 Start of Exposure 2: 19:15:30 19:34:29 Start of Exposure 3: 19:16:58 19:35:57 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mean: 19:15:20 19:34:23 Half the integration time of an individual Exposure: + 00:00:30 + 00:00:30 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Time of mid-exposure: 19:15:50 19:34:53